I would also test this ISO that you use as a basis to customize without changing it. I don't know if you did this. But I already discovered several issues that originated from some current builds or current updates I had downloaded, merely testing them without changes. Of course, always after having a headache.
@RaiyvaN I will. Agree with you. UPD: Original ISO tested "as is" and works, no issues (I knew it). LTSC 2019 (1809) build 17763.316 (March 2019) Next, I'll test ISO preparation once again, but without manual GPO restoration.
@MSMG 1) "Installation error" Tested without manual GPO restoration - same "Installation error" as described above. (I knew this GPO trick can't break anything) So an error somewhere inside the Toolkit. I guess, in period somewhere after splitting Store and before v11.6 (successor of the bug appeared earlier) 2) Icons - Integration Error Code: Copying Patched Windows Icons files... Cannot find the specified file. Cannot find the specified file. Cannot find the specified file. Cannot find the specified file. Spoiler: Icons - Integration Error 3) You promised rename all names "Setup Media" to "DU for Sources" But menu option still not renamed: Windows Updates -> Integrate WHD Update Pack -> Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates Should be smth like that: [2] Integrate Windows DU (Dynamic Updates) for Sources
@RaiyvaN "ResourceHacker.exe" is present in my "Toolkit_v11.6_Fixed.7z" package. FIY: My previous post was updated with additional test results info.
Maybe I just got lucky I put the 1518 SSU, CU and the 1999 CPU updates in h:\updates and it integrated them in the correct order. KB4577667, KB4577668 and KB5003646 and they were integrated in the order listed. I'll recreate the ISO today with oscdimg and then install toolkit 11.6 and give it a try.
Sure thing. I only install ESR versions though, so it will be 78.11.0esr. It's based on RC 89.x.x I do recall seeing this error myself in the past. I always figured it was due to Mozilla messing up and never worried about it because Firefox seems to work ok. I'll get back to you later today.
The current version is 11.7 and not 11.7.0, in future when the new Toolkit is released the versioning will be reset with pattern like 1.0.XXXX.0 or 1.0.XXXX
1) Will check with Firefox installation, can you post the component removed list? 2) The feature to integrate icons is still under testing, right now it's working for W10 v2004, for v1809 and v1909 the path to the icon resource DLL files are different, which needs to be changed.
1) Did you removed any components? 3) The Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates menu work differently from DU for Sources inside Integrate WHD Update Pack menu. For integrating DU for Sources inside Integrate WHD Update Pack menu you need the .cab file but for Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates menu three's no update instead it will fetch the files from boot.wim and install.wim like this Code: Copy /Y "%BootMount%\2\sources\rollback.exe" "%DVD%\sources\rollback.exe" >nul Copy /Y "%BootMount%\2\sources\schema.dat" "%DVD%\sources\schema.dat" >nul Copy /Y "%BootMount%\2\sources\sdbapiu.dll" "%DVD%\sources\sdbapiu.dll" >nul Copy /Y "%BootMount%\2\sources\segoeui.ttf" "%DVD%\sources\segoeui.ttf" >nul Copy /Y "%BootMount%\2\sources\setup.exe" "%DVD%\sources\setup.exe" >nul Renaming Windows Setup Media Updates menu to DU for Sources will make people to get confused then people will ask where to copy the cab file that's why I have left it as it is.
@MSMG Remained in the OS = Items deleted from the template This mean all apps will be removed/disabled, except: Spoiler: Removal : Remaining Apps (LTSC) DisableFeaturesList NetFx4-AdvSrvs Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-US-OC-Package RemoveAppsList Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions Microsoft.WebMediaExtension Microsoft.WebpImageExtension Microsoft.WindowsStore RemovePkgsList DesktopAppInstaller VP9VideoExtensions WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtension SystemRestore WindowsBackup WindowsSubsystemForLinux Wordpad WindowsStoreClient I used to Toolkit method only.
@MSMG I'm still don't understand why "fetch the files from boot.wim and install.wim" ? Since "DU for Sources" cab is not included in the CU (as I undersand it) and I'll have got old files from boot.wim and install.wim? If I don't update the NEW "DU for Sources" cab (I have done this via "Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates" option), the Windows installation will fail. You said I don't need to use "Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates" option, because this update should be applied on previous step, together with WHD General Updates. I doubt it. But I can make a separate test without using "Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates" option and having cab in the WHD folder. The reason I didn't try - I have only one Win10 machine and if installation will fail, I need install Windows two times - old working image first, then prepearing the new one (the new ones are still under debugging, as well) My main machine still on Win8.1, but "MSMG Toolkit" works only on Win10.
