What is the problem ? I disabled all updateorchestrator and rempl tasks ( the first due the windows10upgrade assistant s**t and the second because it almost froze my computer when it ran) before starting to use the script , so maybe I dont have it .
The only problem is fixing the behavior of windows updates. And for the rest of your post, you hopefully won't have to worry about surprise updates for a long time.
Access to this post is restricted! You're trying to open the post, written by @shewolf, but unfortunately it was marked as a draft (by the user himself or the UFO)
Thanks for that. I don't think I've seen that before. The problem I'm having is people are telling me that updates are being installed with wuauserv disabled, using wub, through usoclient.exe and remsh.exe. Some people like the script and some say to disable usoclient.exe and remsh.exe and not to use wub.exe with the script so they can use the store. So I'm going to do both. Preventing wuauserv from running at all as I'm currently doing, and blocking it at the firewall as you showed me would appear to me to achieve the same result. Your method is much simpler, but what do you say about the reports of updates not using wuauserv? I've heard lots of reports of that and I don't see how I can stop that with just disabling/blocking wuauserv. Maybe you know something I don't.
Guess if I have any problems ill update the scrip but what you described basically should be prevented by the workaround I applied pre script ( disabling all the tasks in remsh and updateorchestrator so basically they wont run automatically anyways) . Thanks for your work tho All of this is going to make me hide all kinds of updates before I confirm they dont bring any other extra updates downloader , as both 23814 and 23057 brought the upgradeassistant and the remsh which try to update your computer even if you have updates disabled
Access to this post is restricted! You're trying to open the post, written by @shewolf, but unfortunately it was marked as a draft (by the user himself or the UFO)
Edit: @shewolf service=wuauserv is not in the second post. Is this intentional and the second one is right? In this post you have netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block Windows Update" dir=Out action=Block program="C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe" service=wuauserv protocol=TCP remoteport=80,443 In this post you have netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block Windows Update" dir=Out action=Block program="C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe" protocol=TCP remoteport=80,443 It's a deal.
decided to update to the newest scrip anyways , it opens wumt way faster and wumt also gets the updated faster , did you do any change ?
Sorry to say but: copy %WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe %WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe-backup /Y > nul copy %WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe %WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe-backup2 /Y > nul Acces denied on fileUsoClient.exe Started as admin but not renaming the file to UsoClient.exe-backup and UsoClient.exe-backup2 .... Keep up the good work
Edit: @Meesterlijk Run this command in an administrator prompt: Code: icacls %WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe /reset Then run the script again and tell me if it fixes the usoclient.exe backups.
This post is what happens when you try to get all tricky and edit a post and get everything just right and then find out you replied instead of editing. This unintentional post left intentionally blank.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block Windows Update" dir=Out action=Block program="C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe" protocol=TCP remoteport=80,443 netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Block Windows Update" These firewall rules probably won't work when a third-party security suite like KIS is installed, which disables/bypass Windows firewall ?