Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    #3841 spanishfly, Jan 20, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    You're arguments would make better sense and your logic easier to follow if you defined your terms.
    Versions? Do you mean VariantOfConcern (VOC), mutations, what?
    Milder? Do you mean escape potential, virulence, contagion, what?
    These are are all totally seperate things. And even more specificity is required with a zootrophic virus. Do you mean milder in humans or in gerbils or bats?

    And compassion. Compassion for the 7 trillion humans or the much smaller population of poor sick bats in that cave in Wuhan?
    When are the pharmaceutical scientists going to develop a vaccine for bats? They vaccinate cows and other domesticated food animals. Why not take care of Wuhans wet-market food source?

    These are really the important questions that no one sems to be answering. It least in my mind, but, of couse, you've already dismissed me as incapable of logical thinking.
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  2. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3843 Yen, Jan 20, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    No. Wuhan can be seen as most virulent.

    It's like talking to a wall.
    I explained it a few posts before but still....gorski does ignore it.
    The driving force is R0, the goal is to optimize. Delta is a VOC and therefore a human definition of a pool of mutations that has the same potential for instance to escape the spike vaccines. But 'lethality' is not a criterion.

    There are factors which one can scientifically determine such as replication in a certain kind of tissue, or a binding force to a special receptor, OR what's very special at Omicron a NEW way to enter a cell

    At the HKUMed study from Hong Kong you can nicely see that Wuhan (original) replicates more deep down the lung than delta, omicron fewest of all.
    If he would have read that study he knows that this can be taken to reason that delta is 'milder' as Wuhan.

    And you can figure that Delta binds better to ACE2 than original wuhan. Omicron should actually bind even better (since its R0 is greater) but it doesn't
    The greater R0 can be reasoned by the fact that Omicron has an alternative way (endocytosis) to capture a cell.

    This matter requires scientific discourse!
    But it's the same. You do measure an epidemiological difference and you do try to find virological attributes which can reason that difference.
    A higher R0 could be reasoned by a higher binding affinity to the entry receptor ACE2. But that is at Omicron not the case. It has instead of a second way!!!

    On the other hand if saying which variant has killed more humans, then it's delta so reason therefore is simply the fact that delta is the variant that has the greatest duration so far...but its extinction is only a matter of time.
    And there might be another question:

    Will Omicron mutate back to a more lethal variant?
    The answer is: No.
    It theoretically could (although to delete ins214EPE, 3 in a row, is pretty much unlikely), but then it would be hard and unlikely that this mutation becomes dominant.

    OK something one should
    "EU Drug Regulator Warns Against Overuse of COVID Booster Shots"

    Although this is MSM the warning has been issued on the press conference of the EMA.
    And there is a scientific mechanism that exists! It's called T cell exhaustion and that it might be triggered IS a valid concern.
    So everybody who has a vaccine could blow your immune system by that. cell exhaustion is a,effector or memory T cells
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    So, let me get this straight: you are saying that Delta was "milder" than all its predecessors?

    C'mon, evade this one yet again - like you did the above questions which I had to repeat...
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No more "evasive action" - your "term", not mine!
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3846 Yen, Jan 20, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    No I said this matter requires scientific discourse. There is no clear yes or no. With relation to the HKU study it can. Delta does replicate less in lung than wuhan original.

    You have to evaluate which study / result / observation would support that and which not.
    Additionally it is not easy since vaccination started parallel to the occurrence of delta in India. The vaccines perfectly match the wuhan original and already lost efficacy at alpha and more at delta. So it's reasonable that original wuhan appears to be milder than delta in vaccinated people.

    You have to collect your own sources to get to your own answer.
    And you need to define your criteria of the virus being mild(er)

    The evolution of virus has the direction to get milder. But this does not mean during evolution there can popup an intermediate which kills more people.

    You won't find much Wuhan delta comparisons because at wuhan times diagnostics were at the very beginning.
    You find alpha / delta comparisons, though.

    For instance here:

    Or CDC:

    Make your own opinion.
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    But Yen, you dissed my and anyone else's elementary understanding of simple facts before us, plus you dissed other scientists who warned against such absolute "understanding" of the situation, as if you have the absolute knowledge...