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-793#post-1606110 New Custom Toolkit updated file attached in the link above. Spoiler: Previous CHANGELOGS part 01: from begining 2020-07-04 to 1st year 2021-07-03_2 Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-07-03_2 New File updated from abbodi1406 convert-UUP.cmd v66f Download the Custom Tookit if you want. It is not necessary, as it does not affect the part that has been customized and integrated for Virtual Creation of Required Editions. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-07-03 Merged with Toolkit's 11.5.0 [2021-05-16] 11.5.1 [2021-05-17] 11.6.0 [2021-06-13] 11.6.1 [2021-06-14] 11.6.2 [2021-06-15] 11.6.3 [2021-06-16] 11.6.4 [2021-06-19] 11.6.5 [2021-07-02] Due to the increased size of the package, it will no longer be possible to attach the Custom Toolkit to the message. It will be mega.nz link. * @mhussain Majid, the sequence for automated component removal from: 3 > 1 > 1 > 1 > S > C to: 3 > 0 to Remove Windows Components Using Package List tru Toolkithelper 3 > 1 > 0 to Remove Windows Components by Accessibility Custom Preset for the Visually Impaired If it is not through this shortcut, the Preset Accessibility components will be more generic (comprehensive) and thus able to serve people with Hearing Impairment. An automation system has been added for the pauses of the script and bypass for the questions presented by the script, so that only non-stop beeps will be heard. this can only be activated from the menus: Integrate Customize When activated through the Main Menu, only the pauses will be automated with beeps indicating the end of each process. Also disables the Toolkit's Official Dialogues. in some longer processes I kept the beep active by default. It's interesting to go for coffee. Use 0 to enable and disable. Anyone can use it unless they want to check the processes. To find out if both are activated, just note that in the Main Menu a letter I (pauses automation) and letter O (questions bypass = out) will appear in the menu title. Activating the other menus will show the letters "I" and "I". *Added the Windows 11 Bypass TPM tweak. Fixed the issue of having to keep only one iso in the folder for auto detection. Now you can get them all. It was easy to select. "Keep just one ISO file in the ^<%ISO%^\^> folder" The selection of Install Media Images is now through GridView. Spoiler: SourceMenu Code: echo. [3] Extract Source from Install Media ISO Image echo. echo. [4] Extract Source from OEM IMG Image Spoiler: These two options were unified. Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Source Menu =============================================================================== [1] Select Source from <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia> Folder [2] Copy Source from Install Media Drive [3] Extract Source from Install Media ISO or OEM IMG file [4] Extract Source from Store ESD Image [5] Extract Source from Media Creation Tool Image [6] Extract Source from Custom Windows ESD Image [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : For ISO Extraction, I made an EXTRA folder only for sources, since it is now possible to select the ISO to be used, in a Grid-View List. The ISO folder remains for saving custom ISOS. Spoiler Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Extract Source from: Install Media ISO or OEM IMG file to <Install Media> folder =============================================================================== Toolkit's Source <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia> folder is not empty... Do you want to remove it & continue ? ['Y'es/'N'o] : Y =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - ISO Folder Menu =============================================================================== [U] ISO Sources <B:\Toolkit\ISOsource> Folder (Untouched ISOs) [C] ISO Saves <B:\Toolkit\ISO\> Folder (Customized ISOs) [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : 01* If the script was interrupted and/or you somehow needed to close, you will have to respond "Performing Toolkit pre-cleanup operation" when prompted at the beginning of the Script. In Official MSMG Toolkit, this will be done automatically. If you wish to close the Custom Toolkit, simply select "No" when prompted to perform Cleanup. I took the tests here and if you answer "No", you can continue where you left off. So, it has to work normally. Except the times when activities with registry changes occur. So it is recommended to discard, extract the ISO source and start again. 02* Script to Remove LangPacks Empty Folders is available too. 03* Integration of all Skins has been Optimized. Same scheme as WinRE.wim, in order to keep files with the same hash. 04* Optimized ISO naming. 05* Burn DVD from ISO Image and Burn USB stick with optimized ISO Image too, to allow choice of ISO image. I owe you all an apology. So, sorry for forgetting to complete the Customization work for the Integrate InboxApp and Thin PC sessions. I couldn't test, at the time, due to lack of space for the packs. But now, everything has been fixed. 06* I contacted @MSMG and @abbodi1406 and we briefly talked about my intention and the idea reported below. I've been learning a lot from you guys. This idea originated in September of last year (2020). Today it is achieved by the simple creation of a Menu, with a slight integration. 06.1*In other words, Toolkit users: if you so wish... You can download the ISO from the UUP Dump with only the base editions (HOME and/or PRO and/or N), work through the Toolkit and create the editions virtually later. I thought about just adding this option inside the Custom Toolkit, but there are those who want to use only the Toolkit. So, I added the option both inside the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" since it serves to execute external scripts and also in Save Source after the Save, Unmount and Optimization of "install.wim". And, it can also be run from Apply Menu without needing to mount anything. Just open the Custom Toolkit, go to menu 5 and follow the steps. Script "create_virtual_editions.cmd" from @abbodi1406's Convert-UUP v66 package which received a light customization, for our use. Conditions: 1. Select one of the Editions: Home or Professional or both. 2. In the Apply Menu: Check the Option "C" Virtual Create Image Index Editions changing from "Disable" to "Enable", if