Wauuu.., It was really super fast and perform the mission perfectly I must say bravo , now let's think about fine tuning
For my taste I would make a small correction instead of WUMT starts -update auto I would let it be manual So that the user can choose between the options And start scan manually.
Instruction at line 159 : Code: $epoch = Get-Date 01/15/2019 causes an issue on my system because the date formated as 01/15/2019 is valid for US systems, but not for my French Windows. 01/01/2019 is valid for all system, but I don't know the impact when running the script.
Everyone can adapt to himself, by changing the parameters you need nothing bad will happen. If it's not okay anything else you can go up with UniversalTime 01/01/1601.
If you set WUMT to Notification Mode and Windows Update Paused you will have the beautiful pop-up You need some updates. But only for Windows Defender Antivirus (wu paused). You can update definition with WUMT or default with Windows Update.
I'm very curious about this. Have you tried this in an old version of Windows 10 that's beyond its support date to see if it tries to update?
disable your internet adapter(s) and import this registry file as an administrator--can be done from batch as so: reg import location\to\this\regfile\NoUpdatesEver.reg NoUpdatesEver.reg HTML: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate] "SetDisableUXWUAccess"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU] "NoAutoUpdate"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate] "DisableWindowsUpdateAccess"=dword:00000001 "DisableWindowsUpdateAccessMode"=dword:00000000 then reboot, then with your internet adapter(s) still disabled, go check for updates, and wait for it to fail. and give the error in the attached picture, then reboot again, then re-enable your network adapter(s) and you'll never get any updates ever. been using this for two years now. works as far as v1803 17134.1, probably even higher, i'm just using the version i like the best. [it says it will check, but it does not, mine has never checked for an update--if you leave your network adapter(s) enabled while importing this regfile and checking for updates you will still check for updates; you must follow my directions exactly, then you can leave your network adapter(s) enabled for good; if you have ever once checked and downloaded updates, this method will not work).