Bios Recovery Procedures

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by petar, May 9, 2008.

  1. dudematters

    dudematters MDL Novice

    Nov 3, 2010
    Hi all,

    I have a dead Satelite L500-13V (after a failed bios update). I've tried the first two options (on page 1) but nothing happens. I am not sure if I need to press FN-B, WIN-B, FN-F, WIN-F or F alone to start the recovery process.
    I am using a boot USB drive (tested that it boots on another machine) and copied the files. But nothing happens, I do not see any action on the usb-drive (looking at the light, it does flash briefly after turning on the power, but then nothing).

    Can someone tell me the exact key combination on this Toshiba Satelite L500-13v (phoenix bios) to press for boot recovery?
    Can someone confirm that this can be done with a USB boot drive?
    Can someone tell me exactly which bios I need (downloaded one from toshiba for this machine (swaa210a.rom, 2100kB) and what Phlash16 (I use Phlash14_v1.7.0.18)?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. electrogoodie

    electrogoodie MDL Novice

    Nov 11, 2009
    There are a million ways to kill a cat

    I appreciate your correction :rolleyes:

    My procedures and your procedures may or may not work with other people who have Mini 110-1xxxxx in different regions. I was just trying to help others who might have the same experience with me. As you know, HP has created many different mini 110's that might have also different parts inside due to different regions just like their printers that needs to be regionalized before you can use it when you travel to other parts of the world.:D
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  3. eucora

    eucora MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2010
    Lenovo ideeapad u350

    The BIOS recovery procedure for Lenovo Ideapad U350 notebook is:-

    Replace the BIOS.WPH file with your notebook BIOS file, extracted from Lenovo BIOS update webpage. Rename your BIOS file to BIOS.WPH.

    1) Create the CRISIS disk using USB flash drive
    2) Make sure your notebook is power off
    3) Plug in the CRISIS disk to your Lenovo notebook
    4) Press "Fn"+"R" key
    5) While holding the "Fn"+"R" key, press power button
    6) The notebook should power on and USB stick light showing activity
    7) Stop pressing "Fn"+"R" key, after you see USB stick blinking LED
    8) Your notebook should automatically restart with working BIOS in 2-3 minutes.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Do not take off your battery!! It seems that before flashing, it verify AC/DC connection and battery level. If one of them is not ok, then reflash is stopped.

    Good luck. :)
  4. bryanfer

    bryanfer MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    i cant also get to the recovery mode using a DELL VOSTRO 1520, had a bad flash and i wanna fix it do you guys know an alternative method to go to the recovery mode? caps lock LED is flashing on and off, blue tooth, and the others are steady, only the caps lock led flashing.

    please help

    FN + F, FN + B and END keys dont get me to recovery mode and even wont turn on
  5. ganzorigd

    ganzorigd MDL Novice

    Nov 13, 2010
    I need also this support

    I had Fujitsu Lifebook A series, A1110 laptop, black display after forced shut down during the bios update. Now want to do recover BIOS. Please send me instruction on BIOS recovery, by easy word to understand, I am not a computerman. I was tryied to follow instruction, but not succesful. I also couldn't create WPH file from the BOS update file, it was EXE file. Also my computer not have FDD, and CD rom is not good working. USB port is Ok for recover BIOS?
    or please email me Email is dganz_2000 at yahoo dot com
  6. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    1. You need to work in the forum so other members can benefit from the info.

    2. Please post a link for the bios executable that you need help with. Since you're a new member, you might need to remove the prefix "http:" from the URL or get creative and replace the dots in the URL with {dot}.
  7. inuit

    inuit MDL Novice

    Nov 11, 2010
    AMI Flash recovery information: for ASUS NOTEBOOK A6/A7 Series (512kBios)
    - with Blackscreen after brick Biosupdate -