you selected one of the required indexes or both this will activate the Trim if Image Count is greater than 1 to eliminate the Unwanted Editions that will be recreated by Custom abbodi1406 Script "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.cmd". Obs 1: Officially the abbodi1406 Script, takes care of Applying only the pertinent Editions to your Image. Note 2: N Editions will not be created if this is not your case, and vice versa. The new package contains the following files: GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd Detects the presence of files CustomToolkit.cmd Toolkit.cmd There is a zipped package "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip with the custom version of "create_virtual_editions.cmd" and the tools from the @abbodi1406 Convert-UUP v66 package. The "Virtual Create Needed Image Index Editions" function can be used from the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" or through ApplyMenu, after save and unmount at the end of the "install.wim" optimization step. Spoiler: ApplyMenu Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Apply Source Menu =============================================================================== [C] (Enabled)Virtual Create Image Index Editions Note 1: You will can Choose --> Home Core Based Editions <-- --> Professional Based Editions <-- on abbodi1406 - Virtual Create Image Index Editions Script. Note 2: When Enable this, Trim unwanted Image Indexes be Enable too. [T] (Enabled) Trim unwanted Image Indexes [1] Cleanup Source Images [2] Apply & Save Changes to Source Images [3] Discard Changes & Unmount Source Images [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Apply & Save Changes to the Source Images =============================================================================== Un-Mounting Image Registry... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Applying & Saving Changes to Source Images####################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to cleanup Image folder ? ['Y'es/'N'o] : Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleaning up Image folder... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleaning up Image temporary and log files or folders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Boot.wim, Index : 1] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Boot.wim, Index : 2] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimizing Source [Boot.wim] Image with Maximum Compression... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Exporting image [==========================100.0%==========================] Exporting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 2 -> WinRE.wim] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimizing Source [Install.wim, Index : 2 -> WinRE.wim] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Exporting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copying Optimized [WinRE.wim] Image File to [Install.wim, Index : 1] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 1] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copying Optimized [WinRE.wim] Image File to [Install.wim, Index : 2] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 2] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. Reading Image Information... =============================================================================== | Index | Arch | Name =============================================================================== | 1 | x64 | Windows 10 Home | 2 | x64 | Windows 10 Pro =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##### Copying Generic EI.cfg Config file to: <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia\Sources> Folder ##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##### Copying Toolkit's Customized Source Install Media... from: <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia> to: <C:\VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions\InstallMedia> ##### =============================================================================== abbodi1406 - Editions Creation Method Menu =============================================================================== [1] (+)vAutoStart start the process directly it will create editions specified in AutoEditions if possible [2] (-)vDeleteSource [3] (-)vPreserve source distribution folder will be directly modified Note: if source distribution is .ISO file, this option has no affect It isn't the case here. [4] (-)vwim2esd [5] (-)vSkipISO will create ISO file, result distribution folder will be deleted. [6] Go to Choose - Needed Image Index Editions =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice :6 =============================================================================== abbodi1406 - Choose Editions Menu =============================================================================== [1] (+)Pro for Workstations or N [2] (-)Pro Education or N [3] (+)Enterprise or N [4] (+)Enterprise multi-session for Virtual Desktops [5] (-)Education or N [6] (+)IoT Enterprise {OEM} [7] (+)IoT Enterprise LTSC {OEM} [8] (+)Cloud or N [9] (+)Home Single Language Note: you can leave all Editions with negative sign. vAutoEditions will be empty. So, it will create *all* possible editions. [S] Select All Editions | [R] Revert to Default [C] Start Virtual Create - Needed Image Index Editions [X] Quit =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-04-14 Architecture check added in the integration and removal functions. Having eliminated several redundant architecture check entries, other important ones remain in the usual places. Corrected a problem in the reordering of the indexes (the images were not exported in the order predefined by the user), at the time of Un-mount & Saving, according to the selection made by the user at the beginning of the service. Problem that affected the optimization of ImageIndexes for the unselected trim indexes mode, solved. Problem of automatic nomenclature when opening the Custom Toolkit just to produce your ISO, also solved. Note: this problem was not seen when you finished and created the ISO. Only if you closed the CustomToolkit and opened it again in order to save the ISO. Fixed minor aestetical typos. When I needed to free up space on my ssd, I moved the entire ToolKit (80gb packs) to 2Tb 7200 RPM storage. I had a performance problem ... Now, working the ISOs directly from this one, I realized