1. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Bug in the 'Windows Apps' (7) menu. I am getting entries appearing and disappearing every time I press enter and items are auto-unselecting.
  2. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    Awwww... geez... I have to visit 10 PCs every month after installing a CU to check none of the tweaks have been reset/apps have been restored. Apart from the long term support, that's the whole reason I stayed on 1809; because stuff didn't get restored/reset :(

    All I do for SearchUI.exe is kill the process, rename the folder and disable Cotana in GPO.
  3. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Appearing and disappearing or changing the signs from "+" to "-" and vice versa?

    Auto unselecting occurs because of dependencies (prerequisites for components to work).

    You need to make your selections in all menus (Only the ones with a "-" sign will be removed) and then go back to the remove menu and select Start Remove Components.
  4. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    #18364 ingviowarr, Feb 2, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
    Use scan in AutoSettingsPS to rapidly check whether your fave presets are ok. One option = inpection of all your presets for one minute (Good / Not good).

    When you learn how AutoSettingsPS works, you may go to the next (avanced user) step - Not only scan, and choose presets to change, but APPLY ALL your fave presets at once using another option and file (QuickPresets_EN.txt).
    But DON'T USE THIS until you become a pro with this tool.

    This happens not often (after a several major CUs).
    I may conclude that your system is not sufficiently reconfigured.
    In the really hardened Windows you'll get only several restored settings after a "bad" CU.
    Restoring of Cortana is smth. extraordinary or even impossible for the nicely hacked OS.

    Not good. Brutal renaming is weak - incomplete, primitive and very obsolete method.
    For example, install_wim_tweak.exe removes at least 3 apps to kill Cortana. Smth. like this:
    install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Cortana /r
    But killing bloatware is a complex thing. GPO, Services, Schedules, Diagnosis - tons of tweaks.
    The better way for you - AutoSettingsPS. It have everything you need in one bundle and vonderfully automated.
    Just spent your time to learn once and then you will press only 2 buttons to fix everything - Scan and Apply your fave options.

    MSMG (for source) + AutoSettingsPS (for live)
    They both are equally cool (for me).
  5. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    You can literally just press enter over and over and the menu changes back and forth.
  6. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I tested with PreSet, before uploading the new file. But I will check for the manual selection mode, I may have missed something.

    Note: "B" goes back - "N" moves to the next menu, in menu 7 "N" goes to menu 1.
  7. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #18368 MSMG, Feb 2, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
    What's the CU version did you used after the component removal?

    It was updated to use images with CU since many people reported that they were unable to get the 17763.1 LTSC images.

    MDL member Ace asked for servicing images with both vanilla and updated images but when I tried to add the support for vanilla image the code size got increased, so I have put the support on hold.

  8. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yay brother, very good post thanks for all
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #18371 inTerActionVRI, Feb 2, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021

    Sent an 2021-02-02 updated file in the link above.

    Fixed an issue with "[7] Remove Windows Apps Menus" thanks to feedback from member @nosirrahx.
    Note: Problem not related to the Official Toolkit, only to the Custom Toolkit menu changes.

    The last option you selected will remain in memory.

    Example 1: if you select "N" to go to the next menu by clicking enter without typing anything you will go to the next menu.

    Example 2: if you select several options: 1 2 4 6 7 10 12 15 and press <ENTER> all of these options were able to be removed with the "-" sign, but if you don't type anything and press <ENTER> again the same options will become a "+" sign.

    You must return twice to reach the menu with the option "[5] Start Removing Windows Components". So, "X" <ENTER> then "X".
    Changed the aspect ratio of the CMD window to accommodate long menus without having to scroll up and down.
    Below, changes to the interface to be more informative in this regard.

    MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Menu

    [1] Custom PreSets for Removing Windows Components

    [2] Personal PreSets for Removing Windows Components

    [3] Call 'F'ilter Component Dependencies

    [4] Select Windows Components

    [5] Start Removing Windows Components

    [R] ReSet All your Choices

    [X] Go Back


    Enter Your Choice :

    MSMG ToolKit - Select Windows Components Menu
    [1] Internet

    [2] Multimedia

    [3] Privacy

    [4] Remoting

    [5] System

    [6] System Apps

    [7] Windows Apps

    Note: You can make multiple component selection. Ex: 01;05,07 10
    semi colons and comas will be read by CMD compiler as <SPACE>.
    so use the one or everyone you want.

