Really. Did you think about this at all? "Way too concerned about privacy"? By who's standard? Yours? Do you presume to tell me where my "line" of concern should be, and then have a problem if I cross that line? So here's a question. Which of the two emails should I send in response? Or.... Some people actually think they can write the 1st email, and they actually expect that others are supposed to respond with the 1st response, and are SHOCKED and TERRIFIED when they get the 2nd response instead. I'm genetically wired for freedom, and to kill anyone that tries to enslave me. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is. Others can contemplate enslavement as if there is an up-side. I cannot. True Americans cannot. Statists can, will and do, and they expect others to do also.
Vladimir, This is artifact to me and personal friends of mine with due respect to you. Some people in this forum and many others shoot too much their mouth off, and the rules now in simple language or jive state watch your mouth and attitude before and you know that means easy math it's has started in Europe and China and Russia and in the US and Canada and it's the real deal I suggest watch your mouths and attitude anywhere on the Internet. It's that simple or you will be singled out just make sure you have your dancing shoes on, trolls never leave home without them the real ones don't. Bravo Vladimir
I'll try to keep this simple-minded drivel in mind the next time I'm standing at a bus stop, waiting for a bus and a government agent runs up to me and shoves a fiber-optic cable up my back-side and tries to perform a colonoscopy on me. Guess if you don't want your government putting things up your back-side, you shouldn't be out in "public", right? Please protect me, MJ. My government wants to know my innermost secrets, and only you can save me. Only you can save all of us.
Hopefully the OP has also said no to his cable company and pretty much every website there is as they are collecting a treasure trove of everything you do. I think he may be better off just not using the internet at all.
If this forum allowed signatures, this would be mine, right now. "Shoot too much their mouth off" is brilliant syntax and I don't think Canada you are from. It feels more like Russian, where at the end of the sentence you find the subject. Cowards fear electronic rejection and ostracization. And the thought patterns learned online will eventually be made real, in real life. I live a dangerous real life now because I now say the things to real people in real life where there are real risks, that I do online where one can tell the truth in safety. This is why the perpetrators of simplistic state dogma are so dangerous, these people that think that if a person can be categorized as a "hater" and then socially excluded, then think that somehow (magically) something good has taken place. When in fact what has taken place is that the lowest end of Bell Curve has excluded the upper end of the Bell Curve, and removed the only justification for their own continued survival. The left side of the Bell Curve needs the right side in order to survive, and in contrast by removing the left side the entire population's standard and quality of life improves. Dim as they are, the left side understands this, and fears the possibility that the right might someday implement this cost-effective and common sense strategy to improve the quality of life for everyone. And you are correct there are real consequences sometimes but it is better to live on your feet than to die on your knees. I am sure you agree with that.
Whoh! I came here to see what people were saying about Windows 10 and it seems to have turned into Tinfoil Hat Town. I must buy shares in aluminium foil, quickly... Those that are paranoid about being tracked, get an Amiga 1200 with a compatible PCMCIA wi-fi card, EasyNet with Miami browser and surf the Net with that. Next to feck all will work and it will be slow as Hell, but hey, no cookies and s**t. You can party like it's 1993...
@Vladimar You might have posted some valid arguments. Anyway your arrogance and need to raise your ego by diminishing other members and getting quickly personal here let you appear as an uncomfortable person.... Are you in a sore need of to do so by pointing on seemily weaknesses of others (orthography and the like which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic itself) , even insulting them..only to have your ego crying? Come on you can do it another way....if you would act the way as you want to appear (intelligent) you would not insult others and getting personal
Then you are saying that there is no other option but embrace the fact that we have no privacy unless we opt to be at margin of modern society. I can install some of the latest linux distro in any modern hardware, and browse the web without being forced to share what color is my toothbrush. Most important not share with people that I don't know. No Amiga 1200 needed, no tinfoil, no need to cover webcam and unplug mic. I don't known who's microS0ft, most important, I don't known who's are those "MS partners" mentioned in EULA, because there is no reference to them in anywhere. It's all about choice, and what is being questioned here is that choice doesn't exist in windows 10.