realistically that this type of HD is not for productivity, hehehe. In this way, I implemented a small conversion that makes things simpler. You can put the folder of your Toolkit in storage different from your main SSD, however when performing the tasks everything will be on the SSD. Only the ISOsource and saving the ISOs to the ISOsaves folder will remain in the Toolkit folder within the storage of your choice. To take advantage of this scheme in the Custom Toolkit. "[1] Source" --> "[3] Extract Source from Install Media ISO Image" That will be in the ISOsource or ISO folder (just an .ISO file must be present in one of these folders) you can choose. Then you will see that the ISO will be extracted to %SystemDRIVE%\Toolkit\W_InstallMedia So, "[1] Source" --> "[1] Select Source from Install Media ^<%W_InstallMedia%^> Folder" to set up the indexes that you want to work with. Since CustomToolkit is a fork of OfficialToolkit, I decided to change the name of "DVD" to "W_InstallMedia" because "DVD" reminds me of the old and obsolete thing. After that when you mount your images, they will be on the path below, at high speed performing the tasks of the toolkit, and your drive will be with plenty of free space, hehehehe %SystemDRIVE%\Toolkit\Mount %SystemDRIVE% = By default it would be C:\ Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-04-09 Integrate "Windows Setup Media Updates", now works when we are working with multi index images. As "WinRE.wim" is identical for all editions, all the code works on top of just one mounted "WinRE.wim" and at the end (Un-mount & Saving), after its optimization, it is copied to all selected indexes that are mounted . It's very simple! At the moment, when you select which indexes to work with, you can also select which index will serve as the source for "WinRE.wim" and for "Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates". Considering that I use the ISOs obtained through UUP Dump as a source, we have that all Image Indexes come from Home and Pro, so I always select Pro. But it is optional, do your tests. What is the advantage of this optimization? 1. Avoid closing an install.wim image with several "winre.wim" files with identical contents but with different hashes. 2. Optimize our working time when doing our ISOs. The repetition of identical work is avoided. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-04-01 Today I needed an iso with ei.cfg and realized that in the ISOs that I prepared yesterday the file is missing. Added the scheme to copy generic "ei.cfg" file for multiple indexes or write ei.cfg for only image with only one index, when saving changes. If you want to install another edition on a notebook with Product Key in the BIOS, this file is required. Otherwise, a multi edition ISO will only present the option related to the Product Key of that BIOS. Also added an option to create a file with a list of the choices you made. It is easier than copying the list that appears on the screen. Spoiler Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Menu =============================================================================== [1] Custom PreSets for Removing Windows Components [2] Personal PreSets for Removing Windows Components [3] Dependencies correction Filter [4] Select Windows Components [5] (-)Create a File List <C:\ToolKit\Bin\Lists\Personal> with the Choices [6] Start Removing Windows Components [R] ReSet All your Choices [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : 5 Spoiler Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Menu =============================================================================== [1] Custom PreSets for Removing Windows Components [2] Personal PreSets for Removing Windows Components [3] Dependencies correction Filter [4] Select Windows Components [5] (+)Create a File List <C:\ToolKit\Bin\Lists\Personal> with the Choices Note: List name - "RemovedPkgsList_[20210401_174744].txt" [6] Start Removing Windows Components [R] ReSet All your Choices [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-03-31 Merged with Toolkit.cmd 11.4 2021-03-21 included in MEGA on 2021-03-22. Fixed Custom Toolkit typos: in the :StartIntegration session that was skipping Integrate Custom Features; in Select EdgeChromium to remove, for ImageBuild Greater than 19041. EdgeChromium display conditions, removed. It is now displayed in the Menu for any Build. If the Edge Chromuim is not present or the removal method has to be updated, at most that familiar message will appear: "This component has already been removed." Optimization of boot.wim and WinRE.wim has been implemented, regardless of whether they are mounted or not, whenever we save our work they will be optimized. Improved :WIMExport session code. Code: [1] Just Create a New [Install.wim] [2] Create a New [Install.wim] and replace the previous one. [3] Add selected Image Indexes to the same [Install.wim] Note: The chosen ones will be added after the already exists Image Indexes Enter your choice : Before I didn't have the option to replace it, I needed it today, then I put it there. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-03-16 Merged with Toolkit 11.3 and 11.4. *Some Custom Toolkit Tweaks and Remove Menu minor fixes and code improvement. Returned to the Toolkit standard aspect Ratio. In this way, all the menus that require more space to show the menus on the screen, have been divided into more screens. just press B to Back and N to Next. This, just to avoid the use of scrolling with each choice made in the menu, which you are working on. Get ImageBuild from updated Image system, implemented to correct the error in the automated making ISO label and file name. All the environment and path variables for the packs were concentrated in some sessions, at the beginning of the custom toolkit. This way it is easier to reset the variables at each integration performed. Also so that the multiple choice system facilitates the multiple integration of features sequentially. Multiple choice has been implemented within the integrate menu, for all features that are submenus. In other words, if it is a sub menu, a negative sign will appear as a default. If it is to integrate this signal it will become positive. To apply the integration you must go back to the "Integrate Menu" and choose "Start Integration". In the options without signaling, integration will occur as soon as you select. These are the submenus mentioned: IntLanguagePacksMenu (tested) IntDriversMenu IntInboxAppsMenu IntRSATMenu IntOfficeUWPAppsMenu IntDaRTMenu (tested) ThinPCpkgsMenu IntGamesMenu (tested) IntCustomFeaturesMenu (tested) Note: As I said earlier in the post below, these changes were made in order to implement the multiple choice system in the menus but there may be variables that do not get the values set and end up breaking something. We always think that we thought of all the possibilities until we found something new to be corrected or improved. As I said before, I can't test everything here for lack of storage space. Then, for final images of daily use, make integrations with the Official Toolkit. Removal, Customizations, Tweaks, can be done with Custom, if you want. So, it is necessary that this part be tested by volunteers. I am grateful for the feedbacks. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-02-02 Fixed an issue with "[7] Remove Windows Apps Menus" thanks to feedback from member @nosirrahx. Note: Problem not related to the Official Toolkit, only to the Custom Toolkit menu changes. Info: The last option you selected will remain in memory. Example 1: if you select "N" to go to the next menu by clicking enter without typing anything you will go to the next menu. Example 2: if you select several options: 1 2 4 6 7 10 12 15 and press <ENTER> all of these options were able to be removed with the "-" sign, but if you don't type anything and press <ENTER> again the same options will become a "+" sign. You must return twice to reach the menu with the option "Start Removing Windows Components". So, "X" <ENTER> then "X". Changed the aspect ratio of the CMD window to accommodate long menus without having to scroll up and down. Below, changes to the interface to be more informative in this regard. Spoiler: Remove Windows Components Menu Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Menu =============================================================================== [1] Custom PreSets for Removing Windows Components [2] Personal PreSets for Removing Windows Components [3] Dependencies correction Filter [4] Select Windows Components [5] (+)Create a File List <B:\Toolkit\Bin\Lists\Personal> with the Choices Note: List name - "RemovedPkgsList_[20210202_210437].txt" [S] Start Removing Windows Components [R] ReSet All your Choices [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : Spoiler: Select Windows Components Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Select Windows Components Menu =============================================================================== [1] Internet [2] Multimedia [3] Privacy [4] Remoting [5] System [6] System Apps [7] Windows Apps Note: You can make multiple component selection. Ex: 01;05,07 10 semi colons and comas will be read by CMD compiler as <SPACE>. so use the one or everyone you want. [X] Go Back and Choose [5] to Start Removing Process =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-02-01 I forgot to mention ... the ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder. When saving, an "ISOsaves" folder will be created inside the Toolkit folder or inside the drive you select, to save the other ISOS changed by you. Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly. Fix and Improved CustomToolkit Customize Menu, thanks to feedback from member @roedel. Spoiler: Customize Menu Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Customize Menu =============================================================================== [1] (-)Enable Windows Features using Features List [2] (-)Disable Windows Features using Features List [3] (-)Export Default Inbox Apps Association to XML File [4] (+)Remove Default Inbox Apps Association XML [5] (+)Import Custom Default Inbox Apps Association from XML File [6] (+)Import Custom StartMenu Layout from XML File [7] (+)Import Custom Registry Setting from Registry File [8] Select Official Tweaks [9] Select Custom Tweaks [B] (+)Bypass TPM [S] Start Applying Tweaks [R] ReSet All Tweak Selections [X] Go Back =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : My custom Tweaks Selection has been converted to a menu. Facilitates the visualization that has been made available. However, my selection is available as a PreSet. To apply the Tweaks just turn and select to Start Applying Tweaks. Spoiler: Select Custom Tweaks Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Select Custom Tweaks Menu =============================================================================== [ 1] (+)Hiberboot Enabled [ 2] (-)Disable StepsRecorder [ 3] (+)Enable DarkTheme and Transparency [ 4] (+)Control Panel nConfigs and Settings for Fastest Windows [ 5] (+)Windows Explorer - Preferences and Policies [ 6] (-)Hide Taskbar TaskView Icon [ 7] (+)Hide Taskbar Meet Now Icon [ 8] (+)Hide Taskbar News & Interests [ 9] (+)Set QoS limit to zero - internet With No Limits [10] (+)Bug Fix - WiFi no Internet Connection [11] (+)Set Lanman Workstation and Downloads - Optimization Configs [12] (+)Custom Disable Automatically Installation for PreSuggested 3RD Party Apps [13] (+)Set CloudContent for 3RD Party Apps and DataCollection - Policies [14] (+)Set Windows Search and Cortana - Preferences and Policies [15] (+)Disable SIA Debug Tracing [16] (+)Custom Windows Error Reporting Policies [17] (+)Disable Windows SmartScreen [18] (+)Custom Windows Defender and Windows Defender Security Center Tweaks [19] (+)Enable Custom Windows Drivers Update through Windows Update Tweaks [20] (+)Custom Disable Windows Update Tweaks [21] (+)Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade [22] (+)Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates [23] (-)Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework [24] (+)Enable Windows Photo Viewer [25] (+)Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec [26] (-)Enable DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase [27] (+)Block Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery [28] (-)UnBlock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery [29] (+)General Tweaks [P] PreSet Custom Tweaks Selection [S] Select All Tweaks | [R] Revert to Default [X] Go Back and select [S] to Start Applying Tweaks Process =============================================================================== Enter Your Choice : Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-01-30 merged with