Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    #3781 spanishfly, Jan 14, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    I only see Yen's posts lamenting the lack of genuine science being done to actually know what is an effective treatment/vaccine and what are the most sensible social policies to put in place.

    Masks, especially amongst kids at schools, are said to be saturated in bacteria that is possibly doing more harm than good (no science to back that statement)

    Social distancing seems like a good idea, but what distance. In the USA/UK it's 2m (6ft) in Australia it's 1.5 meters. That makes a huge difference in the number of indoor seating tables for a someone running a restaurant.
    So what is it? 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 0.5m? With recent research showing that small droplets of respired Covid dies in seconds in open air, maybe social distancing itself is "feel-good" theatre with no actual real-world benefit (some science:

    Right now social policy could consider the science showing that vaccinated humans are incubating far more mutations than unvaccinated and are potentially the breeding ground for the next VOC.
    And that same study indicates that the vaccinated are harboring 8% more infectious variants than the unvaccinated ( (Which implies that to be safe you should be seeking the company of the unvaccinated!)
    Not the intended outcome of mass vaccinating into a spiked-protein flu/pandemic, but that's the trouble with science. It lays out the facts and dispels the magical thinking. (

    By the way, an update on my last post ( showing Germany at 0.77 Delta. That's now old news! Delta is done. Omicron is now the dominant variant in Germany: according to its Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases--in its weekly report, released on Thursday--it said Omicron accounted for 73.3% of cases compared with 44.3% seven days ago.
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  2. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #3782 vladnil, Jan 14, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    Louis Pasteur's virus theory is untenable!
    In Germany, Professor Stefan Lankey proved in court that there are no viruses in the world
    Show me a virus?
    Here's a Virus - but when you look at it, you can see that it's a cesosome, but where is the virus?
    Viruses have never been isolated as a pure culture.
    This is all a lie that stretches back to the time of Louis Pasteur!

    Vaccines are poison!
    Killing people.
    Urteil des 12. Zivilsenats vom 16.2.2016 - 12 U 63/15 - (

    Wissenschaft - Heidelberg - Chef-Pathologe pocht auf mehr Obduktionen von Geimpften - Wissen - (

    Вакцины от COVID являются самыми опасными вакцинами в истории человечества... Вряд ли (

    Письмо Штефана Ланка министру здравоохранения Германии (
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  3. ch100

    ch100 MDL Addicted

    Sep 11, 2016
    Get a life mate! Don't spread ridiculous nonsense.
  4. Absolutely Correct Sir | Vaccines are Poison Killing people ===> Theres No any Doubt in it as its Crystal Cleared |
  5. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Do you want to live happily?
    Do you want to be successful?
    Do you want to be healthy?
    There is one recipe for everything!
    Live honestly!
    Live for people, not for yourself!
    Live for helping everybody!
    By living by these rules you will never get sick!
    I have never given my children any vaccines for anything!
    My grandchildren's children have never had any vaccinations (vaccines) for anything!
    I have lived for 77 years and have never been sick or gone to the hospital.
    Had cataract eye surgery at the hospital last year - now I see like an Eagle
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Where can we buy your life-changing, prejudice-shattering, mind-boggling book, Sir?
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Look a bit deeper, further back. Just don't do it if you suffer from vertigo... cause your head might spin a bit... if you're sensitive like that...

    No science and no elementary thinking either. We change them regularly. It's called "hygiene" and "detergent", Sir... They are a part of the so called MEASURES, maybe you have heard of them?

    Right, when one can't see the forest for trees... 'Nuff said...
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3788 Yen, Jan 14, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    The study from California I had posted contains a lot of data. (Just got entirely through it.)

    Everybody who wants to know more about mildness of Omicron, Omicron / Delta comparisons and comparisons of different vaccines / vaccination status (numbers of shots 0,1,2,3, even brand) can go through it.
    You don't need to have scientific knowledge to get it, only a bit of an ability to read statistical numbers.
    The only thing to know is:

    STGF means S gene target failure. Usually when doing a PCR test you have 3 signals which have to be all on to spot the current variant. Since Omicron has mutated one signal fails there.
    So this (old) test can be USED to spot Omicron very quickly without doing a full sequencing.

    So when reading the data tables at the end of the PDF simply understand it as:

    STGF = Omicron
    non-STGF = dominant variant BEFORE Omicron = usually Delta.

    Some more from it:

    Means Omicron is mild PER SE and not because of the fact people are vaccinated.

    And it it is NOT appearing mild because of specific conditions of a certain cohort (Some fools said oh well it's only mild in SA.)

