Any way to remove the following from Windows 11 images? Mail & Calendar Microsoft Teams Both have the option to uninstall in Settings when Windows is installed. I seem to either be missing these options to remove in the ToolKit or they are simply not yet present.
Mail & Calendar (Removing CommunicationsApps (Windows Mail), was not work?) Microsoft Teams (Only Tweaks for disabling post-installation) Sent an 2022-04-15 New CustomToolkit and CustomToolkit_Beta updated file attached in the link above and in my signature. 2022-04-16 (updated with 2022-04-16 @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wimlib-79f") Download: in my signature. Note: To work with Virtual Create, it is not necessary to extract the file. Just save it to the Toolkit folder. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2022-04-15 Added the option that asks if you want or not do the Cleanup Sources process before you start enabling features, since there are 80 components that generate the pending issue. Fixed my previous changes on Enabling Features for Custom Toolkit, by changing Enabling NetFX3 from the last for the first position, since it is a prerequisite for other features and is the only one that needs to integrate a CAB package to be activated . Fix about StartMenu path for Templates Folder and changes about Saving Source with rearranging Single Language to first position in the Editions list. New with new multi_arch_iso.cmd. Changed Script shortcut to literally a script because the script shortcut does not accept many characters. Now the script also removes the Edge shortcut from the desktop and QuickLaunch. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2022-04-08 1. The Customize Menu has been changed. Reordered again. Disable and Enable Features have been repositioned before the Registry Tweaks options, because some Tweaks could be related to some enabled features, like WSL for example. 2. Fixed "Integrate Language Menu" and "Integrate Driver Menu", where the first option did not work when WinRE.wim and/or BOOT.wim were not mounted. 3. Added function to Export Host Drivers, so you can integrate directly to the image. Export of all drivers will be performed and copied to the folder referring to the Host OS, not referring to the image being prepared. A prompt will be offered so that you can choose to use Drivers extracted from Windows 10 for integration into Windows 11. I suggest that at the first opportunity to get the drivers directly from Windows 11, you do so. Then replace the ones in the ".\Drivers\Install\W11" folder. 4. Added function to Mount WinRE.wim and BOOT.wim if you need to, after you have mounted install.wim. There is no need to unmount (that is a waste of time) to do the whole process again. Just go to [7] Tools Menu and mount what you need. 5. Redesigned the code session for Customizing the Start Menu Layout in Windows 11. The templates will be placed in ".\Bin\StartMenuLayoutBIN\Templates" There is a Readme.txt on what to do. If you don't want to change anything, just apply the Start Menu Layout in the Customize Menu, a Default Template will be applied and only "File Explore" and "Settings" will be placed in the Start Menu. Hints on this subject provided by member @MIMMO61 Spoiler: Start Menu Layout BIN - ReadMe.txt content Code: "DefaultStartMenuLayout.bin" Has only pinned shortcuts for non-removables. File Explorer and Settings. That is why I selected it as Default. 1. Choose any file within Templates folder; 2. Copy it to Main ".\Bin\StartMenuLayoutBIN" folder; 3. Rename it to "CustomStartMenuLayout.bin". Note: If the file "CustomStartMenuLayout.bin" is present, the file "DefaultStartMenuLayout.bin" will be ignored. You can simply create your template (adding, removing and arranging the order of the pinned shortcuts) directly in your Start Menu. When your customization is ready, copy the "start.bin" file that was instantly overwritten, into the folder "%LocalAppdata%%\PackagesMicrosoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState". And put the newly generated "start.bin" renamed as "CustomStartMenuLayout.bin" into the ".\Bin\StartMenuLayoutBIN" folder. 6. During the "Remove Windows Components" procedure. a "Shortcut Script" will be added to the "Start Menu - StartUp" to remove the Edge shortcut from the desktop. With this technique, there is no way this shortcut will remain, but after the automatic update of Edge I don't know if it will return, most likely it will. