The sensor are bundle inside CPU, so its not the mobo. I think impossible the problem from CPU, coz the processor have been running without flaw when plugged in ECS G31T-M (mean I can wakeup from S3 many times without problems for more than 1 week, approx. 30 times without restart/shutdown/reboot) before I plug it in this TForce.
To 1. The mainbios (systembios) doesn't need a SLIC entry. Just get your original (unmodified) bios again and add ISA module. You don't need to undo your modifications of mainbios. Just get another copy from the manufacturers website....
Hey petar, thanks for your fast reply. But I am pretty green in stuff like this. Is my BIOS-mod proper? I would appreciate it, if you check that. And if everything is all right with my mod... how exactly do I flash from DOS? And if I made some other mistake, do you have a good mod for me? Sorry for being that stupid, but could you give me detailed instructions? Cheers! P.S.: How big is the chance to destroy my motherboard with that? P.P.S.: I just managed to flash my BIOS. Everything is working great! Thanks a lot to petar and all of you... this forum is AWESOME!!!
Hello all I'm new here. I've been reading quite abit and have tested some BIOS mod tool. The BIOS mod method i'm interested in is the dynamic mod and choice of BIOS is ASUS Rampage Formula 0410. So i've used the AMI BIOS method 3 which is the FC module (from what I read i understand its dynamic mod, i could be wrong) but it returns an error when I click GO. It says "Can't find Configure Lock in 1B module". How do I go about this? Thanks in advance