Any LTSC updates (17763.1217) after kb4551853? Windows Update keeps trying to install that one despite it being installed so I cant even check
Latest 1809 LCU = kb4592440 = 17763.1637
All after integrating the LCU? If yes, reintegrate the LCU (+ dotnetfx4x) after LP/Fod to update all.
Correct order: download .1 build -> integrate LP/FoD -> use the update overview post from enthousiast for the respective windows version to download relevant updates -> extract the downloaded .1 build to a folder and use w10ui against that folder.
aww crap abbodi. this Edge 85.0.564.67 version from the new 4562830 EP bundles those "buggy" Office PWAs I ended up running "setup.exe --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall" from the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\85.0.564.67\Installer" folder to uninstall Edge 85 and had to manually delete the Excel/Outlook/Powerpoint/Word start menu shortcut files and remove those uninstall entries relating to those Office app PWAs another friggin M$ blunder that they have to fix
Or when you integrate the updates with W10UI use the Skip Edge option. I have no Edge, nada, non of that.
Here is a PS script that will uninstall it automatically: Code: Function UninstallMSEdge { Write-Output "Uninstalling Microsoft Edge..." $edgeBase = ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} + "\Microsoft\Edge\Application\" if (Test-Path "${edgeBase}msedge.exe" -PathType Leaf) { $ver = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("${edgeBase}msedge.exe").FileVersion If ($null -ne $ver -And $ver.length -gt 4) { Write-Output "Version ${ver} detected" } $uninstall = "${edgeBase}${ver}\Installer\setup.exe" if (Test-Path $uninstall -PathType Leaf) { $params = @{ "FilePath" = $uninstall "ArgumentList" = "--uninstall","--system-level","--force-uninstall" "Wait" = $true "PassThru" = $true } $uprc = Start-Process @params #$uprc.ExitCode } else { Write-Error "Could not find Edge installer at $uninstall" } } else { Write-Output "Edge folder not found in $edgeBase" } }