MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Do you think the user will mix up the source OS files from different versions?

  2. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #18343 inTerActionVRI, Jan 30, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    Yes, I had already thought of something similar, but I wanted something more direct, without mount and unmount. Direct from ISO. And without Powershell. But I believe that I would have no other option but on Linux, which is not the case at the moment.
    In other words, I have to stay with the powershell solution.
    I took advantage of your solution. It's more elegant, hehehe.

    @echo OFF
    set "ISO=%~dp0ISO"
    echo.####Getting ISO Label Name#####################################################
    set ISOLabel=
    set /p ISOLabel=Enter the ISO Volume Label :
    for %%f in (%ISO%\*.iso) do (
       set "ISOsource=%%f"
    if not defined ISOLabel (
        FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%v IN ('PowerShell -NonI -NoP -Command "(Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath '%ISOsource%' -NoDriveLetter -PassThru | Get-Volume).FileSystemLabel"') do (
           set "ISOLabel=%%v"
       PowerShell -NonI -NoP -Command "DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath '%ISOsource%'" >nul 2>&1
    goto :FileSystemLabel
    Is there any way to use:
    ('PowerShell -NonI -NoP -Command "(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath '%ISOsource%' | Get-Volume).FileSystemLabel"')
    ('PowerShell -NonI -NoP -Command "(Get-Volume -DiskImage '%ISOsource%').FileSystemLabel"')
    to avoid ISO mount and unmount?

    Grateful for the help!
  3. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #18344 inTerActionVRI, Jan 30, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021

    Sent an 2021-01-30 updated file in the link above.

    Merged with Toolkit 11.2.

    After MSMG release Fixes:
    Fix for :IntWindowsMixedReality to :IntWMR
    Fix for :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture
    by @MSMG.

    The ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder.
    When saving, an ISOsaves folder will be created to save the other ISOS changed by you.
    Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly.

    Added auto ISO Label and FileName:
    Option to select ISO Original source Label thanx to @Javanicus
    Automated ISO Label
    Automated ISO File Name

    MSMG ToolKit - Make a DVD ISO Image

    ####Starting Building a DVD ISO Image##########################################
    ####Getting DVD ISO Image Details##############################################

    ####Getting ISO Label Name#####################################################

    Keep just one ISO file in the <C:\ToolKit\ISO> folder

    [O] Original ISO Source Label
    [A] Auto Label
    [P] Personal Label

    Enter ['O'riginal/'A'uto/'P'ersonal] : A

    ISO Label "W10-v1903-x64-MultiEditions"

    ####Getting ISO File Name######################################################

    The new ISO file will be saved in <i:\ISOsaves> folder

    [A] Auto File Name
    [P] Personal File Name

    Enter ['A'uto/'P'ersonal] :

    Merged with Toolkit 11.1.
    The system of multiple selections implemented in:
    Language Integration
    Driver Integration
    DaRT integration
    Games Integration
    Tweaks application is also with multi selection.
    Custom Tweaks application is predefined. You can check the code.
    There are many extra registry tweaks added (they have been there since I started the Custom Toolkit).
    Component Removal

    Now, in the custom Toolkit, the custom pre-defined options that were available have been modified and implemented with PreSets.
    Both PreSets and the use of a personalized list will be read and you will be taken to the remove components menu.
    Thus, you can make your own changes, having the flexibility to check the dependencies through a filter to deal with such prerequisites.

    This way, however, it was released so that you can add or remove the main components without removing the dependencies in the spoiler specified below.
    : RemoveSystemAppsMenu
    Removing WindowsDefender will no longer remove SmartScreen, nor WindowsStore
    and remove SmartScreen also no more, it will remove WindowsStore

    : RemoveWindowsAppsMenu
    removing WindowsStore will still remove StickyNotes

    For users who don't want problems, just apply the filter and take a look at the menu lists to see what has changed.
    Or give Start Removing after the lists appear there is a possibility to go back and change something, if necessary.
    In the custom toolkit your choices will appear on the list screen. You can save and use it in the future with the List Removal system.

  4. Javac75

    Javac75 MDL Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    Nice optimized... :cheers:

    Do you mean like this..? :)
    - Check if ISO is already mounted

    @Echo Off
    Set "ISOsource=H:\ISOs\anyfile.iso"
    FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%v IN ('PowerShell -NonI -NoP -Command "if(!(get-DiskImage -ImagePath "%ISOsource%").Attached) { (Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath '%fIso%' -NoDriveLetter -PassThru | Get-Volume).FileSystemLabel } else { (get-DiskImage -ImagePath "%ISOsource%"|Get-Volume).FileSystemLabel }"') do ( set "ISOLabel=%%v" )
    powershell -NonI -NoP -C "DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath "%ISOsource%" | Out-Null"
    echo %ISOLabel%
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    No. Not that!