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2022-03-29 Warning, suggested by MSMG about: "Cleanup Source Images" moved to :CleanupSource session. For the session :WIMUpgrade "Function to Upgrade WIM Index Edition": 1. Inserted the corrections to support the possible target editions, made available by @MSMG. 2. Applied the fixes based on the idea of the problem submitted by member @shyamsundarsoni. The main reason for sending today's patch: The new version of uup-converter-wimlib-79 besides coming with several options, came with the option "AutoExit" that was already inserted in the adapted version (VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions) to work with CustomToolkit, however this function was not named as "AutoExit", and that way, this had to be changed. So download both packages, "CustomToolkit" and "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions". Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2022-03-25 Added a warning, suggested by MSMG about: "Cleanup Source Images". Removed a small redundancy and fixed a problem with getting the previous session's "ImageEdition" values data from variable storage file that was added in yesterday's version. This allows you to resume editing an already mounted image for testing. Not many people use this. But it is fixed, and does not affect the use of the Custom Toolkit features. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2022-03-23 *Merged with 2022-03-14 12.1 Toolkit.cmd. *Remember to change all line comments from ";" to "#" in all your custom lists. 1. Added this Tweak to Windows 11 Bypass Hardware Requirements for install.wim, not boot.wim: *Disable New Watermark Message: "System requirements not met. Go to Settings to learn more." 2. Implemented an identification of all Editions of the Image at the start of the script so that it is not necessary to call dism to check which Edition it is, in every loop of every deployment that requires this identification. This has provided a small process reduction in the integration of Windows Updates, a nice optimization in the code. 2.1 Fixed the Editions ID for removing components and for disabling and enabling features. 3. Added "Warning" in the "Remove Windows Components Menu" for very recent Image Builds and Image Service Pack Builds, not supported by the latest version of the Toolkit. 4. For the ones who always enables NetFX35... If you want to enable NetFX35 through the "Enable Features" customization option, it doesn't work because it is only a list of Features and it is mandatory to specify the .cab package. In this case, to avoid the "pending problem" in using the cleanup source, I think it would be interesting to put IntNetFX35 to be called when this is found in the Enable Features list as "NetFX3". So... If NetFX3 is present in your list to enable features, the NetFX35 Integrate session will be called, which will integrate the packages already present in the ISO being worked on. Therefore, the order of the Customize menu options has been changed, leaving Disable and Enable Features as the final customization options. I also made a Full_FeaturesList.txt. Then, the script, with the conditions, will control the features for each build. This idea came up when I was testing the final merge and forgot to put the correct list for Windows 11. And also, so that we can do the Source Cleanup before the NetFX35 integration that causes the pending that prevents the Cleanup. Note: In fully automatic mode (without questioning), the Cleanup Sources will be bypassed and not applied. 5. Added fixes suggested by member @shyamsundarsoni. Thnks for the bug hunting. 6. Fixed bug in Custom Toolkit's WIMExport option. It was saving the image to another wim file with the name ".wim", without the filename defined by user. 7. Fixed a bug that after savesource, it was not performing the final optimization of the image (rebuild). This was creating very large images due to the presence of the "[DELETED]" folder within the install.wim image. 8. Fixed typo suggested by member @正义羊. 9. Discovered the Windows 10 Tweak that caused problems in the Windows 11 Taskbar, problem fixed. Script to Fix for those running Windows 11 with this problem in the "Wifi, Volume Control, Battery Status and Calendar" icons, added in CustomToolkit package. The Windows 10 Tweak that causes this issue is: reg.exe add ... "DisableNotificationCenter" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f. Note about the DiskTemp variable: Since the custom Toolkit has its working folder in "C:\TK" or "%SystemDRIVE%\TK" its Temp folder is present there as "%SystemDRIVE%\TK\TMP". So there was no need to change the code in the sessions suggested by friend @正义羊. However in order to avoid conflict with environment variables I changed all from %Temp% to %TMP% and Temp= to TMP=. So, if is needed, we can use env system %Temp% var. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2022-03-04 1 Two scripts (EdgeChromium w7 and WMF w81) for downloading the "msu files" to extract there "cab files" have been fixed. When extracting the Custom Toolkit package, allow the replacement of all files. 