Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I did not expect a reply to 'my' daring hypothesis of consciousness being fundamental.
    So I probably move it to an own thread with your reply. :)

    Getting back to the related content here.
    I am trying to get a bit of a structure of my reply. Although at the time now writing it I have no concrete idea...still.

    You accept the existence of electrons, although the claim of a 'physical' existence is also not satisfied.
    At MS you need to get a particle / particles actually being charged, either positive or negative, so that it at least carries one charge. Then you make them 'fly' through an electromagnetic field.
    According to the laws of physics it undergoes deflection. The degree of deflection is proportional to the charge and the mass it has got. By that you can determine its mass.

    MS is one of the few scientific methods that requires no relative measurement, relative to a standard.
    A relative measurement is for instance length. How do you measure the length of something? You get a ruler and compare the sample to it. Then you determine how many of its units are 'taken in'.
    If the ruler is faulty, your result is also.

    You cannot measure a single particle, though. The response of a single particle would vanish behind the noise floor of the detector. But if there are enough particles of the same mass, you get a signal out of the noise floor showing up.
    Tiny amounts of femtogram are sufficient, dependent on the kind of mass spectrometer. Such devices usually cost almost a million.

    So what do you actually measure? Particles that have a certain mass and charge.
    How do you then conclude it is ASA?
    You apply chemistry. You know the structure of ASA and calculate its molar mass, plus a proton to include the charge for instance.

    Is there certainty? Some. It behaves according to the theory.
    How to get more certainty? You either stick to the same method and fragment the particle applying some electrical force. Then you measure the masses of the resulted fragments. If they still behave according to the theory you get more certainty.
    You test the sample ALSO using complete other scientific methods. NMR spectroscopy for instance. And one more IR. Infrared spectroscopy. Melting point. Or you couple different methods. For instance LC-MS. Liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry.

    So why have I chosen this approach of arguments?
    Finally it's all about certainty and common agreement of science. To become a primary reference substance ASA, it has to undergo most of different scientific measurements to satisfy results according to the theory. In other words you characterize the substance.

    One thing what we are doing as well. If you find an unknown substance for instance in a plant and we get an idea of its organic structure by even applying those different methods, we also synthesize the same molecule to get even more certainty that the structure is right.

    Do we really know what ASA IS? Actually not. But this drifts into philosophical aspects.

    So if your or somebody else's claim is an isolated virus must be mandatory in order to grant existence of it. It is a claim which obviously is not shared at established science.
    There is nothing right or wrong about it, though.
    But a fact is that there is virus and there is spike. Also in an amount that it gets physical appearance. You can even order it. Supplier such as Thermo Fisher do offer them.

    It would be easily possible to make the spike protein itself instead of the mRNA blueprint. And out of it a vaccine using even that spike directly instead of the mRNA. A German researcher did that already BEFORE they got the mRNA vaccines.
    His name is Winfried Stöcker. Maybe google him. :)
    I posted that as a reply when somebody denied the existence of the virus itself:

    If the latter is true, THEN the method is flawed. Easy.

    It wouldn't be flawed IF the chosen characteristics are not present at a control. Only then we can speak of a foreign RNA or part of it.
    Characteristics are: The sequence of the RNA bases themselves and the length of it between the 3' and 5' ends.

    So what do you multiply? At best a RNA sequence (properly reverse transcribed to DNA) that is not found in human body elsewhere and which is a part of a complete RNA that would, if it is translated at a human ribosome, become that what we call a RNA virus.

    Finally a reply to the Wuhan lab and their abilities.
    Their papers, I guess I have posted some of those here somewhere, remarkably and shockingly demonstrate how they performed to attach modified spikes so that viruses can more easily attach to human receptors in order to enter / infect human cells.

    This by the way was the first evidence scientists found, why the zoonosis hypothesis is flawed.

    It would have to adapt naturally by mutations to human ACE2 over some time first if it would come from an animal.
    But SARS-COV2 original wuhan-hu1 strain already had the greatest affinity to human ACE2, far more than to suspected animal hosts. :)
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #4922 gorski, Oct 13, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
    @Yen & the pessimists...

    It was impossible to "exaggerate" C-19 at the beginning, what with tons of people clogging up the public health services around the globe, DYING IN HUGE NUMBERS... And I posted the (UK in particular) numbers of dead people (within 28 days of the infection being caught) when "herd immunity" was favoured (it went to 14K+ [or was it 17+K?] a week!). Then, VERY quickly, with MEASURES + vaccines in place, excess deaths went down to ZERO!!! So, please...

