@shewolf Before I put the time in making an open source replica of this great tool, are you sure you don't want to make it open source yourself? Cheers David X.
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Create a thread in Win 10 sub-forums and use the 'Report' function to ask administration to move the thread to an appropriate place.
Access to this post is restricted! You're trying to open the post, written by @shewolf, but unfortunately it was marked as a draft (by the user himself or the UFO)
So says you. At least @DavidXanatos is trying to do something to keep a WU front-end alive, unlike you Mr./Mrs Arrogance. @ Everybody WASTE YOUR F******** TIME testing this and give feedback.
@shewolf is so negative. Kept telling me what a crappy script my wrapper script is (still says it's crappy), yet it works great. @DavidXanatos , don't listen to this B.S. We need a WUMT replacement and I am very excited about it. I'd like to replace WUMT in my script, and wumgr is the very thing I've been waiting for. Please create a thread quickly like @s1ave77 said so I never have to come back to this one.
No compliments are made, especially not for one wankstain copy. First you learn is better for yourself.