Toolkit 11.2. After MSMG release Fixes: Fix for :IntWindowsMixedReality to :IntWMR Fix for :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture by @MSMG. The ISO folder will only serve to keep only the ISO source. Only one ISO should be left inside that folder. When saving, an ISOsaves folder will be created to save the other ISOS changed by you. Thus, keeping only one ISO inside the folder, the script acts correctly. Added auto ISO Label and FileName: Option to select ISO Original source Label thanx to member @Javanicus Automated ISO Label Automated ISO File Name Spoiler: Make a DVD ISO Image Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Make a DVD ISO Image =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Building a DVD ISO Image########################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Getting DVD ISO Image Details############################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Getting ISO Label Name##################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep just one ISO file in the <C:\ToolKit\ISO> folder [O] Original ISO Source Label [A] Auto Label [P] Personal Label Enter ['O'riginal/'A'uto/'P'ersonal] : A ISO Label "W10-v1903-x64-MultiEditions" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Getting ISO File Name###################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new ISO file will be saved in <i:\ISOsaves> folder [A] Auto File Name [P] Personal File Name Enter ['A'uto/'P'ersonal] : Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-01-09 Merged with Toolkit 11.1. The system of multiple selections implemented in: Language Integration Driver Integration DaRT integration Games Integration Tweaks application is also with multi selection. Custom Tweaks application is predefined. You can check the code. There are many extra registry tweaks added (they have been there since I started the Custom Toolkit). Component Removal Now, in the custom Toolkit, the custom pre-defined options that were available have been modified and implemented with PreSets. Both PreSets and the use of a personalized list will be read and you will be taken to the remove components menu. Thus, you can make your own changes, having the flexibility to check the dependencies through a filter to deal with such prerequisites. This way, however, it was released so that you can add or remove the main components without removing the dependencies in the spoiler specified below. Spoiler : RemoveSystemAppsMenu Removing WindowsDefender will no longer remove SmartScreen, nor WindowsStore and remove SmartScreen also no more, it will remove WindowsStore : RemoveWindowsAppsMenu removing WindowsStore will still remove StickyNotes For users who don't want problems, just apply the filter and take a look at the menu lists to see what has changed. Or give Start Removing after the lists appear there is a possibility to go back and change something, if necessary. In the custom toolkit your choices will appear on the list screen. You can save and use it in the future with the List Removal system. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-12-19 Merged with Toolkit 10.10 and 11.0. It was not made available. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-11-26 Merged with Toolkit 10.9. @MSMG decided to remove the rebuild source session. It has also been removed from CustomTollkit. And, according to the nomenclature defined by him, it was also implemented in CustomToolkit. Its functionality has been integrated with the "Apply & Save Changes to Source Images". Now, during the process, it is called "Optimizing Source". Implemented the correction made by MSMG, mentioned in this post, after the release of 10.9. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-881#post-1631832 I said that I like a black background with yellow letters, so I did it on CustomToolkit and GenericStart_LauncherMenu. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-11-16 At the beginning of the month, the merge was performed with Toolkit 10.7 and then with 10.8. But CustomToolkit was not released due to implementations that were completed on 2020-11-16. The menu paths mentioned or described in tutorial mode, both in the CustomTookit download topic and here in the changelogs, have been updated due to the Menu reorganization update promoted by @MSMG in the Official Toolkit. * Removed that function of applying the tweaks through questions and answers. In exchange for this, it was implemented in the entire script that when you are working on a specific menu when completing a task, you return to the previous menu (in this case, the menu you were already in). To return to the main menu, just press X - X - X ... This makes it a little easier. * Added a question for those who work with the images, to be able to select the preferred indexes. "Do you want to remove the Indexes from unselected images?" Yes that's right. Removal of those not selected immediately after the initial selection! If you don't want to, at this point, for any reason, just use the Trim function within the Apply Menu before proceeding to save. I believe that the exclusion is recommended at the beginning, except for the example I mention in the question during the script, in Select Source. * Previously, in a version that was not even released, it was necessary to make the choices so that they were arranged in an ascending manner. Then a feature called "Sorting to Ascending Order" was implemented. Now, you can select 10,7,2,4 and after the removal the selected images 2,4,7,10 will be there from 1 to 5. After that the Image Index Number will be set as "A" and the mounting process will start. * The "Rebuild Source" session was merged with "Save Source": when saving, the service will be executed in full. There is no need to remember to do one last task. So, to make it clearer, at the end, it will be carried out in the rebuild source procedure that is already part of the saving process. * Palliative fix: Added the function to select the Index, in the ExtractSourceMCT session. * In the sessions of conversion or extracting from ESD to Wim, the compression is Default (smaller) with the parameter "fast". The purpose is to perform the task more quickly, the maximum compression will only be defined for tasks to finalize your modifications and save. Other tasks like export, trim of Image Indexes, etc ... continue with Maximum compression with the parameter "max" Note: About changelogs: which mention details about obsolete things (no longer present in CustomToolkit) is now setted to be removed from the list. I will leave only the changelogs that still have pertinent information. