Sweet but simply wrong. Chomsky speaks without jargon. And even if people aren't philosophers, guess what - they'll be able to understand his points... Go figure, eh, me being consistent and you coming empty handed while hunting in the mud....
I actually didn't want to cross-spoil (is that even a legit term, lol) this thread. If you want to know details especially in regard to corona then you might want to watch this interview with Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines himself. It is very interesting how it begun. Even he has been censored. You find the interview posted here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/coronavirus-discussion.81224/page-144#post-1679772
That guy reeks if not like a certified nut job, then certainly like a manipulative, deceiving scammer even without doing any fact-checking. And while he toyed with RNA, that's far from proclaiming itself as the inventor of RNA vaccines - he's just another frustrated asshole trying to gain some money or notoriety at the end of a mediocre career. Can you, like, post these factually wrong / misinformation / youtube research on the toilet seat under an alias? How can one feel confident to bring counter points or outright report it, when it's posted by the very site admin..
Fair point, @BAU. But one must also say, for fairness sake, that usually @Yen is OK in terms of not suppressing opposing posts, despite being Admin. I mean, I do that all the time, from the same principles, consistently and Yen is not intolerant of it, by and large, even though we sometimes have complaints, of course...
Only came in this minefield for a linux kernel news and the mild covid conspiracy catched my attention I know Yen is someone I can relate to and openly discuss stuff But should I worry that the infamous gorski acknowledged me? Neah, its 5'o'clock in the morning and I'm going fishing
It's kinda funny. You are worried about feeling confident when bringing counter points, but anything you did is posting an insult to Malone. Since I leave your post you can be assured, I'd leave real counter points as well.
nooo I've lost my favor with the gods and I'm out of virgins to ofrande them can I interrest you in a bichon instead? seriously though, I'm not trying at all to make you look bad, on the contrary, I want to increase your disbelief in people like dear doctor Malone he has published some related RNA work a long time ago and that's it. you could say that it helped the progress. but thousands like him have done the same. inventor? my arse. he was not involved at all in the work that really come up with mRNA vaccines what he was involved with after corona was publishing studies on inneficient "miracle" treatments, that were not only controversial but outright rejected by the scientific community. of course he's not trump-level drinking hypochlorite level, after all, he has a scientific career, no matter how mediocre. some stuff he states really makes sense, but on the whole he's just another talking head for one pharma or another, plus a personal pursuit for notoriety (and lately, victimisation about "censorship" - pff science is not biased - you push stupid dangerous stuff, you wont get many to answer your calls, other than leftist media outlets that will eat out of your palms since it supports their narative) dont take my word for it, do your own research, all published scientific work is available online as well as the overwhelming negative peer-reviews received
I dont know any other web site where i can tell an administrator that he's a moron ....... and not get shot
....in people like.....?!? . I don't have to dig in someones biography, assess it with personal bias and then use all this to argue on a particular interview. I am purely content related. I checked it and to me it makes perfect sense. I can comprehend censorship and to me it is real. I am looking at this as somebody who is member of the scientific society, too. We publish articles in journals, too. I can recognize refusal on repurposed drugs. Nah, far off. It's finally only 2 different opinions about something...
Hear me, baby, one more time - in people showing clear signs of trying to manipulate you he's formidable at that, too, given the technical background and his stings at Avance and epivax where I bet he attended bulls**ting perfecting courses - you most definitely defiantly need to dig someones biography when he's claiming he's the inventor of mRNA vaccines (btw, he recently backpedaled to say he only invented the "vaccine technology platform", but did not update his website or retracted his interviews, though) - science is not political; and while it's understandable to come pre-digested for us common folks, also coming pre-emotionalized is not a claim is either true, false or misleading at the moment, despite personal perfect sense bias Malone not being the mRNA vaccine inventor is not a matter of personal opinion - it's a fact. His push of ineffective treatments on a whim that could have ended up with disastrous outcome is also a fact. Ably making baseless claims about vaccines is also a fact, for me at least, but you can choose to distrust everyone else and eat Malone's words religiously if it's more convenient. Personally, I would pull this asshole down from the internet, but it seems he's not censured enough so his bulls**t freely roams alternative media and even MDL I've seen first-hand what listening to talking heads pushing agendas have done to my parents. I've seen friends with higher education getting all their information perverted from facebook and youtube. I've seen how media disinformation campaigns have kept my country at the bottom for more than 30 years, despite new generations getting at the helm. Yeah, they talk really smooth or really outraged depending on what the prompt displays. They talk a lot. Sometimes taking multiple conflicting sides in the same phrase, as surely they will fish something you wanna hear out of you. Once you're hooked, it does not really matter what they push anymore. Can't even fall asleep without having them shout / whisper in your year. Too tired to think for ourselves, to fact check. Too divided to associate against it. In unspectacular communist fashion, words meaning are twisted, political spectrum is up-side-down, everything is a conspiracy by the pizza joint pedophile lizard people and if we get caught saying stupid s**t we can always turn the tables by claiming racism / gender phobia / hate speech and not only escape responsibility, but also ruin those annoying people IRL.