2. Huge Code Refactoring - Implemented automated menu generator system. Spoiler: automated menu generator Before that, I always wanted to reduce the amount of menus for only one menu, in order to optimize the code. But when some component was added the work to put in numerical or alphabetical order was very arduous. We had to change order, put number by number and letter by letter until we can make available to you. It was necessary to put all the conditions both for the menu view and the algorithm and its correspondence. Now, just add the components and display conditions to the menu and the algorithm does not need to have repetitions. Thus, the menu is generated numerically, but displaying according to your description, in alphabetical order. So, according to our choices, it seeks the respective algorithms for its correct execution. Alphabetical order, in the case of Custom Toolkit, will only be avoided in order to group some apps associated with each other. Ex: Xbox App e Gaming App. They are the same app, and this has its name changed in Windows 11, so kept next to the other Xbox Apps options. With this system implemented, all the menus I had made available in parts, I returned to make them whole. The intention of divided menus was to maintain continuous numeration without jumps. Ex: for x86 The "Mixed Reality Portal App" was not displayed and a number was missing. Shortened code block of "Integrate Features Menu" and "Integrate Custom Features Menu"... from: 3756 (CustomToolkit 2021-12-29 with Multi Selection Menus) to: 1827 code lines The Full Code Optimization... Fully implemented Auto Generate Menu for all Menus. from: 35622 lines to: 35055 lines Changed Menus: Integrate Features Menu Language Packs Menu Drivers Menu Dart Menu Windows Legacy Games Menu InboxApps Menu Integrate WHD Updates Menu Integrate Custom Features Menu Remove Menu Remove Internet Components Menu Remove Multimedia Components Menu Remove Privacy Components Menu Remove Remoting Components Menu Remove System Components Menu Remove System Apps Components Menu Remove Windows Apps Components Menu Customize Menu [8] Select Official Tweaks (Apply Tweaks Menu) [9] Select Custom Tweaks Menu Bypass Windows 11 Hardware Requirements option has been moved to each of these 8 and 9 Menus. If you have already had the job of selecting something from the "Official Tweaks" menu and resolve going to the "Custom Tweaks" menu, a filter has been added so that the corresponding options are displayed and automatically selected for you. You can add options from both menus, but never in both menus your correspondents. This is interesting so you can select options not present from the official list, but keep the implementation of the official options. NOTE: If you come back in any of the menus, you will remain the selection of common matches from the last menu accessed. Before you apply the selected tweaks, simply enter the desired menu (official or custom) to correct. 3. Optimized the add environment path code in "Function to Integrate Sysinternals Suite". 4. Fixed several Typo for displaying info. 5. Some "spoiler" mentioned fixes below, that has implemented in this Custom Toolkit version, has to be done in Official Toolkit. Thnks to some Friend members! Spoiler: all fixes to be done That was my fault! There are 3 occurrences of this error. @MSMG, as this was a suggestion of mine, this should be corrected in the Toolkit official as well. all from Code: Proessional to Code: Professional Thnks to @ghostwalkergamma Made the changes below to fix problems that I discovered, in using the command options for "eol" and "skip", in obtaining data in text files. All "Reg Query" were already in that standard (commands out of double quotation marks). In this way I decided to standardize for all "For" commands found. The "dir" command works correctly because they do not use options such as "For". But this change is crucial for "Type" and "Ver" commands. Now eol works and comments can be placed into the files. all from Code: ('"dir /s /b /ad " to Code: ('dir /s /b /ad " all from Code: "" 2^>nul') to Code: " 2^>nul') Note: These above are interdependent all from (add space after "/b" for mass replacements) Code: ('"dir /b to Code: ('dir /b " all from Code: ('dir /b "" to [code] ('dir /b " all from (add space after "type" for mass replacements) Code: ('"type to Code: ('type " all from: Code: if "%ImageInstallationType%" equ "Server" to Code: if "%ImageInstallationType:~,6%" equ "Server" and, all from: Code: if "%ImageInstallationType%" neq "Server" to Code: if "%ImageInstallationType:~,6%" neq "Server" thnks to @rulman info Added Windows 8.1 KB3014442 Added the conditions for: CapturePicker Needed for: Snip & Sketch (Screen Sketch) ScreenSketch Depends on: Capture Picker Thnks to @shhnedo issue info Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-12-29 Fixed a problem with Remove System Apps Menu "The component removal seems to have a problem regarding the "Windows Mixed Reality" component. It keeps getting reactivated no matter what.", thnks to @Teo265. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-12-28 Fixed a problem by using the option to save your custom selection in a file list, thnks to @Teo265. Custom Toolkit Beta has made available to test. I just deployed the multiple choice schema for the Integrate Windows Updates menu. I will make available as beta (for testing). Now you can set everything from "Language Packs" up to "Custom Features" and run the "Start Integration" only once so that what is selected, be integrated. Download at Custom Toolkit's main post link. Note: Extract within the toolkit folder, the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" will recognize the file "CustomToolkit_Beta.cmd". In "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" use option 4 for tests. This time I was able to do the implementation only with menu modifications, and in the Start Integration function, so I avoid modifications in the structure of the code that integrates the updates. This will facilitate the merge with the future changes made by @MSMG. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-12-26 New Custom Toolkit bug found, thnks to @Intmd for the issue repport. I gave a visual check in the code and I found the bug that explains what he was telling me. For now just replaces from: Code: if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" set "Feature=%%i" to Code: if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" set "Features=!Features!;%%i" Note: Yes, it is from "Feature" to "Features". Bug: Only occurred when the "Integrate Setup Media Update" was selected. This blocked the integration of everything that had already been selected in the other menus. This is corrected by replacing this line. This way you can integrate 1 Language Packs, 2 Drivers and 3 features (If you want to activate the bypass for pauses and questions just press "0" before proceeding with "Start Integration". After the procedure you can press "0" inside the Integration Menu to disable.), in one step. Then do the manual steps on 4 Windows Update; And as the last step, do the 4 Setup Media Updates and 5 Custom Features after this, if necessary and proceeding with "Start Integration". Happy Holidays! Spoiler: Previous CHANGELOGS part 02: from 2021-07-16 onwards Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-12-20 Fixed a typo error in a Tweak where quotes are missing. Conflict fixed between Windows 10 "TaskBarsize" and Windows 11 "TaskBarsi" Tweaks. I removed another tweaks related to a provisional fix (IrisService) that had any relation to an old taskbar bug. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-12-12 *Merged with 2021-11-26 11.10 and 2021-12-03 12.0 Toolkit.cmd. 1. Fixed Display Host OS info for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 11. Thnks to the error in displaying Windows 7 Host OS, reported by the @正义羊 member. 2. For InboxApps: Fixed problem in detecting the .xml files Fixed merge problem from the previous version (CustomToolkit only) in which, the variables for the .xml files for some InboxApps components was with TYPO and the path to the AppLicence folder was not achieved. 3. Fixed a problem in the fully automated CustomToolkit process, in which, when performing the removal of components via ToolkitHelper List, it would end up returning to Remove Components Menu instead of following to Customize Menu and Apply Menu processes to complete and saving the ISO. 4. Inserted a Packs folder with individual scripts for auto download of *.msu files and auto extract *.cab needed files. Just extract and replace if necessary inside the toolkit folder, nothing important will be replaced, only the txt with the links, as some were empty. 5. Shortened CustomToolkit paths, as the purpose of reducing long path problems. from %SystemDRIVE%\Toolkit to %SystemDRIVE%\TK from %SystemDRIVE%\Toolkit\Mount to %SystemDRIVE%\TK\MNT from %Mount%\Install to %Mount%\I from %SystemDRIVE%\Toolkit\Temp to %SystemDRIVE%\TK\TMP With this change, the mount point that was long: C:\Toolkit\Mount\Install\* Now it was shortened to: C:\TK\MNT\I\* The asterisk is the number of mounted index. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-11-21 *Merged with 2021-11-11 11.9 Toolkit.cmd. Added the option to integrate SysInternals Suite. Every time you do integration will automatically download the latest version. The download process is performed through the BITS, datetime stamp will be maintained according to what is present in the file on the remote server. SysInternasl Suite is updated by MS, quizenally, and sometimes weekly. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-11-05 Just Minor Fixes related with Display Host OS info. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-29 *Merged with 2021-10-22 and 2021-10-24 11.8 Toolkit.cmd. Just Minor Typo Fixes. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-25 *Merged with 2021-10-04, 2021-10-08, 2021-10-14 and 2021-10-16 11.8 Toolkit.cmd. 1. Minor Fix caused by the implementation of the fully automated process that could give a conflict when using the Source menu. 2. Removed the integration of InboxApps from the fully automated process. Thus, more generically, I think it is best for the production of a fully functional image. 3. Added fixed "Bin\ConvertReg.ps1", "ToolkitREGsConverter.bat" and "ToolkitREGsDoubleConverter.bat" files. 4. (2021-10-26 updated and merged with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wmlib-74b") Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-03_3 Fixed missing parentesis "(" breaking the script. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-03_2 *Merged with 2021-10-03 Toolkit.cmd. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-03_1 *Fixed ManualSetup by MSMG suggestion; *:SaveSource session - WinRE minor fix *The names of the custom ISOs were getting the name of UUP Dump ISO. In this case, then the Auto Name was directed to the custom ISOs. It is a function that was already available at the Custom Toolkit at the ":Makeiso" session. *Automated Removal Components process changed from "PreSet Custom Selection" to "ToolkitHelper List". Note: In this method the dependency filter will be applied. So, according to Build, there will be differences. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-01 (Fully automated process) Merged made with the Official Toolkit 11.8 from 2021-09-19 to 2021-09-29. 1. Since my code writing method with the idea of reducing lines was making complicated the merge tasks. As the code was drowned in complications, difficult to readability for other devs. I decided to twist my code, in the sense of wiping. Expanded parts of the code that were in just one line for multiple lines in order to improve the reading of it. Mainly in the "for (loop) command thanks to a tip learned in the @abbodi1406 scripts. And, of course learning every day with @MSMG. In addition to the solutions brought in the Toolkit script, he always answers some people asks that brings new doubts and new learning. 2. In Inbox Apps: 2.1. A detail was modified to indicate what is not present in the packs, before continuing with inboxapps integration. 2.2. Fixed - A problem created by custom toolkit modifications by implementing the multi-selection system of inboxapps that repeated the final optimization that should be once for each index, but was repeating by the amount of apps selected times the quantity of indexes. As much as the whole process was automatic, this caused a very accentuated delay. 3. Added - Condition for integration of Sun Valley Icons Skin Pack only for Builds below 21348. 4. Some minor code upgrade on Tweaks and... 4.1. Added - Simple Bypass - Windows 11 Checking Hardware Requirements for InPlace Upgrade. 5. WMP Skin for x64 now apply in WMP Program Files(x86) folder too. 6. Adicionada uma opção de Custom PreSet para "Windows 7 Components Experience Edition" baseada na lista de componentes a serem mantido que o MSMG disponibilizou. 7. Fixed Edge Chromium Integration for w81. OBS: Supplementary information for Devs: After the implementation of Windows 11 support I found some bugs related to the use of subsequent conditions of "not equal" associated with the use of "else" in the same block (NEQ NEQ ELSE). It does not work. Ex: The use (neq w10 neq w11) so that a block block could work for both W7 and W81 and an "else" for when w10 or w11, but this does not work: In this case, what comes in the else block is completely ignored not being executed. I suppose a conflict occurs. Code: if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w10" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w11" ( echo.Performing Tasks for w7 or w81... ) else ( echo.Performing Tasks for w10 or w11... ) To correct this, the possible way is just as below. Code: if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w10" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w11" ( echo.Performing Tasks for w7 or w81... ) if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w7" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w81" ( echo.Performing Tasks for w10 or w11... ) 8. Spoiler: Fully automated process Guys, I left something at Custom Toolkit, which is to facilitate my tests, but it may be interesting to you too. Basically it is: In the main menu, press the letter "P" and watch the process. This will lead you to the selection of an ISO that will be extracted then beginning the atomatized process. Have your packs updated and with the folder structure updated for Toolkit 11.8 (recently changes made by MSMG). The custom registry folder also has to be duplicated w10 and w11 folders. I put a bypass for that. Instead of having 2 equal folders, leave only one with the name w10_w11. For Inbox Apps it is also possible but probably the licenses should have their folders separated for W81, W10 and W11. @MSMG, joining the folders will release plenty of space in Files hashsum are equal, for both w10 and w11. If you notice any error or jump integration, in the process execution, it is due to some missing pack. If you do not want to integrate something, just change the folder name so that the script can not find the pack. Example: If you do not want to integrate Games change the name of the folder from: ".