    Oh, and I do mean PUBLIC health services, 'cause those that didn't have them usually did much worse... Well, with Sweden's exception, since they went purging the elderly, so that the rest could not be bothered... Particularly cruel when one has this "social democratic" solidarity principle going as THE pillar of your society... allegedly... But it wasn't that long ago when Sweden (and some other Scandinavian states, speaking from memory), were happily sporting eugenics for the "feeble-minded/bodied", which included not only the IQ or empathy challenged but any kind of "deviancy" qualified, like the Roma and autistic people etc. So, two steps forward and ten steps backward is always a possibility... Except that such retrograde moves are way easier and faster... Destroying is much easier and faster and anyone can do it. Swedish social experimental credibility - painstakingly building a progressive society - is being rapidly wasted as we speak, with the right-wing gov...

    Now, that technology may not be mature yet - all good things require TIME - and some may have had adverse reactions to it, as it was used in C-19 vaccines but there is a little problem with it: TIME! Which we didn't have when s**te hit the fan, to create the usual type of safe and sound vaccines...

    Oh, FYI, plus there is a usual conservatism BS story that visionaries and creative people, in general, must contend with:

    So, unless you guys have had a viable alternative - WTF?!? You sound like my wife, bitching for bitching's sake, FCOL...

    Here is something I want to bitch about: working people falling for the interests of their class enemies, the billionaire BS narrative of "freedom to..." To do what?!? So, a few points of order...


    The business people (like Koch's network) were relentlessly campaigning/lobbying to force everybody back to work, to make ever greater profits for them, while they - "out of an abundance of caution" (this is from their internal memos!) - forbade their network members to work "outside" but only from home!!! I mean, how stupid, how class-unconscious can you get to stand with those PSYCHO-/SOCIOPATHS?!?


    ========TOO LITTLE > TOO SOON=========

    When the Gov finally acted, it was pretty half-cocked, almost stupid and they stopped the measures too soon, so we had a double whammy... How can anyone "forget" all that, all the dead and suffering people, the hundreds of thousands of able-bodied, even young people, who ended with the "Long Covid" unable to live their lives?!?


    Was the vaccine the best kind we might come up with? No! Was it tested properly? No. Did we have the time for the usual procedures? No. Did anyone have anything better at the time, "at such short notice"?!? NO!!! So, WTF?!?


    Vaccines helped with infections, making them generally milder and fewer people died of it. The big numbers do not lie! This CAN NOT be forgotten so easily, because it's somehow expedient for the "enraged conspiraloons"...
    And together with the MEASURES put in place, for the obvious scientifically understood reasons of reducing infections - it was the right thing to do. Period!


    Politically, the way these decisions were made - that is where the REAL rub is!!! You want conspiracies? Look no further!!! In many countries the powers were given away/taken by the executive power(s) and stripped from Parliaments in a rather undemocratic manner. That is what we should be mad about! But...

    Have we been prepared for a pandemic? No! The successive govs failed! Are we prepared now for the next pandemic? Again, no! From education to NHS (funds, doctors, nurses, equipment, beds etc.), to stockpiling the protective equipment that would actually work and not cost an arm and a leg, whereby conservative donors grab the public funds allocated for this at the last minute - and not deliver the goods, at hugely inflated prices, too - with enormous profits for them, with some kickbacks to *their* politicians, yet again!

    But are those (in principle) anti-science lots, the anti-intellectuals or "conspiracy theorists", the loony Libertarians and rabid Right-wingers "protesting", are they actually standing up for the right issues, the serious political problems in all of this?

    Are they f**k!


    Instead, currently, we have an utterly debased "protest" on a completely decontextualised basis, utterly irrationally bemoaning their "lost rights" in the abstract, without ever seeing their rights intimately connected to the rights of their fellow Human beings who did not want to leave things to chance alone but actually wanted the least crappy outcome. Instead of debating how to reconcile both interests, we had a completely moronic anti-debate with a lot of spitting and hysteria...

    And on the "anti-contra-against side" (just for the hell of it!!!) it looks like this...

