but what ? JSPi1 headder.. plug in to it and it interfaces with bios chip which is a flat WSON8 so its likely 1.8v.
When I tell my non-computer non-electrically inclined friends to "get a ch341a bios programmer, get the debugging header pinouts, change the file extension to .bin and flash through there", their eyes glaze over and they stop listening.
There is a recovery method usually available on recent boards they can have a dual bios in case of this and other problems that can arise.Sometimes updating a bios is not a good idea because it can introduce rebooting problems' for example where the previous earlier version was free of this.
This is why I always go with Gigabyte boards, they have two bios: one is only a backup and can't be overwritten. I don't know if your motherboard is recent, but I find hard to believe you can brick a modern board, and that any modern board does not have this security nowadays, I have it on a (z68) 2013 board. Even made on purpose/out of greed: if I brick a "xxx brand" motherboard, not sure I would buy another xxx one, quite the inverse in fact. From my experience - happened to me a few times because of a faulty ram - triggering the recovery can be quite tricky, like "savagely" unplug power chord right after booting, but at this point we have nothing to lose. Anyway, when one doesn't have anything on screen it can also be due to "onboard graphic card" (cpu with embedded graphic card): This is because when the bios is corrupted and immediatly after reset, a startup screen will always appear with option to select the way to optimize the bios. This startup screen will not be shown by on-board graphic system as the bios has not yet been set up...(and usually resets to "external graphic card") For that it may be necessary to use a separate graphic card. Normally you don't get black screen, but either a message that bios is corrupted, or bios freezes at logo, but you see at least some of it. Then I can only give the usual recommendation: unplugging everything (leaving only one RAM stick) and plug back one by one. If bios "startup screen" freezes and then it reboots, it's (usually) because of RAM, so try with only 1 stick first (and switch between them).
Have ordered a 2nd hand board as it looks like saving the bricked board is not an easy reflash thanks anyway guys for all your help regards
I hate that this happened to you. It's happened to me. Hang on to your bad board and call around to see if you can find somebody to flash it for you, or sell it to somebody and let them know why it doesn't work.
thanks for your reply what is most annoying is I did it by the book using their program within the bios to flash their update from the MSI website ! its just not on for this to have happened MSI not on my list going forward !
OP had a valid reason to go for a BIOSupdate (temp issues). Actually there are no rebooting issues to be expected at all when doing a BIOS update. The problem is MSI's own flasher M-flash. It is crap. The BIOS comes with another flasher. It's AFUDOS based native flasher for AMI BIOS.(AMIFirmwareUpdateutility). When I modified BIOSes for people here and for a lot of friends I flashed a lot. AFUDOS was 100% reliable. Flashing from DOS was highly recommended.
I have made minor progress in experimenting whilst I await replacement m/board I am using just 1 x ram stick and the PC & fans run longer now if I reset bios with clearer jumper I can also get the memory stick to actually light up and read ( I assume ) however whatever I put on the stick in files / downloads / renames nothing seems to progress further fans just keep running with no display so not sure if we are any closer in possible recovery or whether its just too corrupted to be recovered ?
ohh i have spare asrock Z75 pro 3 socket 1155.. . we could have traded. i could also help u plug in ch341a to pins.. and flash it with flashrom. or send me broken board, i fix in 8 min no charge.. just shipping
hes been a member for a long time not a 1 time post n run.. so i figured why not. literally takes me 8 to 15 min. and as bonus ill add intel ME latest version for it.
There are some very low price programmers' these days looking on ebay and test clip prices look to have fallen considerably from 3M,past problems were hard to deal with.I'am not sure what chip is on that board but chips and programmers are very reasonable. w w w.ebay.co.uk/itm/CHIC-CH341A-BURNER-CHIP-USB-PROGRAMMER-WRITER-SOP-CLIP-ADAPTER-EEPROM-BIOS-FLASH/303121409169?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 The reboot was an Asus board from around 2006,I had to revert to an earlier revision as I recall.The PC would randomly reboot.
LatinMcG Thank you so much for your very kind offer . However postage to USA ( I believe your home ) and return to me in the UK would not be cost effective. Perhaps I could pass the package on to your president whilst he is over here , it would save one way costs LOL