    1. you need a 1.44Z USB-Floppy... (NEC: UF0002 Rev.B) tested and working here
    1. the Download from ASUSTeK Driver Site this -->DOS Tool:AFLASH2.EXE and your Notebook Biosfile
    5. Extract this two Files and Rename the Biosfile to: amibios.rom
    2. make a DOS Floppy Bootdisk (from XP PC)
    3. del the config.sys
    4. clear the autoexec.bat and paste only this: aflash2.exe /auto:amibios.rom
    6. Copy the AFLASH2.exe and your 512k Biosfile (amibios.rom) to the Floppydisk

    take usb-floppy on the Notbook usbport - and start the notebook without input the disk A:\

    the shut down take disk at floppy and Restart
    hold not any key
    Floppy starting... then wait... 240Sek.

    then RESTART without Floppy and F2 to Bios

    tested and this work here!
  8. matieboy

    matieboy MDL Novice

    Oct 5, 2010
    Hi There.
    I am not sure if i am posting in the correct place, but i tried flashing a packard bell mh36 but its gone tits up.
    flashed plenty of others with no probs, been trying to use wincris exe to prepare a pen drive but it wont let me select a project path?
    any idea what i am doing wrong, running it on win7 in compatability mode.
    thank you
  9. Vasnoa

    Vasnoa MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2009
    Put your "bios.wph" that you are going to burn into the folder wincris.exe exist.

  10. Asim Ali

    Asim Ali MDL Novice

    Nov 22, 2010
    BIOS v5.20 - HP Pavilion a6319l Desktop PC

    Mistakenly I installed a WRONG BIOS, which deleted my Original BIOS, Start-up HP Invent Logo (Blue Image), Product Name, Serial/Product Number, and all other info in CMOS etc.
    I can still access to Windows but my PC doesn't seem an HP PC now. There's no HP BIOS/LOGO etc.
    I am very much upset just because of all this.
    There is NO BIOS on HP Site.
    I am an IT Professional, and I have tried my best to fix this, but unfortunately I couldn't.

    Please Please Please Help me!

    Please provide me the original BIOS v5.20, and guide me how to restore all product information in CMOS.

    I will be very thankful to you!

    Here is my system spec.:
    System: HP Pavilion a6319l Desktop PC
    Ver: 5.20
    Motherboard: 945GCT-HM (Livermore8)
    Motherboard Manufacturer: ECS
    Processor: Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz

    Asim Ali,
  11. xMDKx

    xMDKx MDL Novice

    Nov 23, 2010
    Hi, I read all this post trying to find a solution for my Lenovo G550 notebook. Anyone here done recovering your bios? Mu screen is black and only some leds are on. I tried all that 4 methods and some methods with WinCris too (this last successful "beep" continuously on reading the bios on the usb pendrive), but my notebook stills "bricked".

    Is this thing covered by the Lenovo warranty? Anyone know something about this? I'm trying to solve the problem alone before call them, but I'm already out of hope... :'(


    EDIT: I spent all the night re-reading all pages from this post to find a method that I didn't try before. And I found! I used the method posted by @eucora (post #641, sorry, I can not post links yet) and it worked!!! My Lenovo G550 return from the death and stay with me now, again!

    Thanks for all! :D
  12. matieboy

    matieboy MDL Novice

    Oct 5, 2010
    ok this is bugging me now
    i have a packard bell easynote mh36, i have created a wincrisis bootable pen drive,
    but nothing seem to happen with any combination of keys,
    couldnt, or should i say didnt knoiw how to make a boot floppy when the bios file is to big for a disk.
    when the thing starts too i can press f2 to enter bios setup, got all my boot order etc,
    if i leave the machine i get a bleep code of 3-4-2-4,
    now the machine isnt dead, the screen displays a boot screen the goes dark(black)
    any help offered would be great, can seem to get a definitive answer on fn+b/n win+b/n
    thankn you
  13. fire97

    fire97 MDL Novice

    Nov 28, 2010
    Hello everyone.

    I am new to the forum, I came here trying to recover my old notebook.

    In fact there are days that I read, I translate their posts, but honestly I can not fix my problem.

    I have (had) an old Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook S7010, which killed about a year ago with an update to the firmware. Since then black screen, fan is started, and CD player .. then nothing.