\Packs\Games" to: ".\Packs\Games_". Automation goes up to, Virtual Create Image Index Editions and ISO finalization. Download "" that is in my signature to the folder where the "toolkit.cmd" file is. Below is the list of packs that will be integrated: Removes Components by Preset Custom Selection. So that you can take the test. Download "" that is in my signature to the folder where the "toolkit.cmd" file is. Below the list of packs that will be integrated, the Tweaks that will be applied and the components that will be removed by the Preset Custom Selection. So that you can take the test. Code: :: Auto Integrate Menu IntWin32Calc IntNetFX48 17763 IntNET6 above 17763 IntOpenSSH IntPowerShell7 IntGames CariocaRummy HoldEm Sudoku Tinker ChessTitans FreeCell Hearts Inkball MahjongTitans Minesweeper Pinball PurblePlace Solitaire SpiderSolitaire IntDaRT IntCustomFeatures IntCustomFiles IntWMPMetroSkin IntWPVMetroSkin IntWin32CalcMetroSkin IntWIconsSkin At this point the removal of the components will be by ToolkitHelper list. Leave your favorite list. In this method the dependency filter will be applied. So, according to Build, there will be differences. Code: :: Auto Remove Menu set "RemovalMethod=ToolkitHelper" call :RemoveWindowsComponentsList rem call :CustomPreSets_RemoveWindowsComponents rem call :AccessibilityCustomSelection rem call :ConservativeGenericEditionCustomSelection rem call :LooksLikeLTSCEditionCustomSelection rem call :GamerEditionCustomSelection rem call :LiteEditionCustomSelection rem call :XtremeLiteEditionCustomSelection rem call :W7ExperienceEditionCustomSelection Here is my Personal PreSets rem call :PersonalPreSets_RemoveWindowsComponents rem call :PersonalFamilyCustomSelection rem call :PersonalWorkCustomSelection rem call :ListsandPreSets_Filter rem call :StartRemovingWindowsComponents :: Auto Customize Menu RemoveInboxAppsAssociation ImportInboxAppsAssociation ImportStartMenuLayout ImportCustomRegistry "w8" CustomDisableAutomaticallyInstallationforPreSuggested3RDPartyApps DisableWindowsSmartScreen CustomWindowsDefender_WindowsDefenderSecurityCenterTweaks EnableCustomWindowsDriversUpdateTweaks CustomDisableWindowsUpdateTweaks DisableWindowsUpgrade ForceLatestNetFramework EnablePhotoViewer EnableFMP3ProCodec BlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery "w10_w11" HiberbootEnabled EnableDarkThemeandTransparency ControlPanelnConfigsandSettingsforFastestWindows WindowsExplorer_PreferencesandPolicies HideMeetNowIcon HideNewsAndInterests SetQoSlimittozero_internetWithNoLimits BugFix_WiFinoInternetConnection SetLanmanWorkstationandDownloads_OptimizationConfigs CustomDisableAutomaticallyInstallationforPreSuggested3RDPartyApps SetCloudContentfor3RDPartyAppsandDataCollection_Policies SetWindowsSearchandCortana_PreferencesandPolicies DisableSIA_DebugTracing CustomWindowsErrorReporting_Policies DisableWindowsSmartScreen CustomWindowsDefender_WindowsDefenderSecurityCenterTweaks EnableCustomWindowsDriversUpdateTweaks CustomDisableWindowsUpdateTweaks DisableWindowsUpgrade DisableReservedStorage ForceLatestNetFramework EnablePhotoViewer EnableFMP3ProCodec EnableFullResetBase GeneralTweaks "w10" BlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery "w11" BypassReq HideChatIcon HideWidgetsIcon TaskbarAlignment_Center2Left UnBlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery :: Auto Apply Menu Cleaning up Image folder Trim unwanted Editions VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions Edition to be Virtualy Created if supported. ProfessionalWorkstation ProfessionalWorkstationN ProfessionalEducationN ProfessionalEducation Enterprise EnterpriseN ServerRdsh EducationN Education IoTEnterprise CloudEdition CloudEditionN CoreSingleLanguage Any issues, let me know. 9. (2021-09-20 updated with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wimlib-72u") Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-08-25 Merge made with the fourth version of the Official Toolkit 11.7 on the day 2021-08-23. 