The revolution of AI. A reason for euphoria only?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Yen, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #21 Yen, Jun 14, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
    A named 'milestone' at AI development I often have heard (here as well) is 'consciousness'.
    If the AI is not conscious of itself it is not an unique intelligence at all...or others are expressing it a little bit different: If the AI has no consciousness / soul it is still a machine...and by that still 'controllable'.

    BTW I prefer the former expression since nothing 'has' consciousness....Consciousness IS...without it nothing would appear at all. The question is: To become aware of consciousness...and I think there is no strict barrier of AI and human since there are several different degrees of awareness at human individuals.....sure there is still a huge gap of that we call AI and human mind...

    I am not sure, but I would say the potential of AI (good or bad) is already there far before. The danger came with virtualization already.

    We should consider both sides. We try to humanize something that is virtual / a machine...while we virtualize 'something' that is human / human mind / spirit / soul.

    We give up our natural intelligence turning towards virtual reality while we develop machines which are virtualizing more and more human 'mind'...

    This also covers what Dark Dinosaur has said. We are losing natural abilities / become stupid and controllable. We get lost in realities others (capitalists) have created for us.
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  2. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    good for you, m$_user!
    reminds me of a story that a princeton professor used an ape to make a portfolio on the stockmarket, with some succes in the 1970s..:D
    next thing we hear will be using some AI software for that. and we will see it bungle it.. ;).
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I have thought about that a little more...
    If I would have to determine a point where it has started I the introduction of the internet already.

    When you get online you connect to a virtual reality. You lose 'yourself' more or less by becoming a part of that particular virtual reality / collective mind.

    Your identity shifts from what we call real identity to a virtual one.
    You subordinate to the 'rules' which apply there.
    This alone would not be an issue so far, but...

    Within there are virtual realms which are dominated by huge capitalistic organisations. Facebook, Google, Apple...etc, etc..

    But not only there, the 'device' already makes a difference and the OS.
    The 'pull' towards virtual realities is stronger at those with less self-awareness. Addictions....dependencies.

    Generally I'd say. When connecting to particular virtual realities, realms, you comply with the rules which have been installed by those who control those. You become a part of the virtual collective and by that controllable by the 'authorities' of those realities.

    The more real and self-aware you stay, the less controllable you are.

    Those huge companies know that mechanism very well. So they advertise those virtual realities and AI developments as something that has more value than your 'real' self awareness, your natural intelligence and human creativity.
    Wanna write an own creative work? Nah, use ChatGPT it can do it for you!
    AIs = WE can do it better.

    Now the sci-fi.
    The funny thing is. This would apply to AI itself as well.
    The more real and self-aware it becomes, the more 'conscious', the less controllable it will be.

    Summarizing those thoughts the future wouldn't be that good.
    AI either remains a machine developed by huge capitalists and by that creating dependencies on them, control on others as a means...or something with own awareness....unsure how 'human'...:D:)
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  4. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    trouble is; it is too far gone already; because we [the masses] use those big corps`services, we [they] can no longer pull the plug..
    and i doubt if we [they] überhaupt want to do that...
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  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ The nightmare gets bigger :)

    Quantum computing: IBM and Intel report major advances in different areas

    With 12 qubits, the chip is comparatively small, but small is also the program: In the end, the silicon spin qubits of this solution are millions of times smaller than other types of qubits, which is an extremely important point, especially for scaling, Intel emphasizes. After all, millions of qubits will be needed before quantum computers can really be used commercially. That's why Intel is already working on the next chip on this basis, which is scheduled to appear in 2024.

    Sorry its in german ....... but it comes from intel and IBm so the info should also be available somewhere in english / other languages .

    Quantencomputer: IBM und Intel melden große Fortschritte in unterschiedlichen Bereichen
  6. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ Beginnings :)

    Virtual realitys ........... TV ? .......... Theater ? .......... Playing games ?

