Support ends in a few months, where to go next?

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Kim100, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009

    Attached Files:

  2. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    Used debian yers ago and it was good, tried it again recently with Mate desktop and i like it :)
  3. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
    Things have moved on rapidly [for Linux] recently, some versions are still very hard to master, others like MX are actually easier to set up, update and install software than Windows. I notice that more software companies are now offering Linux [especially Debian] versions of their products. At long last I can do just about everything I want within Linux, one of the biggest barriers for me in recent years has been mobile phones, satnavs and other product that required Windows programs to update/upgrade, these things are all self sufficient these days. MX also recognizes NTFS drives which makes it very easy to transfer files across.
  4. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  5. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
  6. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Why alternatives? What's wrong with Windows 8.1?
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Support of w7 ends that's why you need an alternative to w7 :D
    Nothing wrong with 8.1 and nothing wrong with Linux MX.

    I really started 3 years ago with Mint and now Kubuntu. (before I only live booted a Linux distro to have it very temporary)

    The look and feel rather comes from the desktop which comes at MX Linux from Xfce.
    The reliability and how stable it is / standards installed and used come from the distro maker....

    I used to dual boot Linux and w7 until last April. Then I have replaced w7 with LTSC.
    Linux is my main OS since 3 years...I only use win when I have to (scientific apps / paid apps)...

    What I actually want to say.
    Have a look at both: Distro AND desktop...and you surely find a good combination being an w7 die hard fan...:)..and if you have still to use win, dual boot it.
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  8. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Were Linux suggested when XP went EOS? :D
    good Windows still has one release to go, then we can seek alternatives :)

    i'm not against exploring Linux, but i feel that the same discussion is being looped since Windows 10 released
  9. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
    #9 Kim100, Aug 22, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2019
    I agree but there are a vast number of Windows 7 users who have hung on until the bitter end because they just don't like the direction taken by Microsoft, they probably haven't followed those discussions.

    I preferred Windows 8 to 10 but why go there from 7? Its only got 3 years of support left, hardly worth getting comfortable with it.
  10. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    Right now, I cannot see any bitter end anywhere. Once the first REAL problem appears, I am sure we will read about it right here. And then we will see...
    I have installed Linux once too often because of the promises and was always disappointed. Their distros keep getting simpler to use, and will probably keep doing that. But unless it becomes really necessary... Win 7 will do just fine... But then... we are only using four computers in this house. So a change can be made quite fast.
  11. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
    I would run Linux on one and get to really know it, obviously I would recommend MX but there are other releases that are straightforward to setup and use. I have consigned Linux to the dustbin many times in the past but not this time, probably because I had no other option, I had one PC that was too low spec to run Windows.
  12. ExtremelyFancyUsername

    Oct 17, 2018
    I'm ditching Win7 for Zorin OS the second a major unpatched exploit comes out or I get bored, whichever comes first.
  13. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
  14. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    #14 rayleigh_otter, Aug 23, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
    Debian with Mate, dont piss around. If you go for a (debian based) fork you got to wait for debian to update then the forkers to update their :poop: Cut out the middleman. I dont bother with me too distros.
  15. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    I wouldnt bother with reactos either. people have been talking about it for years but i dont see it coming to fruition, none starter. :(
  16. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    i wouldnt dual boot, i'd dual os, install each one in isolation then your windows boot loader dont get touched, just select boot drive from bios.
  17. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
    Just my 2 cents on the topic:

    1.) If you want to stick with a Windows OS, I suggest skipping Windows 8.1 entirely. I got tired of things being split between the Desktop screen, the Apps screen, and the Metro screen. Makes it more confusing than it needs to be. I suggest upgrading to Windows 10 directly, and I suggest trying Windows 10 LTSC 2019. I tried Windows 10 Home for a while since I was able to upgrade from 8.1 for free, and got tired of Microsoft's policy of forced upgrades to new builds, because they somehow managed to bork the upgrade about 50% of the time. Very disappointed that they still can't seem to get this right and make it 100% reliable.

    2.) If you don't like Windows 10. then your choice is one of the Linux distros, and you have more choices now than ever before. Plus, many of them have simplified the installation process, making them very easy for first time users to get started. Debian and a lot of it's derivatives (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.) are always a good place to start. There is a bit of a learning curve involved, but if you're willing to do it, you'll be rewarded by having an OS that's easy to use, easy to upgrade, and very reliable.
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  18. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    1. Not a good suggestion. Win 10 being what it is, is the biggest reason why people hold on to Win 7.

    2. Yes, installation is easy... its the usage that is such a time waster, every time you need something new. After a while you simple get sick and tired of the time wastage. I did start with Suse at the turn the century, and must have tried half a dozen other distros. Last one was Mint in this year.
  19. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    i managed to get LTSC to a very highly polished state but w7 still runs quicker, 10 is laggy. the only caveat is w7 doesnt have a coffee lake igpu driver so you gotta find a w7 capable gpu card and thats extra £s. igpu makes for a simpler system. w7 wins by a cats whisker but its a very close call.
  20. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
    That's the point of this discussion. Holding on to Windows 7 will no longer be an option after January 2020, unless you think security updates and patches are no longer important. You're going to have to make a choice sometime within the next 5 months, and Windows 7 isn't included on the list of options.
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