What is the meaning of life?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Uhenea

    Uhenea MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2018
    Everyone would have a different meaning, and this is because our individual lives are all different in one shape or another, no two are equal nor the same. At the end of it all, life is what you make of it.
  2. de crust

    de crust MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2015
    #582 de crust, Dec 25, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    a psyche nurse ventured outwards, in order to 'shout out to' thus did 'speak out to' varying [ always ] attentive 'listening ear-sets
    that were 'used' by the present-point 'psyche patients'
    therein, such as the place that was 'home'[8A] to these, the ''real living ''bestest ever there was''...
    them folk of all folks

    fell over from thereon into personal dimensions[not ever demon-tions.

    these places gone to were not seen...grasped again ever by any 'normal' such as were those...and the 'all patients'...

    [to this day and a few more days]for as long as these outrageous magics are, still here, if they are[?] i do not know.

    they set out same as did the Knights Templar...to assist in any way/s possible...to bring forward and thus,

    'to end of say' [word]...
    Bringing home to
    The Holy Grail. they did. it DID.
    it did happen.

    the Impossible was achieved.

    the Dream is now, no more, a dream.
    try this out a little...

    this is no more than a 'set of word'...

    STOP...YA FEKIN' FOOLS...Stops ur silly depraved hideousity of ''''''suffering'''''. what oin earth is rong[waywards] wich ya...? ffs/

    there is not one living viable variable 'member of' or within the Entirity of
    The Natural BIOMASS
    except of course...that old idiotic, Thuh intelligencia. Men [oh ffs,,,tell us another one. oh eye, do that...and quick as be damned...lol] who WILL with fully cognisant choices in turn,
    actually do this...as rule No. 1.
    we wil suffer til we die-eeee. gr8. that solves most of the wastage issues. eugenics. is that what u call it. but, thing is...men choose such as this choice. they prove the unprovable.
    that men[womans too] are total wasters. life, in it's essences belong to MEN, yes?
    okay...why the fek, wud only idiots throw it away unles of course these wonders[humm, yeah, is that what they call stuppidities? aye, okay. sorted. that was quick :( :) :) ]

    try this fur size...

    is competition of value to anyone on planet earth?
    aye, is it?
    if so, what realistically is within practical benefits...the ongoing benefits to and of it?
    or as said, what the fek is wrong with yeuse all?
    get this quickly or just plain shut up.
    if war is absolute...where does peace sit?
    ok. answer this...
    there are winners. there are losers.
    ie. compete...
    u have only ''one result''...WINNER[et losers yes. but, there is only one and always one result. not many remeber ''losers''].

    true to it...no matter what the arena u may think u sit into and complete your judge-mental arears to, there is always cometition. but, only one of note.
    not anyone else. in reality...the rest are LOSERS.
    oh in deed it is.
    which side of what line do u be[e]...or fall?
    if competing was eliminated[as the obvious choice, yes?] then what?
    wt-fek wud we do? can't have that...no more of anything worthy of all of US...yeah?
    eugenics once again...yeah?
    please justify...[me being polite of course...are u now being so, when the grave is shouting hard and fast...not enuff here! we need MORE. and quickly...hurry...ffs, hurry. we'll bee late, again...oh no. aye, compete...compete...oh fhs's.] nah, fek that. i want fun. yeah, so says alll of us. we care not of the cost. some other ole fool wil;l pay. we will NOT. yeah...? really?
    what if it was you...hearing in on these waywird words... :) :) :) ...h-eh? okay. that is good stuff for de horses. it is. bring some on and go sit with horse. it does talk, just YOU do not litten. far too subtle for thine ears. noise is all they have ever hear-d.

    when oh when wud more ever bee, enuff?
    enuff [ as they did, and DO say] is ENUFF.
    hey, that do not works. nope. it do not.
    worked on it way too hard once more...and btw, i aint' crazy. well, yeah, i gess this one is...it believed in

    ppl. people.
    that was fall. that was end.
    there was not one ventured or even bothered with it, me...not even simon. met 'im. he skirted way outside the realm...didn't even bother attempting removing that heinous mess of lies.
    ya know this, yes? how many do?
    how many tried as was warned off with...but, still managed finishing.
    difficulty tho'.
    ya see, as IT was complete...heven, correct?
    hmm, ya see, if it was in hands[these] ur eyes wud know it way past word only.
    so, wtf...eh?
    seeing as all know, all...u tell me now.
    that wud be nice...it wud bee...for once.
    do, tell me. honest.
    just do.
    wud i quit...are thee worthy?

    wud any of you...waltz on rome, along SIDE me...no wandering off and stay there, ''backing me up[lol, ''with knife...ready, forward, plunge'. in deed. de dada did so, more than once. eye it was seen doing it.]

    wud any of you, bang on those gates...or am this, wasting more of the little precious that is left?
  3. de crust

    de crust MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2015
    ahh, no nay or yay...'sayers'.
    de facto...no one saying anyhing.
    hmm, ok, right.
    no one is saying...so, is that same as nobody...? lol
  4. AbdAllah2020

    AbdAllah2020 MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2020
    The path of atheism or the path of religion?!