    And from table S4 vaccination on symptomatic hospitalization in various patient subgroups.
    How many people out of 1000 cases got to hospital:

    Unvaxxed: 16.3
    One shot: 8.4
    Two shots: 5.3
    Three shots: 7.6

    Conclusion: Vaxxination reduced the risk to get hospitalized (Delta) around 67% (from 16.3 to best 5.3). The booster did NOT enhance that (actually got it not even back to the level of 'full vaccination').

    Unvaxxed: 2.2
    One shot : 0.9
    Two shots: 1.3
    Three shots: 1.9

    Conclusion: Far less people out of 1000 and actually no benefit (statistically decreased from 2.2 people to 1.9 when booster'ed) of the vaccines, no matter how many shots. (0.9 could be a bit of an outlier reasoned by the fact that only 3 people with one shot got Omicron there).

    And now you can go making up your own mind about Omicron. This study has the huge benefit that they measured Delta AND Omicron parallel at one place.
    Here the source again:

    That's not quite true.
    I said one cannot compare a certain variant of SARS-CoV-2 to 'flu'.

    One must do that to a certain influenza virus, too.
    It matters much if you take H1N1 or H7N9.
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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3789 Mr.X, Jan 14, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    More evidence of the low lethality of SARSCoV2 in 2022

    Dear Akasha Community Members:

    Yesterday I wrote about how what we know as COVID, that is, the illness related to a SARS-CoV2 infection, is comparable to a common cold. I have explained (and given scientific references about it) the evolutionary mechanism that leads to a lower virulence of the virus [that is, the adaptive advantage that, in the context of mass vaccination with vaccines that induce immune responses against Spike of the first variant ( D614G), have variants that, due to their mutations, evade vaccine antibodies and that are less virulent, because they have greater transmission].

    He also explained that the fact that its pathogenesis is now understood has helped to lower the lethality of the disease, unlike in the first half of 2020. What was previously treated as if it were a respiratory problem, now (not everywhere, but in many) it is treated as an inflammatory condition, a coagulopathy due to endothelial damage and a dysregulation of blood pressure that usually occurs with secondary bacterial infections.

    I kept thinking last night that there is another reason why lethality has decreased (yes, remember that lethality was not so high at the beginning, compared to other infectious diseases, although there are those who mistakenly consider it the deadliest virus of all the times). I'll try to explain myself here:

    Many unvaccinated people may have been exposed to the virus last year when strict quarantine and isolation measures were relaxed. Remember that vaccination began in stages in almost all countries at the beginning of 2021, and it took many months for the adult population that so chose to be vaccinated. So, it is plausible to assume that during 2021 many people were exposed to the SARS-CoV2 virus without being vaccinated yet (it does not matter which of the variants it was that infected them). In this scenario, most of those infected would have had mild to moderate symptoms and a few (especially those with comorbidities) could have had severe symptoms and in a low percentage (less than 0.3% of cases, according to Epidemiologist Dr. Ioannidis; This would mean that those infected people naturally activated their innate immune responses and, subsequently, their adaptive immune responses against many different protein fragments of 24 proteins (Spike, Nucleocapsid, Matrix, Envelope, RNA polymerase and 19 non-structural proteins) of the variant of SARS-CoV-2 that has been the one that infected them. They generated antibody- and lymphocyte- and cytotoxic-based responses that are long-lasting and highly effective. Of course, the immune responses do not "shield" you from re-entering that virus or a similar one; it can happen, but you don't develop the disease and it's quickly controlled.

    So, now that it is the winter season, and that colds are common (for the purposes of this post, I will only focus on SARS-COV2 as the cause of the picture, but remember that there are many other respiratory viruses that cause common colds) and that various variants circulate (not only Omicron exists on the planet at the moment; see, given the obsessive and almost morbid need to get tested as if there were no tomorrow, many people who do not has any symptoms or has very mild symptoms receives the news of "having COVID". For the purposes of what I am trying to explain, we are going to assume that the tests are reliable and the results are accurate in all cases (this is not the case, but let's imagine that it is). So, the people who are being "positive" are not actually sick, but have been infected (whatever SARS-CoV-2 variant it is) and their immune memory is working, giving them protection against the disease.