    Taking a liberty too far.jpg
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    My latest posts are about new scientific findings about the mRNA vaccines, else more general scientific contents. The only political statement I did is how I defined the conspiracy.
    It can be summarized like:" The wuhan lab released the virus 'others' made sure that the mRNA vaccines can have success. They had no chance at 'ordinary' conditions to even pass Phase I as they never did before."

    I reasoned why. People were held in an artificial and exaggerated fear state to get pushed to the vaccines. By that science was treated with contempt. Censorship. Things and knowledge which is usually taught at the few first semesters ignored, for instance that a vaccine that would be against a respiratory virus ever would protect against infection or even would make people getting sterilizing immunity!

    -The definition of the term pandemic was changed.
    -PCR positive was suddenly equal to sick by COVID
    -a mRNA which IS scientifically categorized a gene therapeutic has been declared to BE excluded and categorized as vaccine. All to circumvent the very strict regulations of gene therapeutics.
    -Efficacy which is usually and actually ALWAYS calculated as absolute at vaccines is suddenly calculated as relative! 95% efficacy sounds better than the real and meaningful absolute of 0.4%. I did that calculation somewhere here...

    In other words: Science was bent by those who want to have those 'new' vaccines at any costs.

    I quoted your bit, because it is absolutely wrong. It must be a leftover from even that conspiracy that still sits as truth in your mind.
    I have already posted about Winfried Stöcker.

    To make a particular part of the virus and using it as antigen is even more easy and AS fast AS to make mRNA or vector DNA blueprints. Both can be done by plasmids.
    And you can adapt the antigens to new variants as fast as.

    There is absolutely NO reason why we would have to use gene therapeutics as a vaccine. A tech which is old, which never had a chance due to massive issues and anyway new, new in that way that those all who got vaccinated by them took part at an human experiment.
    An experiment that is still ongoing, because still people take the shot and those who have already are at the mercy of its and its impurity's biochemistry.

    The plasmids finding is shocking! You would be also when knowing what plasmids are and what they could do!!!

    Others who took the conventional route making conventional vaccines like the Chinese and India got accused to have weaker vaccines. An accusation without any scientific background.
    Both vaccines are weak and that was expectable since it is a respiratory virus that mutates such like flu with one major exception.
    We know how the conventional vaccines work due of decades of practical experience.

    To push a new tech to humans at a newly defined pandemic is not only unreasonable, it is criminal.
    Each reasonable person would go for conventional tech, all the more at a pandemic! The argument that it would take more time comes from those who wanted to push the gene therapeutics.

    There is no truth behind it. Stöcker was faster (he used the RBD trimer protein as antigen and added an already approved adjuvant) the Chinese were faster. They used an attenuated virus and parts of it!!
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Errrmm, what on Earth are you saying?!? That we had the time needed for conventional vaccines? WTF?!? How long does it REALLY take to develop one of those and put it into the public domain - KNOWING IT REALLY IS SAFE?!? Historically!

    How many more dead and/or permanently ill/damaged people were you willing to sacrifice?!? Because you were also against the measures... Honestly, Yen, you're adrift...
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4926 Yen, Oct 14, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
    YES, we have and yes, 'we' humans had realized them before the mRNA vaccines already!
    The Chinese vaccine from Sinopharm is conventional and India's Covaxin IS as well!
    I am speaking of plain facts, no assumptions we could have had.

    We here had the Stöcker story and how he got silenced by officials pushing their genetic stuff...
    Also at the beginning of this thread when I posted about vaccines I posted those are conventional!

    At a conventional vaccine the only unknown part is the chosen antigen, at a completely new tech based on gene therapeutics there is a hell more. Also the ingredients just like LNP never have got an approval before. Furthermore ALC-0315, the one from Pfizer has been firstly declared as cancer suspect agent before used at Pfizer vaccine for instance. There's still screen shots of their supplier's site where the note was visible until at all of a sudden it vanished.

    And also here they did it far better at conventional vaccines!
    They did not choose the pathogenic whole spike alone of which nobody really knows how much and how long one is producing them through mRNA blueprint, they took a much broader range of epitopes.

    So tell me, why not 'we' the Europeans and the US?!?!?
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #4927 gorski, Oct 15, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
    Again, dogmatically and like a true activist, not an unbiased scientist, you are "neglecting" the "inconvenient" facts: how long does it take, historically, to get the conventional vaccine REALLY ready and sent to the GPs?