    The way you presented it, there are two possibilities.

    1 the ISO is already mounted and the required data is simply obtained;

    2 the ISO has to be mounted to obtain such data.

    I was wondering if there is a way to extract the data without having to mount the ISO with the commands Get-DiskImage, Get-Volume or both. But I don't think so. Only after the image is mounted.

    Thanks, man!
  6. Javac75

    Javac75 MDL Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    Yeah... you are right...
    I have looked at some files in the toolkit bin folder and a little research for information on them (7z, oscdimg, dvdburn) to use as needed. But I didn't find it. There is no other way for me except to rely with powershell scripts. :D

    You're wellcome, :)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. haremmon

    haremmon MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2016
    Hi all - I used toolkit v11.2 to generate my win10 image. Then I ran into this issue when trying to install a windows update on my Win10 20H2 - 19042.572.

    Some updates were not installed
    The following updates were not installed:

    Security Update for Windows (KB4598242)

    windows10.0-kb4598242-x64_725aeed030bc68b2d07096503bd26918ac1fe488.msu from MS catalog.

    Anyone has success or suggestions?

    It installed KB4580419 just fine (windows10.0-kb4580419-x64-ndp48_197efbd77177abe76a587359cea77bda5398c594.msu).
  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    So you used a Win10 20H2 - 19042.572 as source, did you removed the components? if yes then the current support build for removing components is 19042.745

  9. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    How do I stop this error being generated?
    Cortana was removed from the image, but all PCs get several of these each day.

    The server Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.11.6.17763_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
  10. kusosaito

    kusosaito MDL Junior Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    hi, for some mistake i delete TTS (speech) from image with msmg, i didnt notice how..
    but now even if i install it from settings another software dont see that i have speech engine...
    can you please say if there is way to back it on work system? bc i alredy setup everythig...
    and also how i can add it in my image for future, to not re-do everything from zero..?
  11. roedel

    roedel MDL Junior Member

    Jun 3, 2010
    Thank you for the update. But I have several questions...




    A is Disable Cortana App and Start Applying Tweaks??



    Where can I customize the Custom Tweaks?

    When I press 9 I see this menu

  12. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    #18356 Yanta, Jan 31, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    I used toolkit 10.1 for the LTSC image I had.That was the latest version at the time, and I'd be sticking with the version of the toolkit that uses the base image 17763.1. I believe the toolkit has been changed to use the latest CU... For 1809 I don't understand why that was done as 1809 doesn't restore removed components when a CU is installed. Anyway, Cortana was removed with the toolkit and c:\windows\systemapps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy still exists after install. So my postinstall script renames it to zMicrosoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy. SearchUI.exe is not running on my system.

    I looked in systemapps and the cortana folder had been restored somehow? So I removed it and then I get this error 6 times each start up...

    Unable to start a DCOM Server: Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.11.6.17763_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI as Unavailable/Unavailable. The error:
    Happened while starting this command:
    "C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchUI.exe" -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppXa50dqqa5gqv4a428c9y1jjw7m3btvepj.mca
    What's trying to start it?

    So secpol won't fix this error because the folder doesn't exist. Need to find what is attempting to start it. Did a quick scan of group policy and registry couldn't see anything obvious.
  13. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    #18357 ingviowarr, Feb 1, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
    Basicly, doesn't. But the most sighnificant parts (according to M$ mention) - Cortana, some GPOs, Update functions, Diagnostics, etc. may be restored anyway after applying CU manually (some CU may contain aggressive telemetry settings and reset scenarios).
    That's why the Secpol trick doesn't work for you.
    The same error may appear also after applying "install_wim_tweak.exe" or brutal deletion of Cortana, or renaming Apps' folder, etc.

    The most easy way is disable this error in Event Viewer and forget (after deactivating / removing Cortana and Search).
    Be brutal, if you want, like a wim_tweak is. It's OK for these two.
    May be some of the DCOM objects trying to access to Cortana / Search
    Start -> Run -> dcomcnfg

    If Cortana / Search are really killed, it's more "event" than "error" you may ignore.
    M$ have a tons of such useless events that have no real "fixes" (they confirm it themselves).
    Such "errors" should be ignored or disabled in Event Viewer.
    Just ensure you killed Cortana using wim_tweak or AutoSettingsPS (by westlife) or whatever and disable the Event.

