Hello I've got an error while updating and creating the iso image. Full log is below. What causes this? Code: Index : 0 Exception : You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. Category : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException ErrorID : InvokeMethodOnNull Target : Command : $ISOFile = GetPath -Path $WorkFolder -Child ($($InstallInfo.Edition).Replace(' ', '') + "_$($InstallInf o.Build).iso") Script : C:\users\b***\desktop\00\Src\Public\New-ISOMedia.ps1 Line : 13 Column : 56 Index : 1 Exception : The property 'CodeName' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. Category : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException ErrorID : PropertyNotFound Target : Command : Else { $ImageData.CodeName = $CurrentVersion.BuildBranch.ToUpper().Split('_')[0] } Script : C:\users\b***\desktop\00\Src\Public\Get-ImageData.ps1 Line : 81 Column : 28
@KedarWolf I will make now the usage script, just a minute Was still testing the function. Anyone knows, how rufus tool suppresses the privacy switches during the windows setup?
Is it normal that there are still some layout modifications being made (icons added in the Start menu like Master Control Panel, etc.) even though "LayoutModification" is set to false in Configuration.json?
@gdeliana "SourcePath": "Select", or "SourcePath": "D:\\1\\22000.829.220706-1736.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD2_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO", not working anymore. Latest commit.
I tested with your exact path in the sourcePath, luckily i happen to have also a D: drive, and everything worked fine for me. Can you help me with any specific error with what is happening? Edit: Maybe now that i reverted the sourcePath key to how it used to be, it should work? Test it and let me know
Source Path works now. Below on a 128GB USB that works on the same ISO with RUFUS. Edit: Probably because on an ISO bigger than 4.4GB it needs to be formatted as NTFS into two partitions, that's what RUFUS does. I integrate ALL my Windows drivers resulting in a big ISO, even with Solid compression. Code: Creating bootable usb. Format-Volume : Size Not Supported Activity ID: {a1e02b9a-9c51-0009-5136-e0a1519cd801} At D:\Optimize-Offline-master1\Optimize-Offline-master\Src\Public\FlashUSB.ps1:25 char:2 + Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/...age/MSFT_Volume) [Format-Volume], CimExcepti on + FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 4097,Format-Volume Failed creating bootable USB Optimize-Offline completed in [7] minutes with [2] errors. Clearing temp directory...
The first error is for the replace method being run on the variable $InstallInfo.Edition, it's meant to replace the space with the comma (or vice versa). However since $InstallInfo.Edition is null (inexistent) it gives the error. Why is the $InstallInfo.Edition Null?? Good question But this data comes from the ISO image Second error also is related to the ISO info you have provided as input. Please check the ISO, or try with one built from UUP-DUMP. Otherwise you can share with me a link of the ISO and i will test further
@KedarWolf I have made the ability to flash install.wim larger than 4GB by using the swm splitting method. Unfortunately i cannot use NTFS because i will get a non bootable usb. There are many bioses out there which cannot boot in NTFS. Regarding rufus, it uses some special UEFI partition for that. For now i haven't figured out yet how to do that. The size of the FAT32 partition will be the size of the ISO + ~25MB offset. If you could test the swm splitting if it works as intended that would be great.
USB option works now, but only if the USB is formatted GPT, if it's MBR it fails (my backup software uses MBR by default).