I am constantly monitoring LTSC2019 which is 1809. Most lists are just combined lists of endpoints from somewhere without to have checked if they really play a role. I only list what is really called at my own DNS. It has focus on MSFT windows, but without to affect WindowsUpdate. Of course other apps are calling home, too. For instance nvidia (services.gfe.nvidia.com) and adobe acrobat reader (armmf.adobe.com) etc,etc... An exception are all the .cloudfront.net URL's which do change their prefix. They are Amazon cloudfront service related and are called frequently. If possible one should block all them using regex (^|\.)cloudfront\.net$
Nice topic here, thanks for it. I keep seeing references to a list compiled by Yen, but can't seem to find it. Just wondering if anyone could please direct me to it? Thanks in advance.
Excellent Post! Thank you...Just wanted to also reference the RegKey: Spoiler HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NlaSvc\Parameters\Internet.
My apologies to you all if this has been discussed before. I'm trying to figure out what telemetry still exists in LTSC and if so how to disable? This guide appears to be more for windows 10 (home/pro etc)
Any w10 version connects to MSFT endpoints to send data. The differences of the windows versions are the endpoints which are connected. LTSC also connects to watson.telemetry.microsoft.com for instance. To answer your question, yes LTSC also has telemetry but it is more configurable and connects to less endpoints. You also can apply group policies there which you cannot at consumer editions. If you want to block the endpoints in question for LTSC you can use my list for instance. Info you get at first post (push spoiler below host file block). The current list and additional info is here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...lemetry-repository.63874/page-48#post-1516962 I'd suggest after LTSC installation firstly use on board settings to adjust it to your likes and disable what you don't want. Also consider if you need SmartScreen for instance. Then have a look at my list and the endpoints listed there (some with description). Make your own list and save it. d:\win10\hosts.block.txt. Use the script provided by Mr Jinje at first post to apply it. Test it and if needed reapply an edited list whenever you like. Additionally you can use group policies. For instance to completely disable defender AV or set telemetry level to 0 or whatever they can do.
Blocking outgoing TCP to port 80 (http): blocks most of the telemetry, not to mention security (malware/phishing links) and the increased privacy (no leaked unsecured data when connecting to SSL webpages, also using an encrypted DNS).
@drew84 Your list includes non windows related URL's as well. I only post here LTSC related URL's. That's why my list is actually short. BTW. Current Nvidia driver (no Nvidia experience installed) calls services.gfe.nvidia.com (only). You might want to add this to your Nvidia section. Most people use predefined lists from elsewhere and make their own. It's actually nothing wrong, but active monitoring makes clear what's really called and what changes. For instance LTSC used to call v10.events.data.microsoft.com only. And since last month it also calls v20.events.data.microsoft.com.