BTW, that "seem-to-be-wrong" size showing on some updates is not wrong, it represent all the files sizes requested by UUP fetch but i do think cuurent WUMT cannot handle UUP correctly
my apologies if this is reported already. google+ link reports virus error, i don't know why, it might be possible that file has been swapped. my guess is, google has flagged the file. information about file which i have (sha256): 9fcf858411fa55a3c2e08fbc15b0a7361596f3f3a8a7cf3b25eae36d701802f8
File size is issued by the win update service itself. The errors are not here (WUMT). Most likely the MS changes something in the mechanism for obtaining cumulative updates. Patience.
CU (+SSU) are now handled by UUP:
CU = Cumulative Update SSU = Servicing Stack Update both above are the main updates for Win 10 systems. UUP = Unified Update Platform = the new way to deliver Updates and system 'Upgrades'.
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Ok instead of going back through loads of pages heres a query, to make a bat file do I just create new text document, add that text then save it as .bat?