    Would the same thing happen with the vaccinated; that is, would they also have that protection against the variants that are circulating now? No, since with the exception of those who received inactivated vaccines (Coronavac, for example), they could only have generated specific responses against Spike (and against the spike of the first variant of SARS-CoV-2). And since the gene that contains the information to make Spike is one of the 2 regions of the virus genome that tends to rapidly accumulate mutations, unlike the other regions of the genome (, it is absurd to think that effective protection against this virus (which mutates rapidly; can be conferred with vaccines that induce responses only against Spike. In other words: the variants that circulate usually have mutations in Spike, but much less so in the other proteins. These proteins are more stable and therefore, the immunity generated naturally gives you immune protection against any variant. In those vaccinated with Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Jansen, Sputnik V and Cansino, this does not happen.

    So these three things (1: natural selection and selective pressure, 2: better treatments, and 3: broad natural immunity against many virus proteins in many people who were infected in the past year) would then be the perfect recipe for lower virus lethality. SARS-COV2 virus, at least in unvaccinated people who had no natural infection before being vaccinated.

    Just this study (not yet peer reviewed) that I share today, shows that the Omicron variant, compared to the Delta variant has 91% less mortality risk (and remember that Delta did not have a higher fatality rate, as I have indicated - with references - in many of the seminars I have given). So, if the authors are correct in their findings, from having a CFR of less than 0.3% globally, now the highly circulating variant of SARS-CoV-2 would have a 0.027% CFR (in other words, they can less than three people die for every 10,000 infected). That is equal to or less than the risk of a seasonal flu with very low mortality.

    The study (, entitled "Clinical outcome among patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (B.1.1. 529) in Southern California," and was funded by the CDC. The authors evaluated 52,297 "Omicron cases" and 16,982 "Delta cases" that occurred between November 30, 2021 and January 1, 2022. In addition to the 91% decrease in case fatality compared to Delta, they also found a 74% reduction in the risk of having to be admitted to an intensive care unit and 53% reduction in the risk of being hospitalized, relative to the risk posed by Delta infections (which were already low at 1.3% of infected cases). None of the Omicron-infected patients required mechanical ventilation and if they were hospitalized (0.5% of cases only) they spent 70% less time in the hospital (a median of 1.5 days vs. 5 days for those infected with Delta).

    So, there is increasing evidence showing that SARS-CoV-2 infections are getting milder. Their hospitalization rates are, in fact, lower than for Influenza, which in some years can be as high as 20% (see, for example, this: .

    I hope that what I share helps to calm fear, dialogue with him, and convince him that, especially in the unvaccinated (in another post I will talk about what could be happening with the vaccinated), there is no reason to be worried about getting infected now from SARS-CoV-2. Evolution and the immune system are doing "what they know how to do". Have a nice and free day, Karina AW
  10. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    #3790 spanishfly, Jan 14, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    Have you seen a 5-10 year old kid's mask after having lunch or playing on the playground (at schools that allow kids to play on playgrounds)?
    Great! Lets run every schools multiple washmachines constantly and hope they have a roof filled with solar-panels. And fill the near-by river with run-off detergent. Or how about filling the worlds land-fills/oceans with disposible masks? For what purpose? Backed by what science?
    Study after study (especially recent ones) are slowly disassembling the whole "vaccinate-everyone" narrative.
    It might take a series of fresh elections in the Democracies. Autocracies can, of course, just "flip-a-switch" and say "we never said that everyone must be vaccinated" and anyone that disagrees or attempts to recall the past will just have their attitude-adjusted after a few years at a "re-education" camp.
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    SF, you might also want to learn how to qualify your sentences carefully and thoughtfully...

    Yen, nope, you were adamant that this is what the numbers mean - since it is so much lower (mortality rate) in C-19 than the flu....

    Btw, who were the fools who suggested that Omicron in only milder in SA?!? I certainly haven't - I said that SA population is younger, they are currently in Summer, living outdoors etc.
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  13. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    It makes total sense and is, as far as I understand, backed up by the San Francisco Bay Area study.
    I just happened to click again on the studies preliminary link and it is now peer-reviewed and was properly Published 5 days ago on 10 January 2022.
    [Nature Microbiology doi: 10.1038/s41564-021-01041-4]
    Full PDF
    I have some understanding about the mutation distribution between naive and vaccinated immune systems.

    What I'm still maybe slightly confused about is where is--for example--Alpha today?
    If a a human is exposed to SARS-CoV-2 today, what are lineages that are actually there? Everything?
    Here's what I hope is a good question:
    When they test people in a counrtry with Omicron, the vaccinated or naïve immune systems are now dealing super successfully with all the linages except the new Omicron lineage and so that is why it shows up as dominant. But in reality, all the prior linages are still there as well?
    I think my confusion comes from thinking of viruses as self-reproducing animals, when in reality they need the machinery of our cells to reproduce. So yes, all prior linages are around, but only the ones able to get past our immune system and reprogram our cells actually show up in the tests.