    And now you are trying to wriggle out yet again, after claiming some stuff which was pretty obviously stretching it as much as possible, to fit things into your new narrative... As you say: you yourself pick/block out stuff... You are now starting to be a bit more careful: "We can't know because..." And now you are invoking the context. But when it suited you - you ignored it and went for a partial statistics discourse, again, carefully chosen "facts" and the rest... fell off a back of a truck and got accidentally lost...

    But let me remind you of something important in terms of elementary thinking itself: laws are only possible to think as laws if there are exceptions. We can't even think of them as laws unless there are exceptions to those laws!

    Exceptions that you "elegantly" neglected to mention, absolutising and totalising what would normally be one of such "laws" in epidemiology...

    You tried dragging a law into an absolute which doesn't allow for any such "discrepancy", thereby abolishing it as "law".

    Something those "other guys" know and are way more cautious and careful...

    Of course, I really want YOU to be right and see the back of C-19 as a real threat... But if we put our guard down too soon - second bounce back effect hits and you - as an alleged architect of such a Public Health Policy response - have a lot of people on your conscience, dead or seriously ill, thanx to huge numbers affected...
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3848 Yen, Jan 20, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    LOL, I dissed least I did not want that.
    I was sick of all the fear mongering whenever a new variant came out!!!

    I followed the logic what I already posted here:

    The evolution of virus to more contagion but less virulence is law, reasonable and based on reasonable correlations. The HKU study delivered impressive data. And ins214EPE made me happy!
    It is a scientific law. I mean do we have to discuss the sense of a scientific law? Or do you wait for an exception for instance at the law of Gravity?!?!

    The only thing I was surprised myself..I didn't expect that 'already' after 2 years.
    I wanted to have real and unfiltered data from SA about Omicron.
    I watched Prof. Dr. Terrence Kommal reporting.
    It was exciting to notice could be Omicron already getting more a cc....
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  9. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    #3849 spanishfly, Jan 20, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
    I'm still working my way forward from this post. I actually read some portion of the published papers and do searches for terms and concepts that I'm not fully up on.

    [EDIT] Summery
    Using "transfection" as search term led to a July 2021 study that I didn't know about, but is probably common knowledge on this thread. I think it even has it's own lay-person term. Something like "Covid vaccine AIDS" or something like that. Anyway, the study shows that the current crop of viral-vector and mRNA vaccines share the same concerning outcomes to the studies focus which was AstraZeneca.
    Essentially like AstraZeneca the vaccines park themselves for weeks in various body tissues and in the well-studied, AstraZeneca, cause biological harm to lab animals and human test subjects. Still unknown is the long-term outcomes like whether this leads to an increased incidence of the whole range of auto-immune disorders.

    Summary of what got deleted
    I then went on to declare my bias based on my experience with people I personally know (friends and family) who have ended up spread out and living in three separate western democracies. The people I personally know were/are struggling with a variety of negative vaccine reactions. None of these people are in any way shape or form unbalanced. They willingly complied with the vaccine directives and did the "responsible" thing and got vaccinated. However, when they described their symptoms to their treating physician they were at first patronized and then if that didn't lead to an immediate reassurance, the MD's response rapidly escalated to treating them as being hysterical! This is a multi-country experience. It's almost as if all the physicians got the same psyops playbook. "How to respond to patients exhibiting vaccine reactions." And if that isn't enough, every single doctor in every single country refused to submit the reaction, no matter how mild, to the appropriate government body! Even the closest of personal friends--who was finally diagnosed and treated for pericarditis, and who spent eight months of a hellish existence and now has a full medically approved permanent vaccine exemption--this person's bonified diagnoses of a Moderna induced pericarditis negative reaction is still not submitted to the proper government body. None of the MDs, including the specialist cardiologist, want to deal with the repercussions that their professional organizations impose on MDs who submit such forms! I hesitate to write any of this down because it sounds like Q-Anon conspiratorial babbling! But, once again this isn't "people I met on twitter." They are personal friends and direct relatives. I mean if I was reading this by some random dude posting on this MDL forum I would question it. So I don't expect anyone here to actually believe it either. Which is why I removed the more extensive "Bias" section.

    (most of the) Original post
    For whatever reason I haven't seen the term "transfection" before.