    In the beginning, people think in two ways when answering the previous questions: an atheistic believes that there is no God and that the universe is materialistic, and the other believes that Allah is the Creator of everything. Consequently, several questions are raised, including: - Is it possible that the universe created itself in all its entirety as a result of reactions that took place by coincidence and without any time being determined for it? - Is it possible that this random coincidence created such an organized universe?! - Does the condition which human beings have reached since their first existence and throughout history exist only through evolution, or pure coincidence? Are we but feathers blown by the winds of coincidence and chaos?!! - Is man the legislating god and the creator and designer of everything, and is he everything and is there nothing beyond that?
  5. moon510

    moon510 MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2007
    #585 moon510, Jan 5, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
    I recently read a book by german author, Thomas Mann, about Joseph and his brothers, inspired by biblical story of Joseph. The main idea is that the existence is not linear but cyclical. Eternal return of the Same. This idea is elaborated in many ways. It explains biblical events, including ancient Egyptian life totally based on cyclical repetition of mythical forms that are behind our material existence. Mann explicitly wrote something like this: "We follow the footsteps, and the whole of life is mythical forms attended by the present moment." People can't live without meaning, and meaning is based on some kind of myth. Myths are like dreams. Dreams are not real but they refresh our psyche by meaning something to us. American scholar, Joseph Campbell said that myths are collective dreams that hold society together, make it cohesive. Just like dreams of an individual help the individual to get himself together and his personality not to fall apart. I wish you beautiful dreams. :)
  6. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Actually, there were many ways to "think" about the scenario of Theism. Gods and Goddesses prevailed long before the concept of "One God" was created.

    Two things come to mind when I read your words:

    "Many names...one face."


    "Religions divide us whereas spirituality unites us."

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  7. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    the concept of one God comes from the Jews.
  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    And then there's agnosticism...
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  9. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    When you dead your dead... nothing more other than becoming worm bait in the dirt
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  10. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  11. thetesterman

    thetesterman MDL Novice

    Sep 20, 2010
    There is no meaning of life, it is simply there and started ( not created ) from nothing without purpose
  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    If you have the chance watch "Messiah" on Netflix.

    It polarizes and illustrates how different people / groups of people / religions could react on it and if 'one' would be able to recognize a 'messiah' today at all...just consider a capitalistic nation and a 'new Jesus'.....or even intelligence agencies. Crook or enlightened?

    It's an exciting and daring series and experiment. I love it.
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  13. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #593 Joe C, Jan 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
    Looks interesting, I'll have to check that out. Thanks.... (I think?)
    Whether you believe or do not believe in any god or gods, You can not deny the fact that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was real and did exist
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  14. Jamizon

    Jamizon MDL Novice

    Nov 14, 2017
    Isn't the "journey" of life the very meaning of it? Make the most of your journey, one only gets a single opportunity to walk their path...
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    In evidence we trust, all other s**te must be put to the rigorous set of tests... involving evidence... :D
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  16. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It's remarkable that particular people immediately claim for evidence and claim for science and doubt anything when it comes to religious matters...whilst 'evidence' actually never plays a big role at (their) daily life situation, daily human life is shaped by 'unscientific' matters such as habit, experience, emotions, intuition, own ideas, personal thoughts and gut feeling and yes belief....

    AFAIK there is evidence that there was a historical (person) Jesus of Nazareth...either way.."Messiah" can be considered as a modern Jesus Christ story related to the present.
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  18. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Book of Revelation teaches us that there will be an anti-Christ that will claim to be a Messiah, and he will be able to deceive even the elect. We must be diligent in what we see and hear today.
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  19. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Ordinary educated (and uneducated?) people have no other choice but believe... Even in science or what scientist claim we have to believe. Ordinary people have no means to verify and confirm/deny such claims.
  20. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    What claims are you referring too?
    Faith in a supreme being? or something else?
    Faith in a supreme being does not require proof. (it is the meaning of what faith actually is)
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