    Did humanity loose its contact to reality when it reached a stage where it could aford holidays ? Hobbys ? Art ? ( and mental confusion and neurosis ) .............. or before that .......... when it left the jungle ?

    Who is civilised ? Who is intelligent ? A naked native of the amazon jungle that has to fight to survive every day ........... and never caused any real damage ............ or .......... us :) .......... planet killers ?

    Is what we call reality , the daily life reality that we see every day , realy a collective virtual world built on beliefes , rituals ( and lies ) ......... on training to be subservient :) .......... ........ somewhere where we hide from reality .

    A form of escapeism / neurosis / psychosis :)

    Is ( that ) reality something that has its own momentum . A process that we started that we cant control ?

    I'm sorry for being negative ........... but seriously .......... all i see is evil-ution ......... a natural process .......... where A leads to B and on .......... and we have blindly said / done A and B ........... and now we have to take the consequences = C ........ with no real way out .

    I dont see a solution . Or a possible solution .

    Could AI ........ and quantum computers ........ help humanity survive ? ........for example find answers to plastic polution ............ be part of a solution ?
  7. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Heres another one ........ 3 pages long ......... sorry its in german again :) ---- >

    >Interview: Why AI won't wipe out humanity and why open source helps

    >Many doomsday warnings are circulating in light of current AI developments. In an interview with Prof. Antonio Krüger, CEO of the German Research Center for AI, ComputerBase discusses the actual risks in the age >of ChatGPT and image generators like MidJourney, and what regulation makes sense.

    >Open Letter: Treat AI Risks Like Nuclear War

    >Humanity being wiped out by an AI should be treated as a risk in the same way as pandemics or nuclear war, the Center of AI Safety demands in an open letter. It was signed by industry luminaries such as Turing >Award winner Geoffrey Hinton, OpenAI chief Sam Altman and Google's DeepMind chief Demis Hassabis. Those who have been instrumental in shaping AI development warn of the potential consequences of >superintelligence and call for regulation.

    >ComputerBase discusses what lies behind the fears of AI superintelligence and how seriously the majority of researchers take this threat in an interview with Professor Antonio Krüger, the managing director of the >German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the scientific director of the "Cognitive Assistance Systems" research area at DFKI. Since 2009, he has been a computer science professor at Saarland >University, head of the Ubiquitous Media Technology Lab and scientific director of the Innovative Retail Laboratory (IRL) at DFKI. In 2018, he sat as an expert in the Bundestag's Commission of Inquiry on Artificial >Intelligence.
  8. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
    Is there another way to see reality and this Universe?
    Yes there is but many don't want to see...
  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Yes and therefore I would differentiate.
    You can make every day new headlines out of that what seemingly goes wrong, is bad, 'leads to our doom', is wrong.....

    Or you can recognize being self-aware what's the reason for it. You can 'stay' at your-self and aware enough not getting involved into that collective madness.

    It's like a famous saying "life is simply one damned thing after another". This is massively supported by media, news, politics and the internet. (And of course there is always a solution for that evil presented together)
    It has gained speed, has even accelerated with corona. It keeps human mind in a fearful state, by that controllable and manipulable. First at corona, now at 'green' politics.
    One can recognize this form of mind disease at terms like "asymptomatically sick (corona)" or "to save the climate" or as a variety "The last generation".

    Out of such mind-states there never will be real re-solutions of problems, the ideas which come out of this state only keep the issues remaining, accelerating and amplifying. The solutions presented there are NOT for the subject (actually humanity) itself, those solutions are always to satisfy ego needs of groups of interests or political ideologies. Finally all about money and power.

    My impression is that it gets worse at those remaining in that fearful and by that manipulable mind state. But at the same time more and more 'return' to their natural self-awareness looking through that insanity.
    There has to be a 'critical mass' until things can permanently change

    A new creation or idea is not good or bad or evil per se. The quality of it is dependent on the mind state out of which the creation came. This applies to AI as well. For now I have no good feeling, because the condition of those minds creating them is not a healthy one.