    I performed the procedure as indicated by you to recover the bios, but maybe something wrong or my notebook is definitely dead.

    1) Prepare the boottable disk and insert the floppy and the usb to the PC.
    2) I remove the battery to the pc.
    3) Hold down the Fn tsti B
    4) Plug the power supply
    5) I press the start button
    6) After 3-4 seconds release the function keys
    7) I wait a couple of minutes, but the floppy does not start.

    I also tried other combinations Fn F, WinKey B, ESC Fn, Fn R, but nothing!

    Something wrong or not is the key combination for my LifeBook??

    I state that the laptop has no serial port Parallel to force it to boot.

    There are suggestions??

    I apologize for my imperfect English ....
  14. matieboy

    matieboy MDL Novice

    Oct 5, 2010
    i am still harping on about this bloody packard bell easy note mh36
    still not got anywhere, but have niticed it does show the bios version in the bios setup,
    so i am thinking there is an error with the bios mod itself??
    still not managing to get it to run phlash
    i cant be the only person in the world with one of these lapps
  15. ShurkistaN

    ShurkistaN MDL Novice

    Nov 30, 2010
    Please help me find a dump of bios for HP G62-b50SR. (Or similar models G62/AMD). I can't finde the name for the recovery :(
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  17. mkuliyev

    mkuliyev MDL Novice

    Dec 4, 2010
    BIOS corrupted

    Hello All,
    I'm new here, the reason i came here is my laptop ACER ASPIRE 4740G. I had a BIG PROBLEM now, yesterday i update wrong BIOS, and it's dead now. Basicaly what happened, i bought it in february 2010 in Malaysia, it had specs (Core-i5 420M, 4Gb RAM, 500GB HDD, NVIDIA G310M). everything was fine except when i close lid or did sleep, it never wake up. So when i came to Malaysia again November 2010, i send it to service centre Highpoint, and explained the problem, they took and 2 days after i have picked up with label MOBO changed, i said OK no problem. But next days i see same thing happening again, so i went again to service centre and explained to the same guy that same problem happening again. So they again and i was waiting another 2 weeks until they tested and finaly yesterday 3 December 2010 i collect it back. and first thing that i saw was another Processor it was Core-i5 450M the rest remain the same, but few hours after i saw that when i run software that has a lot of calculations it works slow not how it was before, so i run CPUz and Intel turbo boost monitor, and i saw that Processor not increasing the speed when it has peak of loading, speed was same 2.4 GHz. So first thing i check was BIOS, maybe Turbo Boost is disabled however i didnot find anything in the BIOS(i think it's hidden). so next thing i downloaded from ACER support site BIOS for ASPIRE 4740G, and run it from Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. And after succesful installation system restarted and then i saw black screen and system not boot anynore. then i realised what was happened, so straight away i went to service centre again and those guys were realy pieced off when they saw me again. They started to shout on me, what are you doing with your laptop, it was fine in the morning, so when i said now it's my bad, and please do something, they said that nothing they can do, except changing new MOBO, and it will cost me around 650$. So today starting from the morning i was looking from the internet who can help me and what to do. so i found that Core i5 450M is not ASPIRE 4740G, it is 4741G so i believe what they did they just put MOBO from 4741G to my 4740G case and did not tell me, and i update wrong BIOS. and also i mentioned during BIOS updating that current BIOS version 1.10 and i install new 1.09. i have tried to copy some files with BIOS to flash drive and try to do what other people did Fn + Esc, and i see that flash drive LED is not blinking, so it means no USB reading i tried all USB in laptop all the same, but i see that it reads DVD-Rom, when i put windows 7 DVD it try to read it and blink like crazy. so i belive i still have chance to fix.

    So Dear Experts, could you please advise something for me. I will be realy appreciated if you can help.

  18. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010

    That is bad customer service. It is very unfortunate for you to experienced it.

    Anyway, I checked in Aspire 4740G service manual & I found out that you need to use floppy disk with USB floppy drive. Aspire 4740G support i3, i5 & i7 processors. So i5-450M doesn't actually means it use Aspire 4741G motherboard.
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