It's big because it's the same as the previous but now contains the mentioned, not really rocket science ps, when you are on 17134.285 and install this new CU, it will be a small download
CU (KB4462120) for 17758.1 > 17758.4:
What's included exactly? they are just annoucing that .NET updates will have its own CU, and will be separated from main Windows CU for version 1809 and later
In the past we got a CU every month. Then two every month. Now two in a week. In the future, 2 every day? MS has a quality control problem, but this is not a scoop.
Sorry, I'm a bit confused. I think you're saying if we add it as an update in the update folder for W10UI it'll add it to a fully extracted ISO folder you're pointing W10UI to, OR you can extract the cab to the sources folder, right?
They really spend many work hours on this. I mean from .284 we went to .285 CU for one fix when they must have been already working on this latest one .319 which by the way it contains too many fixes! Not to mention the ISO business.