Tool to Insert/Replace SLIC in Phoenix / Insyde / Dell / EFI BIOSes

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by andyp, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. A_A_22

    A_A_22 MDL Novice

    Feb 26, 2008
  2. Reese

    Reese MDL Novice

    Mar 20, 2008
    After having done my share of amibios mods, I've modded the "Dell 720 H2C" Phoenix A06 bios to slic 2.1 just a minute ago.
    Had to do this myself, because links to allready modded versions of bios A06 where all dead!!

    All went succesfully; thanks to the topic starter!!!
  3. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    #985 sebus, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Need to add SLP 1.0 Dell System to old Vmware BIOS v.256 (from ESX 3.5 U3)

    If I use current tool to just add SLIC 2.1 it works just fine (tested with Workstation 7)

    If I select in options to allow user modification (and add Dell System in WinHex) to BIOSCOD2.ROM I get erorr:

    Original BIOS size 524288 bytes
    76F66 Module BCPNVS Size 28
    76F77 Module BCPCAC Size 17
    76FF7 Module BCPSYS Size 128
    77037 Module BCPOST Size 64
    7704A Module BCPFDD Size 19
    7706E Module BCPMCF Size 36
    77083 Module BCPMSF Size 21
    7708F Module BCPMST Size 12
    7709B Module BCPMCT Size 12
    770A7 Module BCPMNT Size 12
    770BD Module BCPP6  Size 22
    770E8 Module BCPMPT Size 43
    7710B Module BCPMSB Size 35
    7712A Module BCPMCD Size 31
    7714B Module BCPHDD Size 33
    7715A Module BCPHDF Size 15
    77168 Module BCPMB3 Size 14
    77189 Module BCPCMP Size 33
    771BB Module BCPCI  Size 50
    771C7 Module BCPKBF Size 12
    771D4 Module BCPMOU Size 13
    771DF Module BCPMHL Size 11
    771F5 Module BCPQBT Size 22
    77201 Module BCPQKB Size 12
    7720F Module BCPSEC Size 14
    7722C Module BCPACP Size 29
    77248 Module BCPUSB Size 28
    77270 Module BCPDMI Size 40
    7728F Module BCPNV  Size 31
    772E4 Module BCPCPU Size 85
    77305 Module BCPCHP Size 33
    77320 Module BCPPNP Size 27
    Bank size 512K
    79BB5 Module DECOMPC0.ROM Size 1072
    790A9 Module DISPLAY0.ROM Compressed size 2801 Original size 4064
    78B8E Module LOGO0.ROM Compressed size 1280 Original size 14162
    77875 Module ACPI0.ROM Compressed size 4862 Original size 17276
    70D55 Module ROMEXEC0.ROM Size 27372
    6EC8E Module STRINGS0.ROM Compressed size 8364 Original size 18410
    6BC63 Module UPDATE0.ROM Size 12304
    68162 Module SETUP0.ROM Compressed size 15078 Original size 36952
    65CD1 Module TEMPLAT0.ROM Compressed size 9334 Original size 21984
    62C1E Module MISER0.ROM Compressed size 12440 Original size 18128
    611E0 Module LOGO1.ROM Compressed size 6691 Original size 149170
    6116A Module ACPI1.ROM Compressed size 91 Original size 116
    6114B Module USER0.ROM Size 4
    60005 Module ROMEXEC1.ROM Size 4368
    56BC3 Module BIOSCOD0.ROM Compressed size 37927 Original size 55360
    51171 Module BIOSCOD1.ROM Compressed size 23095 Original size 32992
    4B5C9 Module BIOSCOD2.ROM Compressed size 23437 Original size 34724
    447A4 Module BIOSCOD3.ROM Compressed size 28170 Original size 37984
    ESCD at 7A000 size 2000
    Bootblock at 7C000 length 4000
    Written DECOMPC0.ROM
    Written DISPLAY0.ROM
    Written LOGO0.PGX
    Written ACPI0.AML
    Written ROMEXEC0.ROM
    Written STRINGS0.ROM
    Written UPDATE0.ROM
    Written SETUP0.ROM
    Written TEMPLAT0.ROM
    Written MISER0.ROM
    Written LOGO1.PGX
    Written ACPI1.BIN
    Written USER0.ROM
    Written ROMEXEC1.ROM
    Written BIOSCOD0.ROM
    Written BIOSCOD1.ROM
    Written BIOSCOD2.ROM
    Written BIOSCOD3.ROM
    Written ESCD.ROM
    Written BB.ROM
    SLIC module size is 374 bytes
    The SLIC checksum has been corrected to 0
    OEM Activation 2.1 SLIC
    Parsing RW Everything report for OEM/Table IDs
    RSDT OEM/Table ID is PTLTD   RSDT  
    FACP OEM/Table ID is INTEL 440BX   
    APIC OEM/Table ID is PTLTD   APIC  
    DSDT OEM/Table ID is PTLTD Custom  
    OEM/Table IDs identified are:
    1. PTLTD   RSDT  
    2.   RSDT  
    3. INTEL 440BX   
    4. PTLTD   APIC  
    6. PTLTD Custom  
    OEM/Table IDs identified are:
    1. PTLTD   RSDT  
    2.   RSDT  
    3. INTEL 440BX   
    4. PTLTD   APIC  
    6. PTLTD Custom  
    RSDT table header found in BIOSCOD0.ROM
    ** RSDT table OEM and Table ID patched to DELL  PE_SC3   (from report)
    ** APIC table OEM and Table ID patched to DELL  PE_SC3   (from report)
    ** BOOT table OEM and Table ID patched to DELL  PE_SC3   (from report)
    Updated BIOSCOD0.ROM written
    New BIOSCOD0.ROM Module is 3 bytes too small
    INTEL 440BX    string found in ACPI1.BIN at A in FACP table (from report)
    PTLTD Custom   string found in ACPI0.AML at A in DSDT table (from report)
    INTEL 440BX    string found split in ROMEXEC0.ROM at 637A 637E 6382 6386
    Changes detected in BIOSCOD2.ROM
    New BIOSCOD0.ROM Module is 3 bytes too small
    New BIOSCOD0.ROM Module is 3 bytes too small
    ** BIOSCOD0.ROM reintegrated successfully
    New BIOSCOD2.ROM Module is 11 bytes too big
    New BIOSCOD2.ROM Module is 11 bytes too big
    New BIOSCOD2.ROM Module is 11 bytes too big
    BIOSCOD2.ROM not reintegrated
    Unable to reintegrate BIOSCOD2.ROM
    If I add the SLP "Dell System" in Phoenix BIOS Editor (BIOS works fine - tested in Workstation 7, SLP shows OK) & process such created BIOS in tool 1.42 by adding SLIC then the result is SUCCESS, but the created BIOS is simply not working (VM in Workstation 7 will not boot)