@ revertex My post was trying to illustrate the ludicrous nature of Vladimar's posts. Of course you could just use Linux, but to the totally paranoid, that would be too easy, so I offered an equally stupid solution to his problem. You can actually use the Internet on an A1200, but it's not a fun experience.
I'll just issue Glenn Greenwald's little challenge to any of you "privacy doesn't matter/you can do nothing" types; Post your email addresses and passwords here. Go on. I'll wait. After all, you've nothing to hide, what's the harm? EDIT: Ah, nobody has done so. Got something to hide then I guess? Looks awfully suspicious doesn't it? Etc. Invite someone random that you do not know into your home and give them permission to go through all of your documents and rummage through your things. Let them copy whatever they like. You won't do this. Why allow it to be done to your computer?
Not using 10 myself but these people that trot out the same old line if you have nothing to hide why worry Will you say the same when they eventually want to install cameras all over your house, you'll have nothing to worry about as you have nothing to hide Being concerned about your privacy doesn't make you a tin foil hat wearer.
Yes "privacy" matters. Your on the net.. people talk as if OMG the Internet just started July 29th and we need to HIDE! Yes there are some things you can do but you cant hide. To make is simple.. its playing hide and seek. You personally have to hide and you cant. Using some proxy helps but lol does not hide you..your not the source. You personally need things at home.. blah blah blah. You never make waves.. you hide in plain sight blah blah blah. Its like hitting shift P or command shift (Os X) in firefox so now you can browse in private. So at least the wife or MOM wont see where you were..yet its still remembered.. proxy or not lol..slight of hand.. So again like always ..who are you?.. so if they want anything is where you go what you see and read. No more paper.. digital..
Precisely this... No matter where you live in the world, if your connected and a modern member of society you are being spied on in some way or fashion, PERIOD! It is the ONLY way companies and governments can learn what they believe we as a society want and need, or to satisfy their hidden agendas. Without spying, none of them would know how to stay in business (unless of course surveys became mandatory for everything lol), and without them staying in business the Internet would be a completely dead technology and not exist in the first place. If you don't like it, or can not accept it, then do like I am doing. Plan on buying a small sail boat and sailing deep into the middle of the Pacific wtshtf. OR, hike deep into the middle of the Amazon forests, and build your home there possibly forever off-grid and hope your not eventually eaten by the locals. But I am going sailing permanently someday in order to get away...
Oh and a timesaver for those trotting out the ancient dull "tin foil hat" lines. Uh... Tinfoil would actually not help. At all. If anything in a lot of cases it would act as an amplifier of signals. Still, carry on pretending to know what you're talking about.
I know what you mean, yes, most people install google chrome and log in their google accounts without realizing what are doing. But those are mostly windows users playing with Ubuntu. there are plenty of browsers like Arora, Midori, konqueror, iceweasel, even chromium can be a good alternative. You always have the option to hack a neighborhood WiFi weak password and browse the web with tails running TOR or behind a bunch of proxies for these days you feel a bit paranoid.
Besides that, what if you really REALLY want to be a part of an armed revolution in your country? What if you were exactly the kind of person the government was looking for? There's lots of different ways to look at "privacy" and one person's concerns (and therefore definition) may not be someone else's. And frankly, some people are simply too young and too stupid to even know what "privacy" is all about. What's that now-defunct website "pinkmeth"? Where ex-boyfriends would upload images of their naked girlfriends doing sex acts, etc... Bet those girls have a level of respect for the word privacy NOW, huh? Now that it's too late, and their bouncing boobs will be stored on the internet and in the public conscience forever. Young people are for the most part and by definition, stupid. They don't care about their boobs, etc... because they don't have a job where having embarrassing images of yourself would be an issue. The idiot criminal teenagers in my neighborhood boast of their crimes on their Facebook page, the idiots. The 20-something down the street just got put into County Jail because he bragged on his Facebook page about how he got away from the Police after doing a Robbery. Idiot didn't know that Law Enforcement doesn't have to be on your "Friends" list in order to see the stuff you post on Facebook. And, the rest of us mature adults certainly do not want that jackass making governmental/political decisions about our privacy. People stupid enough to brag about their crimes on Facebook have no business having power over other people. Anyone disagree with that?