    [X] Go Back and Choose [5] to Start Removing Process
    Enter Your Choice :

    I forgot to mention ... the ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder.
    When saving, an ISOsaves folder will be created to save the other ISOS changed by you.
    Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly.

    Fix and Improved CustomToolkit Customize Menu, thanks to feedback from member @roedel.

    MSMG ToolKit - Customize Menu

    [1] Enable Windows Features using Features List
    [2] Disable Windows Features using Features List
    [3] (-)Export Default Inbox Apps Association to XML File
    [4] (+)Remove Default Inbox Apps Association XML
    [5] (+)Import Custom Default Inbox Apps Association from XML File
    [6] (+)Import Custom StartMenu Layout from XML File
    [7] (+)Import Custom Registry Setting from Registry File

    [8] Select Official Tweaks
    [9] Select Custom Tweaks

    S Start Applying Tweaks

    [R] ReSet All Tweak Selections

    [X] Go Back


    Enter Your Choice :

    My custom Tweaks Selection has been converted to a menu. Facilitates the visualization that has been made available. However, my selection is available as a PreSet.

    To apply the Tweaks just turn and select to Start Applying Tweaks.

    MSMG ToolKit - Select Custom Tweaks Menu

    [ 1] (+)International Parameters and DateTime NTP Servers
    [ 2] (+)Hiberboot Enabled
    [ 3] (+)Disable StepsRecorder
    [ 4] (+)Enable DarkTheme and Transparency
    [ 5] (+)Control Panel nConfigs and Settings for Fastest Windows
    [ 6] (-)Fix Start Menu Issues
    [ 7] (+)Windows Explorer - Preferences and Policies
    [ 8] (-)Hide Taskbar TaskView Icon
    [ 9] (+)Set QoS limit to zero - internet With No Limits
    [10] (+)Bug Fix - WiFi no Internet Connection
    [11] (+)Set Lanman Workstation and Downloads - Optimization Configs
    [12] (+)Custom Disable Automatically Installation for PreSuggested 3RD Party Apps
    [13] (+)Set CloudContent for 3RD Party Apps and DataCollection - Policies
    [14] (+)Set Windows Search and Cortana - Preferences and Policies
    [15] (+)Disable SIA Debug Tracing
    [16] (+)Custom Windows Error Reporting Policies
    [17] (+)Disable Windows SmartScreen
    [18] (+)Custom Windows Defender and Windows Defender Security Center Tweaks
    [19] (+)Enable Custom Windows Drivers Update through Windows Update Tweaks
    [20] (+)Custom Disable Windows Update Tweaks
    [21] (+)Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade
    [22] (+)Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates
    [23] (-)Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework
    [24] (+)Enable Windows Photo Viewer
    [25] (+)Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec
    [26] (-)Enable DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase
    [27] (+)Block Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery
    [28] (-)UnBlock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery
    [29] (+)General Tweaks

    [P] PreSet Custom Tweaks Selection
    S Select All Tweaks | [R] Revert to Default
    [X] Go Back


    Enter Your Choice :

    merged with Toolkit 11.2.

    After MSMG release Fixes:
    Fix for :IntWindowsMixedReality to :IntWMR
    Fix for :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture
    by @MSMG.

    The ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder.
    When saving, an ISOsaves folder will be created to save the other ISOS changed by you.
    Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly.

    Added auto ISO Label and FileName:
    Option to select ISO Original source Label thanx to member @Javanicus
    Automated ISO Label
    Automated ISO File Name

    MSMG ToolKit - Make a DVD ISO Image

    ####Starting Building a DVD ISO Image##########################################
    ####Getting DVD ISO Image Details##############################################

    ####Getting ISO Label Name#####################################################

    Keep just one ISO file in the <C:\ToolKit\ISO> folder

    [O] Original ISO Source Label
    [A] Auto Label
    [P] Personal Label

    Enter ['O'riginal/'A'uto/'P'ersonal] : A

    ISO Label "W10-v1903-x64-MultiEditions"

    ####Getting ISO File Name######################################################

    The new ISO file will be saved in <i:\ISOsaves> folder

    [A] Auto File Name
    [P] Personal File Name

    Enter ['A'uto/'P'ersonal] :

    Merged with Toolkit 11.1.
    The system of multiple selections implemented in:
    Language Integration
    Driver Integration
    DaRT integration
    Games Integration
    Tweaks application is also with multi selection.
    Custom Tweaks application is predefined. You can check the code.
    There are many extra registry tweaks added (they have been there since I started the Custom Toolkit).
    Component Removal

    Now, in the custom Toolkit, the custom pre-defined options that were available have been modified and implemented with PreSets.
    Both PreSets and the use of a personalized list will be read and you will be taken to the remove components menu.
    Thus, you can make your own changes, having the flexibility to check the dependencies through a filter to deal with such prerequisites.