    P.S. As I said many pages ago, AutoSettingsPS is your best friend to check the system settings after OS installation or applied CU and restore all your safest presets back.
    Just prepare the set of your favorite presets once and apply them everytime you want.
    All magic is here: ...\AutoSettingsPS\Files\EN\Presets_EN.txt
    Don't forget switch UI to EN first.
  14. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Cool, for the feedback.

    I explain how to customize and send the corrected file tomorrow.

    But basically if you copy some of the displayed text you can find it by searching the code. But few less common words like: Applying Custom Tweaks

    9 are the tweaks I use by default. are described in the Spoiler Full Changes Description
    Now that doing an ISO is much faster. Make an ISO for testing, with customized tweaks.
  15. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    set "CustomRegistryTweaksSelection=Yes"
    echo.##### Applying Custom Registry Tweaks Selection #####
       rem Type    REG_DWORD   |   Data
       rem        0x00000000   =   Boot
       rem        0x00000001   =   System
       rem        0x00000002   =   Automatic
       rem        0x00000003   =   Manual
       rem        0x00000004   =   Disabled
    set "T_HiberbootEnabled=+"
    set "T_DisableStepsRecorder=+"
    set "T_EnableDarkThemeandTransparency=+"
    set "T_ControlPanelnConfigsandSettingsforFastestWindows=+"
    set "T_WindowsExplorer_PreferencesandPolicies=+"
    set "T_HideTaskViewIcon=-"
    set "T_SetQoSlimittozero_internetWithNoLimits=+"
    set "T_BugFix_WiFinoInternetConnection=+"
    set "T_SetLanmanWorkstationandDownloads_OptimizationConfigs=+"
    set "T_Disable3RDPartyApps=-"
    set "T_CustomDisableAutomaticallyInstallationforPreSuggested3RDPartyApps=+"
    set "T_SetCloudContentfor3RDPartyAppsandDataCollection_Policies=+"
    set "T_DisableCortanaApp=-"
    set "T_SetWindowsSearchandCortana_PreferencesandPolicies=+"
    set "T_DisableSIA_DebugTracing=+"
    set "T_CustomWindowsErrorReporting_Policies=+"
    set "T_DisableWindowsSmartScreen=+"
    set "T_DisableWindowsDefender=-"
    set "T_CustomWindowsDefender_WindowsDefenderSecurityCenterTweaks=+"
    set "T_DisableDriversUpdates=-"
    set "T_EnableCustomWindowsDriversUpdateTweaks=+"
    set "T_DisableWindowsUpdate=-"
    set "T_CustomDisableWindowsUpdateTweaks=+"
    set "T_DisableWindowsUpgrade=+"
    set "T_DisableReservedStorage=+"
    set "T_ForceLatestNetFramework=-"
    set "T_EnablePhotoViewer=+"
    set "T_EnableFMP3ProCodec=+"
    set "T_EnableFullResetBase=-"
    set "T_BlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery=+"
    set "T_UnBlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery=-"
    set "T_GeneralTweaks=+"
    You can see that there are "+" and "-" signs ...
    If there is something you want to apply, put "+". What do you want to leave as the default "-".

    There are also the original official toolkit sessions and similar but customized sessions. You must choose only one of them.

    You will find the sessions looking for the terms below. In sessions, you must keep the "+" sign. Only when the selections have a "+" sign will they be applied.

    if "!T_DisableWindowsUpdate!" equ "+" (
    if "!T_CustomDisableWindowsUpdateTweaks!" equ "+" (

    Within sessions you can place or remove registry entries. To remove just type "rem" at the beginning of the line or simply delete the line.
    I advise you to keep the Official Toolkit sessions. Change only the sessions available for customization in the Custom Toolkit.
  16. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #18360 inTerActionVRI, Feb 1, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021

    Sent an 2021-02-01 updated file in the link above.

    I forgot to mention ... the ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder.
    When saving, an ISOsaves folder will be created to save the other ISOS changed by you.
    Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly.

    Fix and Improved CustomToolkit Customize Menu, thanks to feedback from member @roedel.

    MSMG ToolKit - Customize Menu

    [1] Enable Windows Features using Features List
    [2] Disable Windows Features using Features List
    [3] (-)Export Default Inbox Apps Association to XML File
    [4] (+)Remove Default Inbox Apps Association XML
    [5] (+)Import Custom Default Inbox Apps Association from XML File
    [6] (+)Import Custom StartMenu Layout from XML File
    [7] (+)Import Custom Registry Setting from Registry File

    [8] Select Official Tweaks
    [9] Select Custom Tweaks

    S Start Applying Tweaks

    [R] ReSet All Tweak Selections

    [X] Go Back


    Enter Your Choice :

    My custom Tweaks Selection has been converted to a menu. Facilitates the visualization that has been made available. However, my selection is available as a PreSet.