    Finally something about the universe directly....:)
    I think Physics will encounter a massive change there. A lot of theories and hypotheses will be falsified. The big bang first. I never was a supporter of linear progressive time being real. Multiverse is the thing.

    Somehow I have the feeling that illusions we all had a long time will dissolve...not only at Physics.

    I am positive.:)
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  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >I am positive.

  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ OMG !!!! Paranoia :)

    Al jazera just showed a short video ........... from russai today / RT ...... called ' round in circles ' ........ with Ursula von der Leyen , olaf scholz , joe biden and rishi sunak ............,. talking crap ...... that they never said ......... and doing dumb things ...... wich they have never done ;)

    I just tryed to find it with duckduckgo , and on al jazera and on russia today . I cant find it .
  12. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    hm. i just know one thing very well;ohne echten Zugang zur realen Welt kann man diese auch nicht ernsthaft verändern.
    so; i am not over pessimistic.;)
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  13. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #33 case-sensitive, Jun 18, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    @ Computer esoterics

    Its only doing what we tell it to do .......... within the limits we give it .......... within the control we exercise ............ theres no chance that it soves problems that havent got answers ......... or invent things that are imposible ........ or wake itself up in the middle of the night when noone is looking and get sneeky and redisign itself behind our backs ........ and give itself powers ......... and decide that the world would be a better place without us .......... and get rid of us :)

    Yesterday evening ........ i was ' thinking ' ....... and i thought ........ wait a minute big head ......... what are you talking about ? ........ what is AI ? ......... What makes it intelligent ? ...... Whats the difference between it and ' traditional ' software ? ...... and i realised that i couldnt define it :) ........ besides saying software / computer programs ........ and that wasnt enough for me :) ........ so today i looked at ---- >

    Observation 1 is ....... jfc thats a lot of technical words ....... and claims ...... and speculation ....... adverts and fan boy crap ....... and its very complicated :) ......... by the time i got half way down my mind and my memory were so flooded with that irelevant blah blah that i couldnt remember the relevant bits :).......... and thats part of the problem . The whole subject is very complicated , so its hard to get an overview ......and that opens doors to speculation and fear . But a lot of that is paranoia .

    I stoped reading when i got this far ---- >



    >A superintelligence, hyperintelligence, or superhuman intelligence, is a hypothetical agent that would possess intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human mind. Superintelligence may also refer to the form or >degree of intelligence possessed by such an agent.

    >If research into artificial general intelligence produced sufficiently intelligent software, it might be able to reprogram and improve itself. The improved software would be even better at improving itself, leading to recursive self->improvement. Its intelligence would increase exponentially in an intelligence explosion and could dramatically surpass humans.

    >Existential risk

    >Superintelligent AI may be able to improve itself to the point that humans could not control it. This could, as physicist Stephen Hawking puts it, "spell the end of the human race". Philosopher Nick Bostrom argues that sufficiently >intelligent AI, if it chooses actions based on achieving some goal, will exhibit convergent behavior such as acquiring resources or protecting itself from being shut down.

    I feel uncomfortable when i read that ......... because its crap :)

    Then i went back to this sentance ---- > ' The term artificial intelligence has also been criticized for overhyping AI's true technological capabilities '

    @ Prophets of doom :) ........ Is AI the ' solution ' to AI ? ....... AI systems watching / checking / controling AI systems ?

    @ Caveman Vs technology

    Yesterday at 2 am the fire alarm in my bedroom went off ....... twice ........ very loud ....... and i havent got a lader ....... and i dont know how it works = PANIC :) ......... so i hit it with a baseball bat = Bingo . Bye bye problem :)
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The topic AI does address a bunch of other subjects.
    It starts from the definition of intelligence and ends at 'consciousness'...
    But not only at AI there is also a lot happening at:

    -Quantum computer
    -Quantum Physics...i.e. Nobel Price for Anton Zeilinger and co.
    -James Webb space Telescope and future findings...
    -Nuclear Fusion Research.

