Couple of interesting observations on LTSC 2019 Firstly - last week I downloaded the new "refreshed" ISO from my MSDN (MyVisualStudio) and noticed that the "N" version does not appear in the ISO. The original ISO had both options. Secondly - had the same troubles that others are having with the latest Nov CU - when installing the OS using the "new" ISO via MDT - with this specific update on my WSUS server - it would never install. Always error out with some oddball Windows Update error code. When I reinstalled a VM using the original LTSC iso (Issued on Oct 2) - the updates applied with no problem. Finally - noticed that I removed any of the Print Options from Windows Program Features (like Internet Printing client etc) using NTLite - I could not for the life if me connect to our networked HP printer. As soon as I re-enabled these features - I was printing instantly. Be interested in any comments from the field on the above. Cheers, Sonic.
Inside the License Switch matrix it should work by using the gVLK to trigger the license switch . That apparently doesn't apply for LTSC since it's not part of said matrix.
Found out the name of the iso: en_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_74865958.iso Can I keep using it or do I need to get a new updated one? Microsoft is such a mess these days. Am I up to date?
Well so far this is working quite well, except for a small bug where the default apps I configured are reset but it appears it's a windows bug and not exclusive to LTSC
sorry.. i'm a noob... this version is only in english? if yes.. i can change after install on my pc, yes?
For the record they removed the "map drive" menu from 18xxx, as well. At least "net use" is still there.