    This is what confused me. The Pie chart from the San Francisco Bay Area study shows humans expressing a whole cocktail of linages from the 1 February to 30 June 2021 time-frame.
    Pie charts showing the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 variant lineages in fully vaccinated and unvaccinated cases

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  14. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    Probably the most important question I have:

    Does anyone have any new safety evidence for NVX-CoV2373 vaccine (Novavax)?
    I've seen this study from September 23, 2021

    Is it any safer than the far more common BNT162b2 mRNA or mRNA-1273 vaccines?

    Really would like to know!
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  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    No, I didn't want to address you personally when saying 'fools'. :)

    I meant the politicians and their 'scientific' advisors here. Firstly they did not take the SA reporters seriously saying the new Omicron variant appears to be mild. Then when they had to notice they are reporting real facts they said....oh well it is 'clear' it is because of the SA population has a high natural immunity, because they had no measures so all got infected previously and so on and so on. They simply are UNABLE to recognize that something can turn out naturally to be good. It would destroy their narratives!

    SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonotic virus. It can live in animals and can jump to humans and back and forth.
    Omicron has a strange ancestral line.
    It originated from a very early, close to wuhan ancestor, disappeared somehow and suddenly repapered.

    I support this theory which made me very happy reading the fist time 7th of December:

    The keyword is ins214EPE.
    indels are the most exciting mutations. indels means insertions / deletions.

    A mutation happens when a sequence is changing.
    There are replacements. The first one which attracted attention was D614G. This means at sequence position 614 D has been replaced by G. One does not need to understand details to learn about. One can figure where position 614 IS. This is at the S = spike protein. Since vaccines are targeting the spike S it could become a VOC! This is BTW how they get worried or not.:)

    But deletions and insertions do SHIFT the entire sequence! del614 would mean there is no position 614 any more. ins214EPE means at original position 214 there has been inserted 3 new amino acids. E= Glutamate, P= Proline and again a Glutamate. This 'moves' all completely.:D

    RNA has only 4 letters the bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine and uracil (DNA has here thymine instead of uracil, therefore another 'alphabet') 3 bases translate to ONE amino acid.

    Another theory of the strange ancestral line of Omicron IS that it has jumped onto mice and back again:

    Either way it seems it originated from the very ancestor of wuhan, disappeared for a while either a longer time in a particular imuno-compromised human where it got 'mixed' with a part of a human corona virus by template switching, or mutated further in a mouse.

    Just saw that. I try to answer it using all what I know about tomorrow. Have to go now. :)
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  16. spanishfly

    spanishfly MDL Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    Thank you so much!
    I would really appreciate whatever insights you can share.

    Thank you also for your detailed explanations. It's helping my logic processes and reactivating dormant brain cells where I stored-away information from Bio-chemistry/Human biiology classes. A, G, C, T, and U. Yes, it's all there. We even studied indels and used a primitive sequencing machine, but I only took a single Bio-chemistry course and never applied it in a professional capacity.

    It would be very good news indeed--and probably personally gratifying for you--if (as you said inyour Dec 7th post) "[Omicron] could become endemic and every human will be infected with it getting natural immunity while getting only mildly sick."
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3797 Yen, Jan 15, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
    It's good to know that you've told something about what you did, so I can put my answer to that context. (not explaining everything of the basics in detail) :)
    I watched Novavax since beginning of last year and posted here the first time about:

    The latest study I know: 15/12/2021:

    To have a look at vaccines we need to consider both. Safety (risk) and efficacy (benefit).

    Type of the vaccines:
    The genetic ones: mRNA and vector virus. (Moderna and Pfizer / AstraZeneca and J&J).

    Those get a blueprint of the S (spike) protein into a human cell. This is called transfection. At mRNA vaccines the S protein is encoded as RNA, at vector here in a adeno virus as DNA. The ribosomes in the human cells are making the S protein (antigen) from the mRNA using the cell's machinery.
    It gets presented on the cell's surface either on MHCI or MHCII. This triggers an immune response of the adaptive arm, the adaptive immune system learns by it.

    Vaccines which contain the antigen directly:

    Those are called conventional vaccines.
    An antigen can either be a part of the virus (spike) or the entire inactivated virus (Novavax / Valneva).

    Novavax: It is a conventional vaccine BUT uses also a new technology. It's called recombinant nano-particle technology.
    The spike protein is made in moth cells.:)

    The genetic info of the spike is cloned into a baculovirus, the baculovirus then infects sf9 insect cells. Those cells are then making the antigen, the S protein.

