Yep, I'd love to have this also, but I don't think it is possible without third party software or changing back to the classic start completely... So, probs gotta choose one - pretty new digs or comfy old pajamas.. ^_^
Code: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>Dism /Mount-WIM /WimFile:D:WIN11\DVD\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:D:\WIN11\OFFLINE Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22000.1 Mounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>DISM /Image:D:\WIN11\offline /Apply-Unattend:D:\WIN11\AutoUnattend.xml Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22000.1 Image Version: 10.0.22000.194 The operation completed successfully. C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools>Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:D:\win11\offline /Commit Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22000.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. configuration made in Boot.wim index 1, does not work
cd /d %~dp0\mount\sources dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:boot.wim Index : 1 Name : Microsoft Windows PE Description : Microsoft Windows PE Index : 2 Name : Microsoft Windows Setup Description : Microsoft Windows Setup Pl cross check boot wim methodology before doing any change & why apply autounattend markup language file to boot wim as you already posted copy paste autounattend to root of iso or Unattend to panther directory of install wim "index to install" Windows\Panther directory. Cross Check difference between autounattend & unatttend scenarios too. only oobe & specialize is covered under unattend but autounattend is full source full unattend markup language file.
Autounattend.xml in root of iso should be functional. I have, however, run into some exceptional situations where it wasn't picked up (this was during Win7 era and I think it had to do with boot drive order and drivers installing for card readers, etc) and I had a build folder where I did have it in boot.wim also (setup index) and that solved that particular issue.
From a note that I gleaned from @Enthousiast... if I remember correctly Code: :: NB1 For WU upgrades :: Labconfig entries must be placed in boot.wim Index 2 (winre.wim) EDIT: an afterthought... Bypass options, issues.. in my opinion, shouldn't be entertained in this thread.. as I understand it, this thread is about tweaking, modifying an already installed system there are already a few created threads that are designed to cover this particular issue Most notably: Windows 11 Setup TPM Bypass - the many ways... Title says it all How to Install Windows 11 without TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot win11 requires TPM 2.0, is this a deal breaker? Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v2.0... mentioned this last, as don't want to encourage thread hijacking Personally... I don't even think that 3rd party solutions (unless open source) should be referenced here... ie. Start11, StarAllBack
Is there a way to disable Teams from running in systray via registry or some command? I don't want to remove Teams, and I'm not talking about the taskbar pinned item. I just want to keep it from running in systray (or as a process at all). I've captured various reg entries in relation to this but I can't seem to automate it as part of the images and subsequent installs. EDIT: The regs I captured did appear to work, but only after reboot. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\BackgroundAccessApplications\MicrosoftTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe] "DisabledByUser"=dword:00000001 "Disabled"=dword:00000001
Hello. How can I add the Snipping Tool to the desktop context menu ? This is not working. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\SnippingTool] @="" "icon"="SnippingTool.exe" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\SnippingTool\command] @="SnippingTool.exe"
Snipping Tool alternative method for Windows 11. Change the wording in Green for your own language/spelling. Code: REM Place 'Snipping Tool' on the desktop context menu - Windows 11. reg add "HKCR\DesktopBackground\Shell\SnippingTool" /v "MUIVerb" /t REG_SZ /d "Snipping Tool" /f >NUL 2>&1 reg add "HKCR\DesktopBackground\Shell\SnippingTool" /v "Icon" /t REG_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,259" /f >NUL 2>&1 reg add "HKCR\DesktopBackground\Shell\SnippingTool" /v "Position" /t REG_SZ /d "Middle" /f >NUL 2>&1 reg add "HKCR\DesktopBackground\Shell\SnippingTool\command" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "explorer.exe ms-screenclip:" /f >NUL 2>&1
Or Simply regfile SnippingTool Kontextmenü Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\SnippingTool] "MUIVerb"="Snipping Tool" "Icon"="C:\\Windows\\System32\\shell32.dll,259" "Position"="Middle" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\SnippingTool\command] @="explorer.exe ms-screenclip:"
The classic Snipping Tool has been removed and the modern App has been redesigned with classic look and feel in Windows 11
Added to main post index as Add Snipping Tool To Desktop Context Menu (.bat) Added to main post index as Add Snipping Tool To Desktop Context Menu (.reg)