    To apply the Tweaks just turn and select to Start Applying Tweaks.

    MSMG ToolKit - Select Custom Tweaks Menu

    [ 1] (+)International Parameters and DateTime NTP Servers
    [ 2] (+)Hiberboot Enabled
    [ 3] (+)Disable StepsRecorder
    [ 4] (+)Enable DarkTheme and Transparency
    [ 5] (+)Control Panel nConfigs and Settings for Fastest Windows
    [ 6] (-)Fix Start Menu Issues
    [ 7] (+)Windows Explorer - Preferences and Policies
    [ 8] (-)Hide Taskbar TaskView Icon
    [ 9] (+)Set QoS limit to zero - internet With No Limits
    [10] (+)Bug Fix - WiFi no Internet Connection
    [11] (+)Set Lanman Workstation and Downloads - Optimization Configs
    [12] (+)Custom Disable Automatically Installation for PreSuggested 3RD Party Apps
    [13] (+)Set CloudContent for 3RD Party Apps and DataCollection - Policies
    [14] (+)Set Windows Search and Cortana - Preferences and Policies
    [15] (+)Disable SIA Debug Tracing
    [16] (+)Custom Windows Error Reporting Policies
    [17] (+)Disable Windows SmartScreen
    [18] (+)Custom Windows Defender and Windows Defender Security Center Tweaks
    [19] (+)Enable Custom Windows Drivers Update through Windows Update Tweaks
    [20] (+)Custom Disable Windows Update Tweaks
    [21] (+)Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade
    [22] (+)Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates
    [23] (-)Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework
    [24] (+)Enable Windows Photo Viewer
    [25] (+)Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec
    [26] (-)Enable DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase
    [27] (+)Block Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery
    [28] (-)UnBlock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery
    [29] (+)General Tweaks

    [P] PreSet Custom Tweaks Selection
    S Select All Tweaks | [R] Revert to Default
    [X] Go Back


    Enter Your Choice :

    merged with Toolkit 11.2.

    After MSMG release Fixes:
    Fix for :IntWindowsMixedReality to :IntWMR
    Fix for :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture
    by @MSMG.

    The ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder.
    When saving, an ISOsaves folder will be created to save the other ISOS changed by you.
    Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly.

    Added auto ISO Label and FileName:
    Option to select ISO Original source Label thanx to @Javanicus
    Automated ISO Label
    Automated ISO File Name

    MSMG ToolKit - Make a DVD ISO Image

    ####Starting Building a DVD ISO Image##########################################
    ####Getting DVD ISO Image Details##############################################

    ####Getting ISO Label Name#####################################################

    Keep just one ISO file in the <C:\ToolKit\ISO> folder

    [O] Original ISO Source Label
    [A] Auto Label
    [P] Personal Label

    Enter ['O'riginal/'A'uto/'P'ersonal] : A

    ISO Label "W10-v1903-x64-MultiEditions"

    ####Getting ISO File Name######################################################

    The new ISO file will be saved in <i:\ISOsaves> folder

    [A] Auto File Name
    [P] Personal File Name

    Enter ['A'uto/'P'ersonal] :

    Merged with Toolkit 11.1.
    The system of multiple selections implemented in:
    Language Integration
    Driver Integration
    DaRT integration
    Games Integration
    Tweaks application is also with multi selection.
    Custom Tweaks application is predefined. You can check the code.
    There are many extra registry tweaks added (they have been there since I started the Custom Toolkit).
    Component Removal

    Now, in the custom Toolkit, the custom pre-defined options that were available have been modified and implemented with PreSets.
    Both PreSets and the use of a personalized list will be read and you will be taken to the remove components menu.
    Thus, you can make your own changes, having the flexibility to check the dependencies through a filter to deal with such prerequisites.

    This way, however, it was released so that you can add or remove the main components without removing the dependencies in the spoiler specified below.
    : RemoveSystemAppsMenu
    Removing WindowsDefender will no longer remove SmartScreen, nor WindowsStore
    and remove SmartScreen also no more, it will remove WindowsStore

    : RemoveWindowsAppsMenu
    removing WindowsStore will still remove StickyNotes

    For users who don't want problems, just apply the filter and take a look at the menu lists to see what has changed.
    Or give Start Removing after the lists appear there is a possibility to go back and change something, if necessary.
    In the custom toolkit your choices will appear on the list screen. You can save and use it in the future with the List Removal system.