    I have a friend who, after getting the AstraZeneca jab, has had a continuous left-occipital headache exacerbated by rotating their head to the right.
    So I did a simple "AstraZeneca transfection" search and got a solid result: Covid-19: Regulators warn that rare Guillain-Barré cases may link to J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines (
    So I don't for a moment think the person has got this full syndrome, but the study discusses that the AZ vaccine has this long-duration "biodistribution to nerves following intramuscular injection." They took samples (in mice) "29 days post-administration" and "sciatic nerves of 70% of animals (they injected the hind limb) were still tested positive at the end of the study." It seems to me that 29-days is a long time for a chemical to just park itself in a nerve. Plus that's when they ended the study. When is the 25% point? 60 days? 120 days? But wait! There's more!

    Now for the human studies ...
    So there you go.
    The occipital nerves are decent sized storage containers for holding the AZ vaccine and letting it do whatever it does while sitting in there for weeks! I mean whatever it does besides causing pain!

    The study gets even more interesting
    It goes on to discuss cases of Transverse Myelitis (TM) a disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord and a heap of other vaccine induced autoimmune disorders.

    Let's just say that this person's headache, even if it lasts the rest of their lives, is far better than what some people have ended up with. If you know people who have had the AZ shot and are doing well, maybe take them out to a bar and buy them a drink to celebrate!

    Oh and just to snap your eyes open if you were drifting off thinking "thankfully I took one of the other mRNA vaccines" the other viral-vector and mRNA vaccines just haven't been properly studied yet!
    Unfortunately, that ship has already sailed in at least two of the countries I know about.

    Disclosing my Bias and motivation.
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I just read this first bit of your post and want to reply (I am on the way from the lab back home). Will reply more detailed at weekend.:)
    Transfection is the term Robert Malone used in his works.

    When it comes to the debate: Is Malone the inventor of RNA and DNA 'delivery tech' one has to admit he invented the transfection, the transport of a foreign RNA into a cell. And also DNA delivery.

    It's fragmented to the other thread since it's a general scientific invention:
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    LOL indeed! You do not understand the dialectics of the two notions. And without it Science is not possible. Only Scientism.
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  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    :laie: pink schoolgirl must be terrified!
  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Only a fool wants to test on his own body/health/life if he is reacting well to the pathogen!

    And you are way beyond just an ordinary fool!!!
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  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Dunno if it's possible to let translate a youtube video into another language.
    This is German, unfortunately.

    Israel -open letter of Prof. Ehud Qimron to the Israeli Department of Health.

    Let me know how to get this in English.
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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Only a coward wants to hide in a hole from a proven not-so-lethal pathogen.

    Coward and pseudo-intellectual!
  16. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    In a person whose fear prevails over his mind, the mind is silent.

    Abū 'Alī Husein ibn 'Abdallāh ibn Sīnā (с)
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  17. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    This is all very interesting and I look foward to any and all your mind-expanding insights into the biochemical/genetic engineering advances/historical developments.
    My post wasn't really about "Transfection", and to save you (and anyone else) from reading it I've added a summery!

    Any and all updates/insights into Novavax will be forever appreciated! I'm hoping Novavax proves to be the safest of all these experimental vaccines (and to those who do raed my post, the peer-reviewed scientific evidance has grown to a point were we may even be allowed to substitute the "d-word" for the "experimental" word . . . dangerous)
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  18. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    and of course your bravest of the bravest:rolleyes:
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You really should get checked out by somebody properly qualified...

    I already told you of long C-19 in my own and my wife's family - what are you, a total twit?!?

    We have 500.000 + cases of long C-19 in the UK alone. People are suffering tremendously! Millions of people dead around the world. And you wanna kill even more?!? A complete sh&thead, more like...
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Settings > subtitles > Autogenerated > choose English or whatever... ;)

    This is a cra@ppy little pamphlet, vague and empty, saying nothing about anything ('seen about half of it and had to stop). Superficial, nothing is backed up, a prejudiced twit speaking to the prejudiced lot.

    A really nasty little man who would want to let everybody be exposed to it all and whomever survives - survives... because "that's best for us". Guess what: I'd like OPTIONS, so I can choose if I want to be exposed to something. Ergo, F@*& him! This kind of patronising BS is always seriously and absolutely dangerous! No wonder he is a populist cr@pster, twisting the meaning of the words to their opposite! A typical political speech! Beware!!!
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