    This way, however, it was released so that you can add or remove the main components without removing the dependencies in the spoiler specified below.
    : RemoveSystemAppsMenu
    Removing WindowsDefender will no longer remove SmartScreen, nor WindowsStore
    and remove SmartScreen also no more, it will remove WindowsStore

    : RemoveWindowsAppsMenu
    removing WindowsStore will still remove StickyNotes

    For users who don't want problems, just apply the filter and take a look at the menu lists to see what has changed.
    Or give Start Removing after the lists appear there is a possibility to go back and change something, if necessary.
    In the custom toolkit your choices will appear on the list screen. You can save and use it in the future with the List Removal system.

    Merged with Toolkit 10.10 and 11.0.
    It was not made available.

    Merged with Toolkit 10.9.

    @MSMG decided to remove the rebuild source session.
    It has also been removed from CustomTollkit. And, according to the nomenclature defined by him, it was also implemented in CustomToolkit.
    Its functionality has been integrated with the "Apply & Save Changes to Source Images". Now, during the process, it is called "Optimizing Source".

    Implemented the correction made by MSMG, mentioned in this post, after the release of 10.9.

    I said that I like a black background with yellow letters, so I did it on CustomToolkit and GenericStart_LauncherMenu.

    At the beginning of the month, the merge was performed with Toolkit 10.7 and then with 10.8.
    But CustomToolkit was not released due to implementations that were completed on 2020-11-16.

    The menu paths mentioned or described in tutorial mode, both in the CustomTookit download topic and here in the changelogs, have been updated due to the Menu reorganization update promoted by @MSMG in the Official Toolkit.

    * Removed that function of applying the tweaks through questions and answers. In exchange for this, it was implemented in the entire script that when you are working on a specific menu when completing a task, you return to the previous menu (in this case, the menu you were already in). To return to the main menu, just press X - X - X ... This makes it a little easier.

    * Added a question for those who work with the images, to be able to select the preferred indexes. "Do you want to remove the Indexes from unselected images?" Yes that's right. Removal of those not selected immediately after the initial selection! If you don't want to, at this point, for any reason, just use the Trim function within the Apply Menu before proceeding to save.
    I believe that the exclusion is recommended at the beginning, except for the example I mention in the question during the script, in Select Source.

    * Previously, in a version that was not even released, it was necessary to make the choices so that they were arranged in an ascending manner. Then a feature called "Sorting to Ascending Order" was implemented. Now, you can select 10,7,2,4 and after the removal the selected images 2,4,7,10 will be there from 1 to 5. After that the Image Index Number will be set as "A" and the mounting process will start.

    * The "Rebuild Source" session was merged with "Save Source": when saving, the service will be executed in full. There is no need to remember to do one last task. So, to make it clearer, at the end, it will be carried out in the rebuild source procedure that is already part of the saving process.

    * Palliative fix: Added the function to select the Index, in the ExtractSourceMCT session.

    * In the sessions of conversion or extracting from ESD to Wim, the compression is Default (smaller) with the parameter "fast".
    The purpose is to perform the task more quickly, the maximum compression will only be defined for tasks to finalize your modifications and save. Other tasks like export, trim of Image Indexes, etc ... continue with Maximum compression with the parameter "max"

    Note: About changelogs: which mention details about obsolete things (no longer present in CustomToolkit) will be removed from the list. I will leave only the changelogs that still have pertinent information.

    Merged with Toolkit 10.8.

    Merged with Toolkit 10.7.

    Created the file "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" to replace the following 4 files: "Start.cmd", "Start_Beta.cmd", "CustomStart.cmd" and "CustomStart_Beta.cmd". I think that way, it gets better.
    When files with the following names are present in the toolkit folder, options will appear in the GenericStart menu.

    [1] "Toolkit.cmd"
    [2] "CustomToolKit.cmd"
    [3] "ToolKit_Beta.cmd"
    [4] "CustomToolKit_Beta.cmd"
    [5] "Multi_ImageIndexRemoval.cmd"

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.6 and 10.7 Beta.

