911medic's is hp slic and yen's is dell slic, so be sure to use right certificate depending which one you flash
Thanks for the heads-up. I'm mainly trying to get Windows Home Server activated (SLP1). I have MSDN and MVL versions of Vista/2008 from my job to use so I'm somewhat set on that. For personal reference, how would i go about using the right certificate? If I get a hold of the Dell Vista Restore DVD that comes with new systems and have a BIOS with Dell SLIC, what else would I need to do?
Yen, Can you tell me, please, why BIOS, modified by you, isn't opening via cbrom? I want to see detailed result of your work as an example, but I can't...
MrGalaxy Which bios do you mean? If cbrom isn't able to extract the modules I'm doing a manually mod............ tqhoang I haven't noticed that your M08 SLIC is reversed. I also didn't know that it doesn't matter if public key or public marker code has to be first. At most SLICs the RSA field (public key) is at first position. It seems the order doesn't matter. Nice info. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Perhaps there is an indicator field somewhere in the SLIC itself. Anyway, I now have an activated Vista x64 SP1 on my Arima HDAMB. PBE worked like a charm!
Congratulations! Two new things I've got: The order of Public key and marker doesn't matter at SLIC PBE is able to rebuild bios if double checked the decompression files. Thank you, tqhoang. And sorry that I've replied to your questions here at thread that late. I even had forgotten that it was you who sent me the Dell M08 SLIC. If you have any further questions about bios, feel free to PM me.
Here is my analysis of p5qbios from helps on this forum, not sure it is correct: _4000:9C3A db 1 _4000:9C3B db 2 _4000:9C3C _4000:9C3C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= _4000:9C3C _4000:9C3C _4000:9C3C sub_9C3C proc far _4000:9C3C pushad _4000:9C3E push ds _4000:9C3F push 0F000h _4000:9C42 pop ds _4000:9C43 assume ds:nothing _4000:9C43 mov al, 1 _4000:9C45 mov ds:0A0E0h, al _4000:9C48 push cs _4000:9C49 call near ptr sub_9DB5 ; loop through the PUBKEY+MAKER block _4000:9C49 ; starting from the 2nd byte _4000:9C49 ; plus one byte after it _4000:9C49 ; length = 0x152 _4000:9C4C jb short loc_9C62 ; jump if not all 0xFF _4000:9C4C ; _4000:9C4E mov bx, 9C3Ah _4000:9C51 mov al, cs:[bx] _4000:9C54 cmp al, 0 _4000:9C56 jz short loc_9C5E _4000:9C58 push cs _4000:9C59 call near ptr sub_9DF0 _4000:9C5C jb short loc_9C62 _4000:9C5E _4000:9C5E loc_9C5E: ; CODE XREF: sub_9C3C+1Aj _4000:9C5E push cs _4000:9C5F call near ptr sub_9E7C _4000:9C62 _4000:9C62 loc_9C62: ; CODE XREF: sub_9C3C+10j _4000:9C62 ; sub_9C3C+20j _4000:9C62 pop ds _4000:9C63 assume ds:nothing _4000:9C63 popad _4000:9C65 retf _4000:9C65 sub_9C3C endp _4000:9C65 _4000:9C66 _4000:9C66 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= _4000:9C66 _4000:9C66 _4000:9C66 sub_9C66 proc far _4000:9C66 pushf _4000:9C67 pushad _4000:9C69 push ds _4000:9C6A push cs _4000:9C6B call near ptr sub_9DB5 _4000:9C6E jnb short loc_9C8A ; Jump if all 0xFF _4000:9C70 push cs _4000:9C71 call near ptr sub_9CF6 ; xor the PUBKEY+MAKER block _4000:9C71 ; with 0xFF _4000:9C74 jnb short loc_9C8A ; jump if there is an error _4000:9C76 push cs _4000:9C77 call near ptr sub_9D22 ; copy OEM string to _4000:9C77 ; SLIC header, RSDT, XSDT _4000:9C7A push 2CCFh _4000:9C7D pop ds _4000:9C7E assume ds:nothing _4000:9C7E lea esi, ds:0C25h _4000:9C83 call far ptr 5936h:9EDEh ; Copy SLIC to High Memory _4000:9C83 ; and add it to RSDT, XSDT _4000:9C88 jb short $+2 _4000:9C8A _4000:9C8A loc_9C8A: ; CODE XREF: sub_9C66+8j _4000:9C8A ; sub_9C66+Ej _4000:9C8A pop ds _4000:9C8B assume ds:nothing _4000:9C8B popad _4000:9C8D popf _4000:9C8E retf _4000:9C8E sub_9C66 endp
hnfz THANKS A LOT! I don't have any tools here. So you've removed the config lock? That would be great. Best is to test first mod WITHOUT the additional afudos switches and NOT to update bootblock of bios. Then to try if it boots, AFTER that flash with additional switches to update FC module and Bblock. Please PM baribal... Should I open an extra thread? Do you think it will work and it's a safe mod? I'll have a look when I'm back at home.......