After a successully running collaboration over 3 projects (1 is superseded, second is used to query WU Update info directly from within WU TOOL and at least the new and shiny UUP Dump) it's about time .... ...hence a resurection of an abandoned thread followed by a request to honor this PHP wizard once and for all, apparently only if he doesn't disagree. That request adresses: @mkuba50 Title Sugestion: MDL PHP Wizard
Again trying to summon @Yen, @Daz or anyone with the authorization to grant such wishes. See posts above.
I have used the fryer ,i modded my own BIOS on my computer .but it was a failure ,i don't know what went wrong
I will suggest adding the badge The Giveaway Organiser and award this prize to @sid_16 and @whizkidraj for actively organising giveaways here at MDL. I, as a user of various forums, know that organising giveaways is a very hard work to perform nowadays when developers are reticent or reserved to sponsor giveaways and especially giveaways for rare or lifetime license software. So, i suggest showing a little more respect for this 2 users that are doing a very good job here. If other users support this initiative i invite them to sustain this post. Many thanks.
I fully agree with dinosaur07 I know how hard it is to get good and especially life-long software from manufacturers. I've been to many forums and our forum is one of the best. Here you can win a very rare and valuable software. And all this thanks to such active distributing @sid_16 and @whizkidraj I also will suggest adding the badge The Giveaway Organiser and award this prize to @sid_16 and @whizkidraj for actively organising giveaways here at MDL.
I also agree with this one. This forum became more lively because of this two giveaway organizers, they are very deserving to have a badge on their names
Thank you, @dinosaur07, @sterchin, @leojohnpc, @Yen and everyone. This is a really happy moment for me, as is every time I manage to find a giveaway for our forum and the wonderful members here. Doing all this is definitely isn't easy. First it starts with the family. My family wonders what I keep doing most of the time. My email app has become like a chatting platform for me. Getting emails, having to reply to all of them. Trying to contact them again, convince, and maintaining a friendship with all of them by working hard on the giveaway post, setting it according to the company needs and better. So, and when I try to explain all this to my family and to my friends, whenever I try to explain them the happiness I feel, they understand that I am doing something that requires some brilliance and effort all the time, but they do not feel the same happiness as me. So I end up feeling alone most of the time. It becomes a struggle, too, to having to find someone who can relate to the happiness you feel, to be able to do all this. Making this reply not so long and boring , I would just like to express all the things I have said here, once again. My dedication and love for MDL would forever be and forever remain.
One of the most remarkable facts is that MDL always had been accompanied by members who did extra work and efforts an altruistic manner. When I joined MDL 2007 it started with a handful of BIOS modder who offered to make BIOS mods for others just for the sake to share their joy and happiness with others. It is very nice we still have such members here. Thank you very much.
Thank you MDL Admin. for offering me a separate title. I don't want to exaggerate about what I'm doing or what I've had done here but I feel some kind of pleasure when doing something for this community though it must not be regarded as altruistic in nature. This goes back to late 2011, when I was searching the net for managing disk space in Windows 7, as I was unable to increase the C: drive space which was consuming most of the available/allotted space for it. IMHO, that most people (including me) who buy a computer believe that it'll function from the day one.That it will take on their part a period of time in which they learn to operate it properly. I believe, this majority of computer owners are neither technicians nor programmers but are only users. They simply want their computer to work as it intended to be, so they can do their computing work. I was/is part of that majority group who was surprised to see that the windows 7 partition is growing rapidly and almost consumed all the space unlike windows XP. So I started a thread for help in Windows 7 forum and I got many helps in replies but can't execute it on my own due to my 'no knowledge' in computer, then Acrsn (now he's deactivated his account) proffered his help & advised me to install Teamviewer then he made some change to my disk space through Tearviewer. I will always remain grateful to him and others too. One can't imagine how happy I was when I saw that my Windows partition space has increased and I was relaxed from seeing the no red sign from my computer. So I decided to give something to MDL, here you can see my small effort in bringing various useful software giveaways to give some happiness to other fellow members who needs it though it may be regarded as 'spam' by few members . Thank you all for reading this long and boring experience from 'still a newbie in computer' who is willing/trying to learn from every bit of information this community members post in any forums. Regards, sid_16.
@sid_16,whizkidraj: Your posts are NOT spam. They serve a valuable purpose. They bring members in and get people involved at MDL. And that's really important. I never win contests. In RL or on the web. You can imagine my suprise and delight when I won a contest ran by whizkidraj. It made my day. You both have my respect and admiration. Much love from Brooklyn, NY.
Thank you MJ mam' for your kind and considerate word! I too have won very less in real life as well as in virtual world but have got many helps. P.S Please tell me some software of your need and I'll try to provide if possible (within my reach). Thanks, sid_16.
@Michaela Joy MJ always my pleasure. Much love to you, too. To @GOD666 goddess, to @ancestor(v), to @Daz, @Tito It is all because of your support, love and belief in us.
I favor the suggestions of my friends dinosaur07, sterchin, leojohnpc and others here. whizkidraj.. I know the guy since he was a Superman Costume is missing here But rest assured Superman will always get Super giveaways for us Giveaways are not easy to arrange, and require time and involvement, and is a responsible task. Raj and Sid are actively organizing popular and rare software giveaways and exclusive giveaways here. Giveaways are kinda entertainment aspect of the forum and these 2 Superstars have given Oscar winning performances. Bestow the honor