1. Fixed "Sun Valley Icons Skin" integration: * for w7 and w81, thnks to @Bira suggestion. * for w10 build 18362 by changing gtr "18362" to geq "18362". * Added "Windows Photo Viewer Skin" and "Icons Skin" in the Custom Integrate for W7 and W81 menu. NOTE: "Windows Media Player Skin" break Windows Media Player for W7 and W81. Thnks by tests made by @Bira. 2. Added the condition to Integrate Windows Portable Devices :: Checking whether exists N Editions supported for Windows Portable Devices Integration are selected as source. If only non-N editions are selected, the following message will be displayed: 3. (2021-08-24 updated with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wimlib-69" Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-08-07 Merge made with the second version of the Toolkit official on the day 2021-08-05. Added a generic AutoUnattend file for builds below 18362 and maintained what I have already made available that it always worked for builds above 17763 LTSC. I recently started dealing with LTSC and found this problem with my generic AutoUnattend. Readme is the same. Make your customizations based on README. Improved aesthetics in the display of messages from the integration of skins, optimized a little more due to the style of the code presented in this version by @MSMG. Restored the implementation function of the Sun Valley Icons Skin "for the builds below 18362. It is working now. Fixed a signal that was exchanged, and prevented the Windows 11 "Bypass Hardware Requests Checking" to be implemented. Added plus a "StorageCheck" bypass tweak present in the MSMG code. Improved checking for n editions in the session ":IntMediaFeaturePack" with the addition of this Tweaks recommended by MSMG for non-N editions. Code: :: Checking whether exists N Editions supported for Windows Media Feature Pack Integration are selected as source. set /A ImageEditionCount=0 for %%i in (!ImageIndexNo!) do ( if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" ( call :GetImageEdition "%InstallWim%", %%i for /d %%j in (StarterN, StarterKN, HomeBasicN, HomeBasicKN, CoreN, CloudN, ProfessionalN, ProfessionalKN, ProfessionalEducationN, ProfessionalEducationKN, EnterpriseN, EnterpriseKN, EnterpriseSN, EnterpriseGN, UltimateN, UltimateKN, EducationN, EducationKN) do ( if "%ImageEdition%" equ "%%j" ( set /A ImageEditionCount+=1 ) else ( call :MountImageRegistry "%InstallMount%\%%i" reg.exe add "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\WindowsFeatures\WindowsMediaVersion" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1 call :UnMountImageRegistry ) ) ) ) Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-07-18 When the new Tweaks that @MSMG put to disable Windows Update were merged with the function "Custom Disable Windows Update Tweaks" that have the purpose of keeping the Download of Apps in Windows Store working, it ended up disabling this function. This has been fixed and I am Providing .reg files for anyone who is getting the Windows Store Download Error 0x8024500C, wants to Enable Download, and keep Windows Update partially Disabled. And another .reg to disable Everything as per MSMG settings. added the following .reg files WU_WS_ConfigPolicies (DisableWindowsStoreDownloads).reg WU_WS_ConfigPolicies (EnableWindowsStoreDownloads).reg Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-07-16 Added the condition to Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack :: Checking whether exists N Editions supported for Windows Media Feature Integration are selected as source. If only non-N editions are selected, the following message will be displayed: Code: =============================================================================== MSMG Toolkit - Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack =============================================================================== No N Edition was found. And, Non-N Editions are not supported. =============================================================================== Added Toolkit_Beta (It is the Official with the fixes i found until now). Use GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd to start Toolkit, Toolkit_Beta and CustomToolkit. Minor Fixes - New File "" with updated abbodi1406 convert-UUP Script v67. From now on I will post the packages separately. Package "CustomToolkit(xx.x)202x-xx-xx[inTerActionVRI].zip" referring to the CustomToolkit will be attached, and the package "", referring to the integration of the convert-UUP abbodi1406 Script for the Virtual Creation of Editions, will be stored and made available through Because due to the size of the file, it is not allowed to attach directly to the post in the forum. Note: To work with Virtual Create, it is not necessary to extract the file. Just save it to the Toolkit folder. The script will do the entire process. But you can extract to see what has changed. This is up to you. Spoiler: Previous CHANGELOGS part 01: from begining 2020-07-04 to 1st year 2021-07-03_2 Thnks!