    From the beginning of conventional vaccines, we have had - fully documented - horror stories connected with them. It took ages before they were ACTUALLY safe and effective. So, "realistically" (historically, not histerically!), how long before they are really ready for deployment?!? There are many hoops for them to jump through and it all takes TIME! So, how long, on average?

    Have Indian and Chinese vaccines jumped properly through all of those hoops? I doubt that, based on your words, which I remember correctly, I think, when you were bitching about how long it would take for a conventional vaccine to get ready, when you were disagreeing with the general strategy, after you changed your mind, yet again, then went with a new guru, whose religious beliefs took him towards "suffering is natural and divine" and you went with it... Am I wrong?

    And have they had a major overall impact, from what you know, on the world market of vaccines or at least in China and India? Effective or not? Because China, at least, has had spikes after hundreds of millions of vaccines have been given to the Chinese population, so WTF, Yen?!? Are they working or not? If not, as it seems to me, then the conventional vaccines are no better than mRNA ones...

    I agree, mRNA is not yet completely matured tech but we have experimented once before (with what are now known as "conventional vaccines") and we made our mistakes, also - so why should we stop experimenting and developing, Yen?!? We managed to get the now "conventional vaccines" really safe - so what makes you think we can't do it with the new, mRNA ones? When did you become so rigidly dogmatic and conservative?!? I thought you worked in a research lab, FCOL...

    Do you remember when I asked you about the Cuban vaccine and what you found about that one? That, to me, was interesting, as there were 2 kinds and - did you follow up on that? What happened there?

    Btw, my nephew-in-law works in a Croatian hospital and tells us that the hospitals are once again filling up with C-19 patients... Any views on that?
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  7. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4928 Yen, Oct 19, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
    The conventional respiratory virus related vaccines are as weak as the mRNA vaccines and as weak as the flu vaccines.
    The reason for that is that we are dealing with a respiratory related virus at both cases, you cannot fool virology. Both viruses enter body through the respiratory tract and therefore require IgA antibodies in order to have a chance.

    I have reasoned that already, but even virologists who have actually learned that at their first semester of study should know that and have denied that due to 'religion' obeying MSM narratives.
    The reason is simple. As soon as you inject the vaccine into a muscle you choose a different path of 'administering' the antigen. Only mimicking a similar path could change that for instance a nasal vaccine since it also would have to go the same airway as a natural infection!

    Your arguing is seriously flawed.
    I always said and I know that from my own profession:
    An ordinary and reasonable development of a new drug takes 10-12 years. The shortest dev of a vaccine was 5 years. It could be as safe and effective as ....ONLY because we have experiences at conventional vaccines!
    So at a pandemic where time is short either way, you seriously argue against conventional vaccines? IF shortening of dev time can be justified then ONLY at relying to conventional tech.

    Trying to Introduce a new tech where time is short is pure madness! Its failure is a plain consequence of ignorance.

    P.S.: I try to find new info about the Cuban vaccine since I am curious as well.

    About new cases I don't know. Here it is quiet except the excess mortality in Europe, which correlates with the time of administering the mRNA mass campaign.

    The 'game' is not over yet. It can easily turn out that the overall result is negative and the mRNA vaccines really caused more harm that good.
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Time will tell...

    Btw, I don't think my reasoning is seriously flawed - I think yours is but OK...
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  9. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I am not against research.
    But I think we should do that at 'quiet' times.

    At a pandemic we should rely on what we have figured out already.
    Conventional and already approved and established drugs and tech. :)
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    That research was done at "quiet" times... Sped up by events...
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Yes, but not done. Started never passed successfully a phase I study due to serious issues before the pandemic. BioNTech was close to become bankrupt.

    So no wonder even Pfizer saying (Dr. Janssen): "We flew the plane while we were building it."
    The speeding process mainly was ignoring proper pharmacovigliance, it was not about speeding up scientific research.
    You cannot buy time. And therefore you cannot buy safety.

    The mRNA tech actually was and still is not available to human use. Its proper place to be is clinical trial.....anything else is irresponsible.
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I said it's not mature - you missed it?

    I also said we did not have the time. You think we did? What would have been a real alternative, given that neither type had the time sufficient for all the phases to be done properly?

    And don't insult our intelligence by stretching it wildly for the "standard vaccines"...
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  13. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4934 Yen, Oct 21, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
    This of course applies to any new development, not only mRNA vaccines.