    The files "CustomStart.cmd" to launch "CustomToolkit.cmd" and "Star.cmd" to launch MSMG Official "Toolkit.cmd" have always been made available in the CustomToolkit package. So that you can simply extract and start using.
    Now I renamed the Toolkit 10.7 Beta file to "Toolkit_Beta.cmd" and included a launcher for it.
    Included "CustomStart_Beta.cmd" to launch "CustomToolkit_Beta.cmd" and "Star_Beta.cmd" to launch MSMG Official "Toolkit_Beta.cmd". Simple and intuitive.

    Some minor changes: Enabling the installation of the Windows driver from the WU and in the Windows Explorer Settings, in the selection of custom settings, set the "Minimized State Tablet Off" mode to "0". In this case the bar will have the pin fixed in Windows Explorer (this will disable automatic bar hiding).

    Improved all Inserted Conditions
           if "%Component%" equ "Privacy" (
               %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" AssignedAccess;CEIP;FaceRecognition;KernelDebugging;LocationService;PicturePassword;PinEnrollment;UnifiedTelemetryClient;WiFiNetworkManager;WindowsInsiderHub
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "19042" if "%ImageBuild%" neq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" neq "18363" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
    OLD EXAMPLE of Inserted Conditions are in CHANGELOG 2020-07-17

    Added "Block and UnBlock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" to Apply Tweaks Menu

    The "Block Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" option was also inserted in the "Apply Custom Tweaks Selection" option. If you want to test Custom Tweaks and want to keep the possibility of receiving the update for Edge Chromium, just apply the option of "Unblock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" later. What the "Apply Custom Tweaks Selection" option does is described in the download post.

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.5

    I facilitated the steps in the menu [5] Apply.
    When it finish a step, it goes back to Menu "[5] Apply". Only when you finish the Rebuild Step that goes back to the Main Menu.

    Some aesthetic changes were made just to display the message "Mounting Image Registry ..." and "Un-Mounting Image Registry".

    Fixed the Menus that had the options reversed.

    Since I am doing this, I have already been reviewing the Custom Menus and I saw that after @MSMG added PowerShell7 to the menu, I forgot to change the information about which items are Integrated in the Custom Option. So, I also added PowerShell7 to be integrated into the "Integrate Custom Selection ..." options
                    MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Features Menu
      [A]   Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
      [B]   Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser
      [C]   Microsoft Win32 Calculator
      [D]   Windows Accessibility Braille
      [E]   Windows Data Deduplication
      [F]   Windows Media Feature Pack
      [G]   Windows Portable Devices
      [H]   Windows PowerShell 7.1
      [I]   Open Secure Shell ^(SSH^) Client ^& Server
      [J]   Microsoft Default Inbox Apps
      [K]   Microsoft Office Desktop UWP Apps
      [L]   Microsoft DaRT 10.0 Tools
      [M]   Microsoft DirectX 9.0c
      [N]   Microsoft Games
      [O]   Windows Sidebar
      [P]   Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime
      [T]   Integrate Custom Selection M N P C H
      [U]   Integrate Custom Selection M   P C H
      [V]   Integrate Custom Selection   N P C H
      [W]   Integrate Custom Selection     P C H
      [Y]   Integrate Custom Selection   N   C H
      [Z]   Integrate Custom Selection       C H
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice :

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.4

    Now, with @MSMG suggestions, the removal menu doesn't show there options for ISO sources integrated with new cumulative or feature updates, is fixed.

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.3

    Added: Show info in Source Menu when you have already selected your source.

    Merged with new Toolkit 10.2

    Some improvments:

    When you selected any option to remove all components and decided to return by answering "no" for some reason. You would always return to the Main Menu. In the Custom Toolkit when you answer "no" you are returned to the menu you were in.

    In previous Custom Toolkits I couldn't see a way to maintain the Original "Apply Tweaks Menu" without increasing the code size.

    But thanks to the changes that @MSMG made in the new version, it opened my eyes and I managed to put both menus. The original "Apply Tweaks Menu" back and the "Custom Apply Tweaks Menu".

    The problem was that when deciding to apply a tweak individually, fall into the system of applying all tweaks by answering questions. But now this is fixed.

    There was an error with an extra quote in the Edge removal lines, for some Custom Removal to make Specific Editions. First I thought about correcting it just by removing the extra quote. But I changed my mind and simply put it to remove the Edge directly on the command line to remove multiple components at once.