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-11-05 Merged with Toolkit 10.8. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-11-03 Merged with Toolkit 10.7. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-10-03 Created the file "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" to replace the following 4 files: "Start.cmd", "Start_Beta.cmd", "CustomStart.cmd" and "CustomStart_Beta.cmd". I think that way, it gets better. When files with the following names are present in the toolkit folder, options will appear in the GenericStart menu. [1] "Toolkit.cmd" [2] "CustomToolKit.cmd" [3] "ToolKit_Beta.cmd" [4] "CustomToolKit_Beta.cmd" [5] "Multi_ImageIndexRemoval.cmd" Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-10-02 Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.6 and 10.7 Beta. The files "CustomStart.cmd" to launch "CustomToolkit.cmd" and "Star.cmd" to launch MSMG Official "Toolkit.cmd" have always been made available in the CustomToolkit package. So that you can simply extract and start using. Now I renamed the Toolkit 10.7 Beta file to "Toolkit_Beta.cmd" and included a launcher for it. Included "CustomStart_Beta.cmd" to launch "CustomToolkit_Beta.cmd" and "Star_Beta.cmd" to launch MSMG Official "Toolkit_Beta.cmd". Simple and intuitive. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-09-22 Some minor changes: Enabling the installation of the Windows driver from the WU and in the Windows Explorer Settings, in the selection of custom settings, set the "Minimized State Tablet Off" mode to "0". In this case the bar will have the pin fixed in Windows Explorer (this will disable automatic bar hiding). Improved all Inserted Conditions Spoiler: NEW EXAMPLE of Inserted Conditions Code: ... if "%Component%" equ "Privacy" ( %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" AssignedAccess;CEIP;FaceRecognition;KernelDebugging;LocationService;PicturePassword;PinEnrollment;UnifiedTelemetryClient;WiFiNetworkManager;WindowsInsiderHub if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "19044" if "%ImageBuild%" neq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" neq "18363" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting ) ) OLD EXAMPLE of Inserted Conditions are in CHANGELOG 2020-07-17 Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-09-18 Added "Block and UnBlock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" to Apply Tweaks Menu The "Block Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" option was also inserted in the "Apply Custom Tweaks Selection" option. If you want to test Custom Tweaks and want to keep the possibility of receiving the update for Edge Chromium, just apply the option of "Unblock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" later. What the "Apply Custom Tweaks Selection" option does is described in the download post. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-09-17 Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.5 Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-09-09 I facilitated the steps in the menu [5] Apply. When it finish a step, it goes back to Menu "[5] Apply". Only when you finish the Rebuild Step that goes back to the Main Menu. Some aesthetic changes were made just to display the message "Mounting Image Registry ..." and "Un-Mounting Image Registry". Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-09-03 Fixed the Menus that had the options reversed. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-08-31 Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.4 Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-08-28_v2 Now, with @MSMG suggestions, the removal menu doesn't show there options for ISO sources integrated with new cumulative or feature updates, is fixed. ex: Image Build: 18362 to 18363 Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-08-25 Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.3 Added: Show info in Source Menu when you have already selected your source. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-31 Merged with new Toolkit 10.2 Some improvments: When you selected any option to remove all components and decided to return by answering "no" for some reason. You would always return to the Main Menu. In the Custom Toolkit when you answer "no" you are returned to the menu you were in. In previous Custom Toolkits I couldn't see a way to maintain the Original "Apply Tweaks Menu" without increasing the code size. But thanks to the changes that @MSMG made in the new version, it opened my eyes and I managed to put both menus. The original "Apply Tweaks Menu" back and the "Custom Apply Tweaks Menu". The problem was that when deciding to apply a tweak individually, fall into the system of applying all tweaks by answering questions. But now this is fixed. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-25 There was an error with an extra quote in the Edge removal lines, for some Custom Removal to make Specific Editions. First I thought about correcting it just by removing the extra quote. But I changed my mind and simply put it to remove the Edge directly on the command line to remove multiple components at once. I decided to make some changes mainly in the "Gamer Edition" (more components removed that can be added through the Windows Store), so I made changes in the other "Custom Editions" as well. But not in the "Accessibility Edition". I put some pauses in the custom integration steps "Integrate Custom Selection 8 7 6 5" so that you can see what happens. Fixed a registry error in my custom tweaks and added suggestions for use in the Windows Store, automatic installations in silent mode disabled. Autodownload - Update for installed apps enabled Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-17 Windows Error Reporting is needed for OOBE for v1903 / v1909 OS. This component has been reinserted and will pass again, according to specific conditions, to be automatically removed by the "Editions Custom Selection Removal Script" options available in CustomToolkit. Conditions prevent removal on versions v1903 / v1909. Only for: Spoiler Remove All Privacy Components Accessibility Edition Lite Edition Xtreme Lite Edition Content Delivery Manager is needed for OOBE for v1809 / v1903 / v1909 / v2004 / v20H2 OS. For this Component, if you want, just access the "Remove System Components Menu" to remove "Content Delivery Manager". I also made available a model of my AutoUnattend *.xml answer file with a ReadMe for those who want to play a little. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-16 Reported a problem in the question "Do you want to Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec ? ['Y'es/'N'o] :" mentioned in the post "https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-796#post-1607819" by friend @roedel. Problem solved. As @MSMG said: Content Delivery Manager is needed for OOBE for v1809 / v1903 / v1909 / v2004 / v20H2 OS. Windows Error Reporting is needed for OOBE for v1903 / v1909 OS. These components will no longer be automatically removed by the "Editions Custom Selection Removal Script" options available in CustomToolkit. If you want, just access the "Remove Privacy Components Menu" to remove "Windows Error Reporting" and "Remove System Components Menu" to remove "Content Delivery Manager". Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-13 When I have an idea to edit the code I add commented lines as if they were reminders or a list of what to do. So, I removed some obsolete lines left behind. Also, I created a way to use the customized version and the original version of the Toolkit, without having to replace the original files. When you run Start.cmd, to launch the Official "Toolkit.cmd". When you run GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd, to Launch both Toolkits: "Toolkit.cmd" and "CustomToolkit.cmd". In this file I also placed the original files, for those who had previously replaced them. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-10 Fixed the bug in the question about choosing the StorageDrive, when you answer "No". I kept asking for the letter and did not go to the Main Menu. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-08 Correcting the problem of saving the iso that I had set for my drive "I:", I decided to add an option to keep it as is or set another one (Optional for those who need to save their isos on some larger drive). Very simple. There is a moment when opening the toolkit that asks you to check <ENTER>. Well select Y or N. "N" will keep the ISO folder where it has always been - inside the Toolkit folder. Than select your drive. Fix Cortana App was not removed in 2004 H1 (only in the custom removal options I made available). Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-07 In that apply tweaks menu by answering questions system, I added a question to the end to apply the integration of your Registry (*.reg) files. Removed some "pause" commands from the end of some processes in the Menus (Integrate Windows Features Menu - Integrate Windows Custom Features Menu - Remove Menu (when we select some of the Remove All Components) - Customize Menu) and replaced them with a question "Do you want to continue in that menu?" Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2020-07-06 The part with menu options with custom component removal scripts has been retained. A huge change has made to apply Tweaks by answering Y (yes) or N (no) questions. Spoiler: Initial Mods 2020-07-04 The focus is on Menu 4 -> 2 and feel free to test. @mhussain , the part I promised is ready. follow 4, 2, A for Accessibility Edition at the end of the first part, you will be asked if you want to keep the Mixed Reality Pack, then ask if you want to keep the components for game functionality. just select Y or N. Back, in my menu is with the letter Q. In the initial menu, Exit, I also changed to the letter Q. Apply Custom Tweaks Menu is added. My Custom Tweaks List Available to Apply. Thnks!
Before the MS started publishing DU for Setup, this was the method used to update the Windows Installation Media and even now this is the method used for W7-W8.1. The Boot.wim/WinRE.wim contains the same set of files present in the sources folder which gets updated through updates or in case of Windows 10 through the CU. In fact sometimes the files copied from Boot.wim/WinRE.wim updated with CU contains files which are higher in version that present in the DU, for example for Windows 10 v17763 the setup.exe present in DU for sources cab file is v10.0.17763.1990 whereas the file copied from boot.wim/winre.wim is v10.0.17763.2028 Yes even now I'm saying not to use this method if you are using DU sources cab file with the Integrate WHD Update pack method. This method is optional and advanced than DU for sources since this will not just update the sources folder but also updates the boot, efi, support and root files present in the installation media, this is something like have an updated WinPE media.
@MSMG Good explanation! This is exactly what was required to understand. Thanks a lot! UPD: Honestly, user don't see your excellent explanation inside the menu. At the same time, he clearly see an item [2] just under item [1]. Nice white letters on the blue background. Do you see what it means? No chances not to press [2] !
Updating the changelog and readme in Custom Toolkit post. Because that morning, when posting there were some errors, since the post is already too long. So I decided to shorten the post a little. I forgot to mention: 01. If the script was interrupted and/or you somehow needed to close, you will have to respond "Performing Toolkit pre-cleanup operation" when prompted at the beginning of the Script. In Official MSMG Toolkit, this will be done automatically. If you wish to close the Custom Toolkit, simply select "No" when prompted to perform Cleanup. I took the tests here and if you answer "No", you can continue where you left off. So, it has to work normally. Except the times when activities with registry changes occur. So it is recommended to discard, extract the ISO source and start again. 02. Script to Remove LangPacks Empty Folders is available too. Edit: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-793#post-1606110 Sent an 2021-07-03 updated file in the link above. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-07-03_2 New File updated aboddi convert-UUP.cmd v66f Download the Custom Tookit if you want. It is not necessary, as it does not affect the part that has been customized and integrated for Virtual Creation of Required Editions.