Yesterday at 22:08 Is anybody really reading all that stuff? ...not me [am genuinely sorry 'gentleman x'...not sure of your response above. am i that far off. that far off the mark? is 'the'' stuff, too real? or am i just [too far] ahead[lol] of possee ?]. cud we get to 'home' quickly or wud u rather not? do u want to wait til udders[de seeders] cash in and bee on board? do u want to pay for them? hard way, or easy one. as used to be said: 'u want it ur way...not the right way'. meaning in reality: the [really hard one: avec hot-'cross' buns, ur owns]. the hard way = thirteen of 'em. ur way might be the easy one yes, no? this one, the easy one...'requires', ease. too hard. a mental and an emotional difficulty[ies] it is or is it, ur call now. a choice. ur choice...of course it is. is it a choice...with other option. there is no such thing in the religious reality[?] god & devil [ the g & d ], good and or bad, in essence. ur essence/s. plse state simply, where's choice? i wudn't choose either one, either way.. v don't have to. freedom saes, mentions, suggests, i do NOT have to, choose... sounds pretty good, way better if seen as it... so, i doesnt 'haff to do', all ! a laff of a quest... 'who' or mayb ''''''what'''''? says any of that we ''haff to''... choose at all? why wud 'free' haff to do all. it is ''free''... men are born from seed [universal word on natural biological behavioural 'way', v. lol]' of [de britvic] man [the original of de species]... 'original man'...the first. [the won and only]? Man was free. men are too, aye. was it? are u therefore free. seems so by all odds...but if u insist...who am i? a nobody. if nay, who says ur not? u do say[by ur word, not mine. or perhaps...ur thawts do. [possibly 'emotos'[emotionals] also[possibly, probably.]] am wrong again. jeesh. man. struck out again. 0, 'zero for '?' '.didn't manage to get out of batter's box. argh well, maybe next season lol, v l. that's me am not sure if any of 'one' of these[me's][most 'me's' sold out to chaos' *ram-pants *, as key-way] exist here any more. don't know fur sure...]. laffing out v. loudly. [nah, phased with 'lecktr 'outages']. eye sees ya 'round... there's no point at moment[too much 'far point' to stay.] [reins on hands. reigns in the hands]. near the end. ...4 who? for, fort-y-tude. a 42 4.5Byr old carer...stuck & caught by it's own word by itself. it was un necessary. tho' no one wud say or be decent. are u. stay away from it. no heven post sadism. nada else just more of same. a dynamically invento-creative variable set with self adjustments and organising to reach home in an infinte-looking-never to find...loop. the XTs who and when made it through...gather with each other... headin for end...end of days. theirs. then onto... '''''' ***** '''''' forty-two. what else? signing off: 'eternity's one-two-three'. [p.s. u were rite vincent, your eyes, ur gift. 'that gentle loving kiss on ur 'wrists' to all of ours'.... u were so rite. u were 27. i was unfortunately, 42. son of man...[daughter too]...& woman. ea. & all] elyphant[never forgot].
said in hindsight i do notice no doubt... but then who am i...just an idiot, yes? or as put as above, so many times written and just shadowed by lack of typemenship...a person with serious problems. do Not we[?] all...or are ye just lucky? we do even if we say we do not. if not, u will have...some very serious ones down the line somewhere along the line. are u sure u won't. there are or may be a few out there who know of holy war and so onl.. and consequences of it. the ongoings that led to isolations near unbearable. others may know of war 'vets' who somehow made it back[they wudn't be vets otherwise, right? ] to civilised life[a big chortle here...ok] and went on somehow. these guys come in sizes and shapes from very large and tall to makeshift and small, very small. old to young and back again. still they fought for centuries and ensure that all had a fair chance and chances to have some form of life that was in varying ways...pretty okay. and u want to what now...make a fool of one of the most ridiculous nonsenses ever conceived of in such a tool as u and the likes of u...happy to promote such as scathing someone u know nothing of and about...and doing it ohhhh, so well, eh??? cud we take it out and shoot it...? ahhh, not worth it. yeah, ur right. see, ptsd is not at first known of as in the mind...are u aware of it? maybe now, u are. for thy sake's i guess u may. let's hope so. last thing... ...are u certain that your mind could deal with overloads such as if de lord et al came acreepin in and on ur mind...? ****************************************[ '' ]************************************* with vengenace and retribution weilded as if holy hell [!!!! Imagine such a thing !!!! LoL ] was let loose... Measures of justices seen as and by an angry gawd and it's teamings of angels abysmal and wanderers who were left with no where to go except sleeping ruff and no care or attentions of any kind looking for payback when all around them fell over themselves with laffter at such a silly bunch of idiots who had nada plus more of the same. those who had no hands to help stop such depravity. those who dealt out such as this scoffing, how wud they be seen by these men now? same as they saw them these who await now looking on and on... at the ones who wud have more than sufficient management skills to walk the hell away? eh? wud u have enuff to do as former words mention may be wise to have abilities of...yes? tc men. those who are.
Idiolalia applies to the way you are posting. The question who am I is something completely different. I absolutely cannot follow your sentences and I cannot recognize a sense or idea in them. There are techniques to break the normal discursive thinking, but your wor(l)ds are opposite since one tries to find a sense in them.... What do you actually want to say? I mean you come to a tech forum, register here and you do only post in one thread here....
Technically speaking, this question has no technical answer... See this, for instance:
Both spiritual and atheist (at least billions of both) can and do fully believe in life's reality. Either can put labels together and construct various forms of 'the meaning of life', but whether atheist or spiritualist, these constructs freeze life into a collection of snapshots. Life is constantly in motion, and any attempt at giving it meaning or constructing an idea of life that we can have or hold in our mind is silly, although very serious for some. It is the nature of the human mind to get, to hold, to have,,,answers. Most everybody is uncomfortable with the uncertainty of mystery. Life is a river, always changing at the blink of an eye.
the meaning of life is what ever it means to you , we are all different and we form opinions in our youth and some times we change our opinions as we get older !
And if we put that Q to a meaningless person who couldn't get a meaning out a loaf of bread, let alone life as such - what can one expect?
Everyone has their own "take" on meaning. For some, it's about money and power. For others, it's love. Who can really say? And who really has the right to judge others, or even compare them to ourselves and our own meaning? "One mans' ceiling is another mans' floor."
Authorities!!! Not that I need to say this, as I am sure you know it... Try to "misbehave" and see...
talking about the meaning of life what happens when the constant diarrhea starts and u run out of diapers...then what huh i bet u geniuses will never figure this one out. oh wait lets ask Chris888 he has all the answers