    The S protein gets isolated and purified and put on a nanoparticle that has similar size as the virus SARS-CoV-2 itself. This matrix is called Matrix M, a saponin based particle.
    This all happens OUTSIDE of human body. Goal is to mimic the virus an 'empty' particle Matrix M with the spikes on it.

    This Matrix M acts as adjuvant to amplify the immune response.
    Contrary to the genetic vaccines, those vaccines which have the antigen directly usually need an adjuvant.
    Adjuvants can cause adverse events.

    Finally safety / efficacy evaluations.

    All the vaccines have EUA only. Usually it takes 8-12 years for a full development. The quickest vaccine development was 5 years so far.
    This applies to all COVID vaccines.

    At genetic vaccines we have the fact that they are never administrated to humans outside of a trial to a larger amount.
    At conventional vaccines we have the adjuvants.

    Matrix M is new. The vaccine type, though is known.
    It's said it has less side effects than the genetic ones. Anyway there can be always allergic reactions to something that is new. And also the spike itself which is used as antigen has its own toxic behaviour.

    Efficacy: Most data show similar efficacy as the genetic vaccines.
    Anyway what's about waning we don't know.
    Omicron: Novavax also STILL uses the old spike. So it is reasonable to assume the same low effectiveness as the other vaccines applying the data of the California study. BUT there are no data yet.

    They use the entire inactivated virus (but also an old variant.) with 2 adjuvants, Alum and CpG 1018.
    CpG 1018 is already found at a hepatitis vaccine which has full approval in the EU since February 2021, so it is relatively new. Alum is most common and 'established'.

    Since it presents the entire virus to the immune system I suppose this kind is best to fight mutated variants still. (compared to spike only). Why? By presenting the entire virus the chance that there are still original patterns is greater.

    I stop here.
    Feel free to ask special details. I tried to keep personal preferences out of it as much as I could.:)
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    1. Omicron spreads swiftly — more people infected more quickly in NYC than any other point in the pandemic. o Omicron became the dominant variant in NYC within five weeks after it was first detected. For comparison, the delta variant took 20 weeks to become the dominant variant.

    2. Although the average severity of emergency department visits for COVID-19-like illness (CLI) was lower for omicron than prior waves, an increase in emergency department visits still predicted an increase in hospitalizations.

    3. Overall, a smaller percentage of reported cases were hospitalized compared to the delta wave (about 2% versus about 5%), but there were more total hospitalizations due to significantly greater case numbers. In NYC, those most likely to be hospitalized are people who are not vaccinated, and a higher proportion of Black New Yorkers and people age 75 and older were hospitalized.
    o New Yorkers who were not vaccinated were more than eight times more likely to be hospitalized compared to New Yorkers who were fully vaccinated, early in the omicron wave.
    o Differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups are due to long-term structural racism, not biological or personal traits.2

    4. About half the proportion of hospitalized patients have required intensive care thus far in the omicron wave compared to the peak of the winter 2020-21 wave (about 11% versus about 20%). However, the volume of hospitalized COVID-19 patients has surpassed what was seen last winter and the number in the intensive care unit (ICU) is approaching last winter’s peak.

    5. Overall number of people in the hospital (for all reasons) has remained stable even as more people have been hospitalized due to COVID-19 illness, conditions worsened by COVID-19 infection, or those hospitalized for other reasons but found to have COVID-19.
    o Although the overall surge in COVID-19 patients has not reached the level of March 2020, hospitals and other health care facilities are also strained by staff outages related to COVID-19 isolation requirements and other staffing challenges. Total beds available is just one indicator of strain on the health care system and may not adequately reflect the overall strain on the health care system including increased patient-to-staff ratios which can impact the quality of patient care

    6. Total pediatric hospital census was stable to slightly lower during the omicron wave, though pediatric hospitalizations due to or with COVID-19 increased significantly.
    o Children who were not vaccinated were significantly more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared to all children.

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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Two things:

    Firstly, Yen criticised the variety of qualified statements earlier ("might", "likely to" etc.), as if we could have any other ones in this regard - and then he does the same thing above ("could", he said)...

    That said...

    Secondly, he states something that is not qualified at all and rather foolish, I would say: he writes "...every human will be..." - which is clearly at odds with the evidence we now have, as in my previous post, which shows clearly that not all humans react the same way to this pathogen...

    I think slightly more careful manner of "expressing ideas" would do us good here, given the tons of nonsense flying round, getting the old emotions way too high for our own good... Less inflammatory statements would be good to see!
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  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

    Spanish transcription:

    English transcription:

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