    I decided to make some changes mainly in the "Gamer Edition" (more components removed that can be added through the Windows Store), so I made changes in the other "Custom Editions" as well. But not in the "Accessibility Edition".

    I put some pauses in the custom integration steps "Integrate Custom Selection 8 7 6 5" so that you can see what happens.

    Fixed a registry error in my custom tweaks and added suggestions for use in the Windows Store, automatic installations in silent mode disabled. Autodownload - Update for installed apps enabled

           if "%Component%" equ "Privacy" (
               %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" AssignedAccess;CEIP;FaceRecognition;KernelDebugging;LocationService;PicturePassword;PinEnrollment;UnifiedTelemetryClient;WiFiNetworkManager;WindowsInsiderHub
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "17763" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19041" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19042" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
           if "%Component%" equ "Privacy" (
               %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" AssignedAccess;CEIP;FaceRecognition;KernelDebugging;LocationService;PicturePassword;PinEnrollment;UnifiedTelemetryClient;WiFiNetworkManager;WindowsInsiderHub
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "17763" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19041" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19042" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting

    Windows Error Reporting is needed for OOBE for v1903 / v1909 OS.
    This component has been reinserted and will pass again, according to specific conditions, to be automatically removed by the "Editions Custom Selection Removal Script" options available in CustomToolkit. Conditions prevent removal on versions v1903 / v1909.

    Only for:
    Remove All Privacy Components
    Accessibility Edition
    Lite Edition
    Xtreme Lite Edition
    Content Delivery Manager is needed for OOBE for v1809 / v1903 / v1909 / v2004 / v20H2 OS.
    For this Component, if you want, just access the "Remove System Components Menu" to remove "Content Delivery Manager".

    I also made available a model of my AutoUnattend *.xml answer file with a ReadMe for those who want to play a little.

    Reported a problem in the question "Do you want to Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec ? ['Y'es/'N'o] :" mentioned in the post "https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-796#post-1607819" by friend @roedel.

    Problem solved.

    As @MSMG said:
    Content Delivery Manager is needed for OOBE for v1809 / v1903 / v1909 / v2004 / v20H2 OS.
    Windows Error Reporting is needed for OOBE for v1903 / v1909 OS.

    These components will no longer be automatically removed by the "Editions Custom Selection Removal Script" options available in CustomToolkit.

    If you want, just access the "Remove Privacy Components Menu" to remove "Windows Error Reporting" and "Remove System Components Menu" to remove "Content Delivery Manager".

    When I have an idea to edit the code I add commented lines as if they were reminders or a list of what to do.
    So, I removed some obsolete lines left behind.

    Also, I created a way to use the customized version and the original version of the Toolkit, without having to replace the original files.

    When you run Start.cmd, to launch the Official "Toolkit.cmd".
    When you run GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd, to Launch both Toolkits: "Toolkit.cmd" and "CustomToolkit.cmd".

    In this file I also placed the original files, for those who had previously replaced them.

    Fixed the bug in the question about choosing the StorageDrive, when you answer "No". I kept asking for the letter and did not go to the Main Menu.

    Correcting the problem of saving the iso that I had set for my drive "I:", I decided to add an option to keep it as is or set another one (Optional for those who need to save their isos on some larger drive). Very simple. There is a moment when opening the toolkit that asks you to check <ENTER>. Well select Y or N. "N" will keep the ISO folder where it has always been - inside the Toolkit folder. Than select your drive.

    Fix Cortana App was not removed in 2004 H1 (only in the custom removal options I made available).

    In that apply tweaks menu by answering questions system, I added a question to the end to apply the integration of your Registry (*.reg) files.

    Removed some "pause" commands from the end of some processes in the Menus (Integrate Windows Features Menu - Integrate Windows Custom Features Menu - Remove Menu (when we select some of the Remove All Components) - Customize Menu) and replaced them with a question "Do you want to continue in that menu?"

    The part with menu options with custom component removal scripts has been retained.

    A huge change has made to apply Tweaks by answering Y (yes) or N (no) questions.

    The focus is on Menu 4 -> 2 and feel free to test.
    @mhussain , the part I promised is ready.
    follow 4, 2, A for Accessibility Edition
    at the end of the first part, you will be asked if you want to keep the Mixed Reality Pack, then ask if you want to keep the components for game functionality.
    just select Y or N.
    Back, in my menu is with the letter Q.

    In the initial menu, Exit, I also changed to the letter Q.

