Yep, i mean... i guess xD heres what i did: i turned the laptop off and unplugged everything, then connect the FAT32 USB Drive, then i press and hold fn+esc and connect the power supply and press the power button, immediately after release the power button the fans ramps to 100% and the USB flash drive turns a static green led on, but after that nothing happens (even after 5+ minutes).If i manually shutdown and restart the black screen problem that starts after the wrong bios update remains. i noticed that the usb flash drive when in use starts to blink this green LED and this is not happening, at first ive thought that was prob because the wrong filename but even after change the name to C5PRHX64.fd nothing happens still
Hello! Acer SF314-43. I am looking for a name for the bios file. What I tried: BIOS.fd, GH4UZ.fd, GH4UZX64.fd, abobios.fd, changed registers, but nothing works. The laptop enters recovery mode, the fans spin at full speed, but even after half an hour the laptop does not reboot or turn off. I also tried to format the flash drive in fat and fat32 with a decrease in memory to 512MB (og size 32GB). Please help!
I has renamed the bios.cap file to glcn.bin, then put the file in the usb drive and power on with Fn + R keys. The power led had blink, so after a seconds the led of usb drive start blinking for a short while like as searching for anything and stop, but nothing happen. I has ben waiting for 5 minutes and nothing. I had try other names like: bios.bin, bios.fd, GL_Crisis.bin, GLCrisis.bin, bios.rom, glcn.rom, EU_Crisis.bin, isflash.bin, isflash.fd, ALC6.bin ... Nothing else is working. Any idea whats is going wrong?
Problem solved. I couldn't make it work through a USB stick with crisis recovery or similar. So, I decided to buy the CH341A recorder and flash the bios directly. In case anyone else experiences this issue on this relatively new laptop: 1 - The chip on my board is W74M12JWSIQ, this chip works with 1.8v, to avoid burning the chip with the flash programmer, buy the CH341A programmer with the 1.8v adapter. On this board it was also possible to use the tweezers (alligator clip) directly on the board, so there was no need to remove the chip from the motherboard; 2 - Download the neoprogrammer program (I used version; 3 - As for the BIOS file, I used the backup file that the program generated before messing up my motherboard. The backup file is located at C:\Drivers\Flash\(folder with timestamp)\BIOSROM.BKP and is 16MB in size; 4 - To avoid a possible component failure, before starting the procedure, I removed (disconnected) the following components from the motherboard: laptop battery, CMOS battery, NVMe card, sata SSD, network interface; 5 - The W74M12JWS chip is a winbond W25Q128 series chip with an additional write protection feature, so when you open the neoprogrammer you must click the unlock button before doing any procedure; 6 - Install the programmer drivers before executing the procedure; 7 - When I open the neoprogrammer program, the W74M12 chip will be detected is the W25Q128FW, it worked perfectly for me on this chip; 8 - To record the bios, with the neoprogrammer open, just select a functional bios file, click on the UNLOCK button, click on clean (zero) the chip, then click on record. Here's the tip for those who are going through this. Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to make it work via recovery, so here's a method that really worked on this model. MODEL: Lenovo 15ALC6 Type 82MF Board NM-D521 (Brazilian model) Note: Translation by google.
Acer a315-56 no longer lights up after disconnecting internal battery and CMOS battery. All reconnected as before. Black screen, starts the fan for a few seconds and then restarts. I would like to flash the BIOS via usb. Can you tell me how? I have already downloaded the latest version of the BIOS. Extracted the file abobios.bin. how do I rename it?
Disconnecting and reconnecting battery usually leaves the BIOS itself untouched. Are you sure you have reconnected them properly? Can't you enter BIOS by pressing and holding F2 or F12 while you switch on?
AFAIK the recovery name is within the abodos.bin file. You could search for .FD using a hexeditor to get the right name. Here is an example name, but it's a different model: Edit. Maybe try the same name from the link or sometimes simply BIOS.fd can work, too. Just make sure the BIOS file is exactly right for your model.
In my case even after having the files setup in the USB and holding FN+R, my laptop sometimes wouldn't beep and would restart automatically. I would therefore keep holding the key combination until I suddenly hear the beeping sounds. So, I would recommend keep trying if you are sure that the filename is correct. Source: I did the recovery method like 5 times this week...