Didn't spot the tweak for Teams, was too busy searching in the list of apps to remove. I was working with 22000.556.220302-1811.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_EN-GB.iso image, which is build 22000.556. As far as I know, this build is supported by the ToolKit. This is the list I used: Spoiler: RemovePkgsList.txt GameExplorer MapControl OneDrive PeopleExperienceHost RetailDemoContent SecureAssessmentBrowser SkypeORTC WindowsMixedReality WindowsStoreClient XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather CalculatorApp Camera CommunicationsApps Cortana DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted HEIFImageExtension Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ServicesStoreEngagement ScreenSketch SkypeApp SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StickyNotes StorePurchaseApp VP9VideoExtensions WalletService WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtensions WindowsStoreApp XboxApp XboxGameOverlay XboxGamingOverlay XboxIdentityProvider XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxTCUI YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo Showing the components being removed: Spoiler: Removal process =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Using Package List =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Removing Windows Components Using Package List#################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image : Install.wim Image Index : 1 Image Architecture : x64 Image Version : 10.0.22000.556.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Removing Windows Components Using Package List############################# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===========================[Install.wim, Index : 1]============================ MSMG ToolKit Commandline Helper Version: 1.0.5832.0 Image Version: 10.0.22000.556 Component : GameExplorer Removing Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : MapControl Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : OneDrive Removing Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : PeopleExperienceHost Removing Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : RetailDemoContent Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : SecureAssessmentBrowser Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : SkypeORTC Removing Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : WindowsMixedReality Removing Package files... Modifying Package Registry... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : WindowsStoreClient Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxClient Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxGameCallableUI Removing Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : Alarms Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : BingWeather Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : CalculatorApp Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : Camera Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : CommunicationsApps Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : Cortana Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : DesktopAppInstaller Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : FeedbackHub Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : GetHelp Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : Getstarted Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : HEIFImageExtension Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : Maps Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : OfficeHub Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : People Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : Photos Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : ScreenSketch Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : SolitaireCollection Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : SoundRecorder Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : StickyNotes Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : StorePurchaseApp Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : VP9VideoExtensions Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : WebMediaExtensions Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : WindowsStoreApp Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxGameOverlay Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxGamingOverlay Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxIdentityProvider Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxSpeechToTextOverlay Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : XboxTCUI Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : YourPhone Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : ZuneMusic Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. Component : ZuneVideo Removing Package files... Modifying Package files... Loading Image Registry... Modifying Package Registry... Unloading Image Registry... The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Removing Windows Components Using Package List#################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Press any key to continue . . .
If you compare the list you used and the removal process you presented, you will notice that the removal process of the following components is not displayed: 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml MixedRealityPortal OfficeOneNote Paint3D ServicesStoreEngagement SkypeApp WalletService WebpImageExtensions XboxApp And I'm sorry, but your initial question remains unclear to me - do you have any problems with deleting Mail & Calendar? Since you have shown that the CommunicationsApps component has been removed, therefore everything should be fine.
@Feartamixg, Try to identify and remove from mounted image in service using de Powershell below: Show you FullList Code: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Path 'C:\TK\MNT\I\2' | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select what you want to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path 'C:\TK\MNT\I\2' -Verbose Show you Non-Removable Code: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Path 'C:\TK\MNT\I\2' | ? { ( $_.NonRemovable ) } | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select what you want to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path 'C:\TK\MNT\I\2' -Verbose Show you Removable Code: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Path 'C:\TK\MNT\I\2' | ? { ( ! $_.NonRemovable ) } | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select what you want to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path 'C:\TK\MNT\I\2' -Verbose And this is for online servicing: Show you FullList Code: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -OnLine | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select what you want to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -OnLine -Verbose Show you Non-Removable Code: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -OnLine | ? { ( $_.NonRemovable ) } | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select what you want to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -OnLine -Verbose Show you Removable Code: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -OnLine | ? { ( ! $_.NonRemovable ) } | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select what you want to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -OnLine -Verbose
I'm sure these are not present in Windows 11 Paint3D is Paint for w11 XboxApp is GamingApp for W11. Need to check these others below:
i'd used my Windows 10 list, so that's why they are shown. Just some brief testing to see what goes wrong first. Although CommunicationsApps (Mail & Calendar) shows as being removed, it is present in the completed installation from the ISO which I (tried to) remove the components in my list.
Yes, if with commands performed as admin, non-removable are no longer present (removed by Toolkit), the full list command output will be the same as the removable list output. It worked correctly. But when selecting Teams to remove, work?
I will wait to see what @MSMG says about it. I would feel more comfortable if he ToolKit removed it for me, but right now it is not supported - perhaps there is a reason for this?
But Teams installs only after the first startup. You have to apply Tweak to disable this automatic update in the Customize Menu. [8] Apply Tweaks [C] Disable Automatic Download and Install of Microsoft Teams App So, you can use that powershell command to remove the Teams App.
I realised this later, after a bit more testing. Now I am almost happy with the final image. I can't seem to eliminate Get Started from my images. Although I have it my list and the ToolKit shows it has deleted it, it still shows in the Start menu.
No, there are component changes related to removed components in the 22000.593 preview CU and so using with latest CU and then updating with WU further can give errors.
1) CommunicationsApps is the component name for the Mail & Calendar App. 2) The support for removing Microsoft Teams apps has been added for future Windows 11 releases when MS makes it a inbox app. Right now the current Windows 11 release installs the Teams App online so you can use the tweak to disable it's installation.
There are two Get Started Apps, one is a inbox app and other one is a sub component of MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyew system app.