    Apply Custom Tweaks Menu is added. My Custom Tweaks List Available to Apply.


    Edit: Note added.
    Edit 2: I forgot to mention CMD window aspect ratio change.
    Edit 3: CHANGELOG 2021-02-01 - Added credits to @roedel for feedback in the Custom Toolkit to fix Customize Menu.
  10. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    OOSU10 + AutoSettingsPS_v.0.3.3 + RemoveApps_0.0.4 for (for live)

            Removing modern applications, including built-in system | Version 0.0.4
            Specified applications in ListApps.txt:
               1. Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_
            Excluded applications from removal in ListApps.txt:
               1. Microsoft.VCLibs
               2. Microsoft.NET
               3. Microsoft.UI.Xaml
               4. Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml
               5. Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement
               6. Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient
            Select the option you want:
        [1] = Export list of installed applications | ExportListApps_20210202-233332.txt
      [777] = Delete specified applications
      [Without input] = Log off
       Your choice:
  12. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    #18375 Yanta, Feb 3, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
    The goal was to never have to touch a PC again, except in the case of emergency like hardware failure or virus.

    Image is customized with MSMG. Pretty much everything is removed. After installation I have a script that is about 8,500 lines long that installs programs, games and does all the tweaks. There are about 1,000 registry tweaks. This entire process is automated from Install of Windows onward.

    Each PC has a login script. This script checks for the existence of another script on the server called "addtweak.cmd" which allows me to apply additional tweaks to PCs without ever having to go near them. All updates are managed via WSUS and all approved updates are installed on PCs automatically. Bottom line, I never have to visit PCs. Which is lucky,, since people won't let me near their PCs anyway.

    Where possible Auto update of all programs is disabled. PCs are refreshed once a year to update to latest versions of programs. Only Windows Updates, game updates and Microsoft Office Updates are allowed. All Windows and Office updates are tested on a test PC for two months before being approved for rollout to all other PCs.

    So if there is a bad CU (and personally I have zero faith in M$'s ability to deliver anything good), then it will be two months before it's rolled out. Hopefully issues are resolved by the time the updates are approved.

    Anyway, I will take another look at AutoSettingsPS, and see if I can use install_wim_tweak in the addtweak script. The next refresh cycle is October 2021.

    So for now, I've just disabled the event log error.
  13. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    At the time the image was created v10.1 of toolkit was the current version. So at that time, IIRC the CU was 17763.1131, which would be March 2020.
    PCs were refreshed in October 2020 so the August CU (17763.1397), would have been applied after install. Presently PCs are on Nov 2020 17763.1579.

    I'm happy to stick with v10.1 of the toolkit, or whatever is the last version that supports the use of 17763.1. I had no problems finding 17763.1 LTSC images
  14. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    #18377 ingviowarr, Feb 3, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
    Nice shot. I had forgotten about RemoveApps_0.0.4 (by westlife).

    EDIT: If I remember right westlife said me RemoveApps is uptaken by AutoSettingsPS that can remove / install apps better.
    And RemoveApps is no longer under development (at time of his message for me).

    O&O ShutUp10
    it's funny tool. But it weak and always had some mistakes and it's incomplete (nothing to compare with AutoSettingsPS power).
    I used to that piece just for fun and may be something intersting / new options provided in the new versions to keep up.
  15. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Well, I'm impressed and shamed. I even can't install Windows 10 on my own main machine 7 years or so...
    I am always pained by that idea and for some reason there is always another urgent thing to do :pardon:.

    install_wim_tweak - the most fresh version I know (Thanks to @MSMG for sharing this)
    I beleive you don't need this, because both tools by westlife are much more powerful.
  16. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    I'm basically lazy. Too much other stuff to do. Last thing I want to be doing is manually maintaining 10 PCs constantly.
    Shamed? I don't know why. You're clearly smarter than me.

    Thanks for that. I have it now.

    But I must admit to still being confused. I used the toolkit to remove Cortana. And here we are talking about tools to remove Cortana :)
  17. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    #18380 ingviowarr, Feb 3, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
    I mentioned install_wim_tweak simply as an example and as one of the potential granular solutions in your case.
    AutoSettingsPS can kill Cortana also, as well. Either as a separate option or as part of a comprehensive set-up.

    P.S. And I think, honestly, I could learn some things from you. Well, we all do it here.
    Remote administation and so deep automated control is really cool thing. Nice!

    Also see edited message for @Ace2 about RemoveApps.