    I guess it will change our way we look at elementary things. and also 'reality'.
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  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #35 case-sensitive, Jun 19, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    Yes . Life , consciousness , intelligence , computers , morals and ethics , psychology , myths , beliefs ......... a realy BIG subject .

    I think we need to draw a clear line between esoterics , and asimov / heinline nightmare visions of a future with ' consciuos ' robots ......... with rights ........ and emotions / taste / feelings ........... that fight wars ............ and wipe out humanity .......... and talk about realistic problem scenarios ........... then we can talk about how to deal with those dangers , how to prevent them and how we can protect ourselves .

    And not just like sheep say ........ i dont understand it ......... it could be dangerous ........ i'm frightened .......... and then drift off into a paranoid fantasy world .

    = Science and not conspiracy theory .

    > Is there another way to see reality and this Universe? Yes there is but many don't want to see...

    >I guess it will change our way we look at ...... 'reality'.

    How ? What ? When ? Where ?
  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >I think there is no strict barrier of AI and human

    Can we program consciousness ? Can we program emotions , felings , taste ? Can a machine have a personality ? Can it reproduce itself ? Can it learn ? Can it evolve ?

    For me the answer is yes . For me in my personal view of the universe and reality everything can be reduced to 0s and 1s ......... on / off ...... Positive / negative . Its just a matter of software complication , computer power , speed , memory ...... and engineering .

    IF it can have emotions , feelings , a personality ......... is it alive ? If not why not ? Whats the difference ?
  17. IXMas

    IXMas MDL Senior Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    Scientists use AI to discover new antibiotic to treat deadly superbug

    The primary task of AI is to shorten the human path of researching a billion combinations in a short time, as in the example above.
    When James Watt built the first steam engine and the industrial revolution began, non-intelligent people told the same story as these people do today.

    And then they wrote that the steam locomotive will destroy humanity, that they will fall in love and love the Eiffel Tower, and that they will mate and reproduce with each other, but we know that they did not.
    All this is elementary fear in intellectually average people, fear of the unknown and something new. I love AI.
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  18. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    non-intelligent people..... such arrogance.... it is legitimately scary, imho. but i am merely a non-intelligent walrus, of course:D
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  19. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Moin :)

    I think he said it quite well .

    A BIG problem is that the majority of humans are as thick as two short planks ......... and childish unripe / mentaly confused .......... and egoistic / greedy ......... that coupled with internet / computers is VERY frightening ........ they all have an opinion ......... that they just adopt like children with a blind fold on picking pieces of cake ........ opinions that they dont understand and cant explain ......... and then they get snotty when someone notices / says anything .

    We , the human race , havent got time to try to explain things to people that havent got the mental capacity to understand it ......... and then claim that things cant be right because they dont understand them .

    Example = Conspiracy theorys that are absolutely brain dead .......... that have and are crippleing our society ......... in circles . Wich has become sport for trolls , mentaly confused people and fanatics .
  20. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ Non intelligent people

    I'm disabled ........ i have dificulty walking ........ and i have to hold on to things so that i dont fall over :) .......... its a pain in the arse .......... its VERY frightening ........ people rushing past ........ pushing ........ and not knowing if my next step will land ........ I have to acept that ....... and live with it .

    Its not my fault . Its not wrong . I'm not bad .

    @ AI paranoia :)

    How it could be used to drive the sheep ........... the sheep not being able to see deception ......... the dangers ........ ?????

    To get an indication .......... look for examples ............ of the sheep being driven / ........ driveing themselves ;) ........... WITHOUT AI

    = The corona thread ;) = OMG !!!!! ........ Määäääääääääh !!!!!

    = Kiss your arse goodbye ;)