    I can rebuild that end BIOS with Phoenix BIOS Editor again (after ignoring error on open: An unsupported module class '*' was found at offset F7CFB) & it will work this time fine

    Any idea how to do it with only the Tool?


  4. pix

    pix MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    This method always works for me without errors. Have you tried it more than once in case you made a mistake?

    The first method won't work because where you are changing the strings in winhex the compressed size of the module is increasing and the tool can't handle it (I think that's why anyway).
  5. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Original, but I tested vmx to read the BIOS with SLP and the is hex identical in both cases (as I would expect, it is only SLP)

  6. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008

    Just to be clear

    1) Original BIOS -> Mod with tool to add SLIC -> WORKS
    2) Original BIOS -> Mod with tool to add SLIC AND manually mod SLP in BIOSCOD2 -> NOT WORK (Cannot shrink) - expected error
    3) Original BIOS -> Mod with PBE to add SLP in BIOSCOD2 -> WORKS
    4) Original BIOS -> Mod with PBE to add SLP in BIOSCOD2 -> Then mod with tool to add SLIC -> FAILS
    5) Original BIOS -> Mod with PBE to add SLP in BIOSCOD2 -> Then mod with tool to add SLIC -> Then recompile in PBE (not changing anything) -> WORKS

  7. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Yes, exactly this (1 - 5)

  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    You can ruled out .AML as this extensions only used by DSDT table (ACPI0.AML).
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  10. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Yen - Thank you for the valueable info. I guess this user should look into using a loader or possibly I could make him a WindSLIC assuming his network card supports PXE.
  11. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008