I am sorry. I don't share your opinion at all. All the more I don't get along with your bashing attitude without to point on facts which would reason your opinion. For instance scientific works of others which would justify being inventor of mRNA instead of him. He himself is not keen on the title, but gets titled as such. There is a interview where he just talks about his career mostly using scientific terms. For me it's a lecture, I don't have problems to fully get what he did and together with whom. For me it is not important if he has the title inventor or not. As being said I relate to content. "Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of using "RNA as a drug" and core mRNA and DNA vaccine technologies." From retro viral gene therapies and HIV to luciferase reporter platform and charged lipids. From the huge drawback as insight that this tech never can become something like mRNA gene therapy as a drug (stops working after time to the insight that it can be a vaccine, though...etc etc.). And the video perfectly belongs to the topic here. "The MDL Times - Science and Tech. News on MDL" His works make him qualified to talk about current vaccines. I am impressed as a scientist what he did. I am afraid, but actually nobody is actually qualified to disqualify Malone without to refer directly to his works. His mRNA delivery tech is still used although the amounts of mRNA are today far lager being upscaled... Some of his assessments on current covid vaccines I don't share. But I am not here for a salon bar debate, either. No need to worry about me being manipulated. I am involved in preclinical research and drug design for decades and never got a victim of manipulation. Can get my own assessments about the vaccines, do not follow Malone 100%, but keep his assessment in mind. This is scientific exchange. To follow your demand to delete him is not!
lol, Malone brags about being the inventor of mRNA on his website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/mrna-vaccine-inventor What role do you feel Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman have in the invention of mRNA vaccines, since they hold the US patent to the technology? https://patents.google.com/patent/US8278036B2 https://patents.google.com/patent/US8748089B2 Dr. Malone does have an expired patent regarding mRNA though: https://patents.google.com/patent/US6110898A But Dr Kariko is the one being mentioned as a potential Nobel prize nominee for her work with mRNA, not Dr Malone.
Dude, it's science, haven't you read? A professional leech that managed to insinuate his name in couple of high impact studies (or get planted there by the sponsors) now holds all the truth about corona, mRNA vaccines, censorship and big pharma conspiracies (but wait, ain't the guy literally middle pharma - the pr department?!). How's the vaccine the company he worked for (in a talking head capacity rather than as a scientist) compared to the ones he bashed in a totally not conflict of interest? Probably better after they fired his arse after nearly dodging a bullet for his latest out of touch scientific work. The guy got radioactive.
They laid the foundation for mRNA based vaccines. They heard of the works of Felgner, Malone and Wolff (1990). The tech they made use of is in vivo transfection. This is a 'core' work of Malone: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2762315/ and: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1690918/ Their (Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman ) milestone then can be seen here: (2005) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16111635/ Also their idea to incorporate pseudouridine can be seen as a milestone. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2775451/ If you see there in their article they refer to Malone's work as being the first transfer ref3: The 'history' of mRNA started 1961. Until today there were several 'stages' of development. The history of mRNA tech is complex. Not even all the scientists have a clear opinion who should get a Nobel Price for it. Almost like answering: Who is the inventor of the Smartphone? This brings up a lot of drama. Malone's statements about vaccines make perfectly sense. This is my opinion. And there are techniques used (even to get in the mRNA without much inflammation) which are unknown to the public. (Also for instance manipulating TLR's) mRNA vaccine is not mRNA vaccine. For instance CureVac's candidate has failed. It's gene therapeutics and long term events are unknown. Edit: (I am writing this post step wise during my lab work). Concerning inventions.... We all know during history there is a lot of drama. For instance light bulb Edison / Swan... Or even more Tesla versus big money...versus Edison versus J.P. Morgan
If you think of it, if you know it, is it insane to say they already knew it? My opinion is that there's an intention with hidden purposes to apply this gene therapy to the entire world. Moreover, there is a correlation, perhaps not causation, between mARM gene therapies and the increment of deaths post inoculation. It needs to be investigated not promoted for worldwide population.
Just a big point: "Science is not political". False! Remove the liberal framework (Modernity) and see what you are left with... Compare Science in pre-liberal framework with its modern heir and assess their respective weight... The generalisation re. left-leaning media with conspiraloons is also poor! While there are plenty of conspiracies going on, big and small, good media of any kind and especially left-leaning ones have the heavy duty to follow the interests and present the evidence or else... As we can see, it's all too easy to jump to conclusions.... I have a friend, @Yen, whom I met last century. A German felah, sociologist, Indian philosophy buff, largely gentle, quiet guy... Nearly died in the 90-ties. A rare form of leukemia. He got onto an experimental gene therapy programme (Hammersmith hospital, London) and his uni career is still going just fine! I must ask him of some details but if I am correct, these results are with us for a while now....
When funding is required and the person with the money wants to change the narrative then@##$ happens! It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It
ha, that quote is still relevant- the governor of Florida is threatening to withhold the salary of school superintendents if they impose mask mandates on students and teachers: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle...ndents-salaries-over-mask-mandates/ar-AAN7Thp