    Time was short, yes, and that always takes into account. You actually have no chance other than to shorten (pharmacoviglicance related) tests.
    But what we should not do is to ignore that fact. We IMHO do ignore that by going for a tech where we know far less about rather than to go for a tech where we know much more about.

    Back to the Cuban vaccine.
    There is not much new info about. At least I didn't find some.
    You mean Soberana, right?

    There are 3 different ones.
    According to wiki 2 have got EUA at some countries.
    Soberana-2: Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico.
    Soberana Plus: Cuba, Belarus, Mexico.

    Soberana-1 seems to be abandoned.

    Since those vaccines have been administered to far less people and there is no new info I cannot assess how they are.
    At that old post I have posted what kind they are, though.
    Soberana-2 is a conjugate. A recombinant protein (actually the antigen, they have chosen the RBD) to tetanus toxin.

    To use a recombinant protein is established tech, a conjugate to tetanus toxin is new, though.
    I suppose they use it as an adjuvant.
    Soberana Plus then is the recombinant protein alone. (There the dimer of the RBD)

    A vaccine basically consists of an antigen and an adjuvant which 'amplifies' the antigen by poking the immune system.
    At mRNA it is special. You have not an antigen, but a blue print of it, the mRNA. By packing it into LNPs you transfect it into a human cell. There it should alert the immune system. THIS is the crux, though. You force human body to make foreign proteins and that not only at the injection site, anywhere at human body. LNPs do spread and that was predictable!

    Soberana-2: Common antigen use, new attempt of an adjuvant (tetanus toxin)
    Soberana Plus: Common antigen use.

    Both: They use the RBD of the spike only. This is the ReceptorBindingDomain of the spike alone. The 'docking site' of the spike to human cells so to say. Since we know now the spike is pathogenic, this was probably a better approach.

    If comparable at all Soberana is similar to the Novavax vaccine. They also use a recombinant protein, although the entire spike, and as adjuvant also a new one called Matrix-M, coming from a natural source, though. Saponins from Quillaja saponaria (Soapbark) tree.
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Thanx!!! It's always intriguing to see how the Human mind can and does get innovative, how it invents all sorts of new ways of doing something that is needed...

    Yes, the issues in such countries are manifold, like not enough money for follow-up stuff, no public sphere, everything is secretive and so on...

    As for time: it's universal and must be applied universally, i.e. equally to all the similar phenomena... None of these had the time needed...

    Of course, the research hasn't started only at the beginning of C-19, nor has it stopped since the demise of seriously strong variants,,,

    It was hurried, as could have been suspected and one had to have some faith, without losing the facts from one's sight...

    But I very much doubt that lessons are not being learnt and that we won't see a much improved version later on, when the time allows for all the necessary procedures to be followed up, the info collated and thousands of researchers world-wide improving the recipe, as it were, in due course... One simply must see our spirit for what it is - if it sees this as a dead end and too dangerous to continue, toxic to the detriment of Human kind, then I am sure this will also be done! We are not yet living in a Nazi-Fascist/corporate totalitarian dictatorship...
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    As I was saying... All of it is now OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE AS TRUE!!!!

    "By the time the second wave came around and many thousands more had died, Johnson had learned nothing. He was saying that if you caught Covid you would “live longer”, that he didn’t buy “all this NHS overwhelmed stuff” and agreeing that “we should let the old people get it”.

    And our now prime minister, Rishi Sunak was ignoring all scientific advice and insisting people “Eat Out to Help Out”. But while he was posing in Wagamama’s, the chief medical officer was calling the scheme “eat out to help out the virus”, and our current chief scientific adviser was calling him “Dr Death the chancellor”. How can he be trusted to manage a pandemic in the future?"

    "...the former deputy cabinet secretary laid out exactly why the “toxic culture” of sexism and “macho posturing” in Boris Johnson’s team was so damaging. So too was the “narrow perspective” they shared. According to MacNamara, key figures in Whitehall presided over an environment in which junior women were “talked over or ignored”. And yet, despite this “breezy confidence”, there was never any plan on how Number 10 would actually respond to Covid.

    A ‘Coronavirus: Action Plan’ published on 3 March was described as an “extraordinary document in retrospect” in MacNamara’s written evidence, because “so many of the assertions about how well prepared we were would turn out to be wrong only weeks later”."

    "The Swedish school":

    All based on a pack of lies!!!

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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  18. MarvelX7

    MarvelX7 MDL Member

    Jun 1, 2021
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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